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Throwing caution to the wind and b u g g e r the diet – How about you .

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3 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

This is actually a fascinating topic and has many many facets... 


Would the dead guys have enjoyed the fried chicken or would it have worried them to an early grave?


Would they have died 20 years ago and their diet bought them extra time?


Would you are anyone feel better w/a different diet - or not? The indulgence might be worth it?


So many of these are personal choices... does extra weight make other activities less fun or are you ok with it?


For me, I am heading back to Keto next week as they have found ways to make it much more palatable... more sweets and nearly edible carb substitutes available - at least in CM... 


ps - chicken and strawberries are healthy foods... Chicken not fried w/breading is ok and where I have lunch at the Keto shop you can get a strawberry smoothie that is wonderful. 


From past conversations with both these now dead friends I remember them both becoming increasingly more paranoid about their mortality as they were both good friends with another British expat who had a massive heart attack while out riding his mountain bike in Pattaya , that good friend was only 51 years old and a life long keen cyclist . I think that one friend having a heart attack was the catalyst that sent my two friends down the ‘’ eating healthy ‘’ path . Its some what  ironic that both my friends even though they both went down the ‘’ eating healthy ‘’ path ended up passing away with heart issues. Yes they were constantly worrying about not ending up like their 51 year old dead friend .



Thanks ????




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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In a world going obese, it would be kind if people moderated their eating and remembered the poor nurses that have to care for enormous obese people when it all goes wrong for them. Back in the 1980s hoists were not needed on wards because people were on the whole not obese, despite dieting not being fashionable ( people ate better food as processed food wasn't as pervasive back then, and people did a lot more physical activity ). Now, hoists would probably be necessary on every hospital ward.


Also, IMO obese people should have to purchase two seats on aeroplanes, as it's unfair to the non obese person sitting next to them getting crushed on a long haul flight.

There is now another reason to avoid obesity. The statistics are showing coronavirus deaths in obese nations are ten times that of healthier countries. Vietnam has the lowest death rate from COVID, corresponding to the lowest level of obesity.

It's like smoking, one is 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer if a smoker, compared to a non-smoker. But still people do it, and clog up hospital wards with emphysema cases.

I used to play golf with a multi-millionaire, who made his fortune by building bariatric equipment for hospitals, so I hear what you are saying.

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6 hours ago, Bill Poster said:




My family history shows that may parents and other relatives all lived to a ripe old age and many of them seemed to be blessed with good health. Could family genetics play a part in the scheme of things.





A doctor once told me the best foundation for a long life is to have long-lived parents. I might have a reasonable shot, both my parents died age 83 after doing their best to kill themselves with alcohol and nicotine ( mother ) and a knife and fork ( father ).

I don't obsess about it, I exercise regularly, don't smoke, like a drink occasionally, enjoy my food but not to excess. When your number's up, it's up, no point to worrying.

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9 hours ago, possum1931 said:

No one will ever encroach on my seat on a plane or bus, I can guarantee that, it has never happened to me on a plane so far, but I have sorted out a few obese people encroaching on my seat on a bus over the years in both the UK and Thailand.

yeah and the whole world thanks you for it...

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Not really an answer to the OP but connected.  I am amazed at how much weight can be lost by simply cutting out sugar.  I never had a 'beer belly' until I had some medication which caused me to put on weight - 10kg to be precise.  Previously I was always been able to eat what I wanted - and I love chocolate.


However, just 5 weeks ago I decided to do something about my weight problem - my doctor had also diagnosed pre-diabetes.  I've cut all chocolate but to be fair I'd already reduced it quite a lot anyway - with no noticeable difference.  I drink quite a lot of tea and coffee with sugar. I've cut that completely and lost 4 kg in 5 weeks.

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10 minutes ago, GreasyFingers said:



HA HA HA     I saw that cartoon like 20 years ago .......... and it still sticks in my mind .


Another tidbit i always remember is the writer who was on his deathbed and said "  i always knew that everyone has to die..... but somehow i hoped that I would be an exception"  

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18 minutes ago, rumak said:


HA HA HA     I saw that cartoon like 20 years ago .......... and it still sticks in my mind .


Another tidbit i always remember is the writer who was on his deathbed and said "  i always knew that everyone has to die..... but somehow i hoped that I would be an exception"  

Well if we're quoting....


"If I'd known I was going to live this long, i'd have taken better care of myself" 

I always thought it was George Burns, but apparently it was Eubie Blake

Edited by VBF
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14 hours ago, colinneil said:

Diet !! Stuff the diet, i eat what i want, when i want, i am going to die soon anyway.

Yes sat at my computer most of the day, no exercise, eat and enjoy.

A good friend of mine, turned 70, plenty of exercise, no drink, a vegi, just out of hospital after heart operation, stuck at home moaning about not being able to do things.

So i just laugh at folk prattling on about careful diet, exercise, do not eat this, or that, exercise, hog wash.


Can I ask how old you are ?


Thanks ????

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15 minutes ago, colinneil said:



A bit older than me , are you possibly like me where the older that I become the more I seem to dwell on and get fixated about just how much time I may have left on this earth . One area that I seem to enjoy is reading the obituaries especially when I read that a so called celebrity has passed away at a lot older age than my self . Seeing that celebrity’s final age,  then in some strange way offers me a glimmer of hope. 


Thanks ????

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14 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

With ur viewpoint why not consider heroïne for a while? There are a lot of drug-users that have outlived non users. Why would you hold back?


I have never ever done recreational drugs , but may be , just may be taking some sort of relaxant drug could possibly in some way free my mind from what could be a blossoming obsession with my diet and health , who knows ????



Thanks ????

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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

Not really an answer to the OP but connected.  I am amazed at how much weight can be lost by simply cutting out sugar.  I never had a 'beer belly' until I had some medication which caused me to put on weight - 10kg to be precise.  Previously I was always been able to eat what I wanted - and I love chocolate.


However, just 5 weeks ago I decided to do something about my weight problem - my doctor had also diagnosed pre-diabetes.  I've cut all chocolate but to be fair I'd already reduced it quite a lot anyway - with no noticeable difference.  I drink quite a lot of tea and coffee with sugar. I've cut that completely and lost 4 kg in 5 weeks

Sounds like you've cracked it and are well on your way to a healtier lifestyle................

It is widely accepted that added sugars are detrimental to one's health. This article below is simple and informative..........





There is and has been constant debate around the negative effects and benefits of fat content in food, especially processed foods..

For anyone interested, this BBC article is an example...





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7 hours ago, Wuvu2 said:

Hard to calculate the cost/benefit. Without the good diet your friends might have died long ago ???? I find I feel better when I eat well and lay off treats. Diet seems to have a more immediate impact on how I feel than it did when I was younger.  

I find I feel better when I eat well and lay off treats is a wonderful way of thinking about this topic and where you say that things now feel different than it did when you were younger , hits the nail right on its head .


Thanks ????

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2 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Not really an answer to the OP but connected.  I am amazed at how much weight can be lost by simply cutting out sugar.  I never had a 'beer belly' until I had some medication which caused me to put on weight - 10kg to be precise.  Previously I was always been able to eat what I wanted - and I love chocolate.


However, just 5 weeks ago I decided to do something about my weight problem - my doctor had also diagnosed pre-diabetes.  I've cut all chocolate but to be fair I'd already reduced it quite a lot anyway - with no noticeable difference.  I drink quite a lot of tea and coffee with sugar. I've cut that completely and lost 4 kg in 5 weeks.


Thanks , And Well Done  ????   4 kg in 5 weeks is to me wonderful going and the cutting down sugar is some thing I’m going to look at . 



Thanks .


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16 minutes ago, bojo said:

Sounds like you've cracked it and are well on your way to a healtier lifestyle................

It is widely accepted that added sugars are detrimental to one's health. This article below is simple and informative..........





There is and has been constant debate around the negative effects and benefits of fat content in food, especially processed foods..

For anyone interested, this BBC article is an example...





Thanks for the links , I'm now going to read them all ????




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4 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I am overweight, have diabetes, and I love good food.

Would I live longer if I would lose weight and eat something different? Maybe, but not sure?

Would I feel better if I would think all the time about the things which I should not eat or only eat a little? Sure not.

Would the girls love me more if I would lose 20 kg? No, because I am still an "old" guy and most young and attractive company cost money - even if I would eat litte and exercise every day.

In short: I enjoy life. I don't care if I die a few years earlier. At least I had a lot of fun and not much to worry about.





The ..... if I die a few years earlier , part got to me . :sad:.


Can I ask how old you are .


Thanks ????





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Obesity is a killer, and when I see the young kids in Thailand, it really worries me. The junk food they pack from real young is awful. It’s bad everywhere of course, and I’ll never forget sitting on the beach on Isla de las mujeres in Mexico and seeing a US cruise ship tourists amble ashore . I’ve never seen hundreds of extreme obese people together before . I like to enjoy myself, and now and again eat a nice gâteau or drink a few , but I know my weight, I weigh once a week, and am much too vain to let myself go. Remember school photos, how many overweight kids did you see ? It’s all just being kind to yourself really. 

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