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SURVEY: Should Scotland seek independence from the UK?


SURVEY: Should Scotland seek independence from the UK?  

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3 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

What estimates are you referring to in respect to notional Scottish debt? 

I have no intention of advocating that my country walk away from its LEGAL obligations, but I would expect that every single line item was backed up with receipts - and all those billions you paid for your useless covid phone app and your corrupt PPE contracts, we won't be paying a brass farthing towards those. 

How many times does the Spanish government need to make clear that they would have no issue with an independent Scotland joining the EU if it left the UK through legal means? It has been stated by various Spanish representatives on more than one occasion, yet still the message seems not to have sunk in.

Well debt isn't going to fall, is it? You won't be in a position to choose which parts you want and which parts you don't. But if you want to pretend you can walk away from your debt that's not really a conversation worth continuing.

So how about the public spending deficit? 8.6% when the EU rules state 3%. Doesn't sound too promising.



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21 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

What estimates are you referring to in respect to notional Scottish debt? 

Here is one.


It's 4 years old but still valid. It's pre Covid financial destruction, but even at this stage you are well over the 60% for joining. Since then debt has increased to over 2 trillion, so your share would be more like 160 Billion with your GDP at 205 Billion you're still looking at around 80% compared to the 60% the EU wants.


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9 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Negotiations will result, hopefully, in an acceptable, mutually agreed share of the UK debt being allocated to all parties involved. It serves nobody any good to try to threaten to walk away from their obligations, like Johnson did with the EU.

But no to the Scottish taxpayers paying for the corrupt contracts issued by our corrupt Tory government; all others will be forensically inspected to ensure that they are above board and reasonable. Just to repeat - your country voted tory; your country's taxpayers must pay for their corrupt acts. 

The article you cite overlooks several key facts. Firstly, independence means that we are not required to follow the same fiscal policies of the current government; our spending commitments will be for us to decide, not for another country to dictate; our economy will be released from the death grip of Westminster and we will be able to develop it to suit our own needs, not those of city speculators. Basically, when you are going to throw  out all the bad old stuff, don't use the data that the bad old stuff generated to forecast the future with new, improved things. 

You'll have no trade deals with the EU or the UK (your biggest trading partners). And all the trade deals that the UK has made since Brexit will also be lost. Oil prices are rock bottom. The fallout from Covid will continue. You'll have very limited control over your monetary policy due to using our currency. And you think those are the ingredients for an economy to improve? Are you serious?

By the time the EU checks your finances in about 10 years from now you'll be close to bankrupt. They don't need any more charity cases.

It's a suicide mission. But hey, good luck.????

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49 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

The EU will facilitate a trade deal very quickly, of this I am sure.

Why would we not be able to work out a deal with rUK? Do you think that the rUK government can lose it's third largest trading partner without feeling pain?

If rUK was to act hostile, do you not think that there may be some problems as a result?

What evidence do you have that the EU will facilitate a deal quickly. It's not exactly their MO for trade deals now is it? It's not like Scotland does represents a huge chunk of their trade. They move at a glacial pace. 4 and a half years for the UK deal was considered rapid.

The rest of your post seems to be the same as the Brexiteer argument for getting a deal with the EU, you know, the one you've been arguing against for 5 years. ????

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"David Davis MP, former cabinet minister, has used parliamentary privilege to reveal leaked details from a whistleblower relating to the Alex Salmond inquiry at Holyrood.

Davis said on Tuesday evening in a debate at Westminster that documents from the whistleblower suggested there was a “concerted effort by senior members of the SNP to encourage complaints” against Salmond."



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On 3/7/2021 at 3:38 PM, Sujo said:

Because england arent the only country in the uk. You would also need wales and NI to agree.


But be careful as they all may kick england out to go it alone.

I’ve noticed on many threads on here if there is anything anti ,English your there having a pop at the English.May I ask which country you come from. Thank you.

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4 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

That's no problem - Patel broke ministerial rules; Hancock broke the law; Johnson lied to parliament and Mogg lied to the queen, all without even a murmur of disapproval. 

Those are all facts; all Davis has are 'suggestions' of which he is so uncertain, he doesn't have the balls to say them outside parliament.

I think you are under-rating what is being said here RR, we are talking about an innocent man being sent to prison, this should bring down the SNP never mind Sturgeon and her inner sanctum. You seem to be blowing a bit hot and cold about Sturgeon at the moment, this is a hot potato RR.

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20 minutes ago, vogie said:

I think you are under-rating what is being said here RR, we are talking about an innocent man being sent to prison, this should bring down the SNP never mind Sturgeon and her inner sanctum. You seem to be blowing a bit hot and cold about Sturgeon at the moment, this is a hot potato RR.

Bring down the SNP? Is this on your drive to eradicate opinions which differ from your own?

Let's see what the outcome is, shall we, and if guilty of misconduct, let's hold her to the same standards as she would be were she in the Nasty Party.

Or do you think she should be held to a different standard?

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22 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

Bring down the SNP? Is this on your drive to eradicate opinions which differ from your own?

Let's see what the outcome is, shall we, and if guilty of misconduct, let's hold her to the same standards as she would be were she in the Nasty Party.

Or do you think she should be held to a different standard?

I think that anyone who tries to imprison an innocent man deserves everything that can be afforded to her, and when there was a hearing called it happened to be weighted in Mrs Sturgeons favour and even the presiding officer was her friend and fellow SNP member, sounds about right for the corrupt and Sleazy National Party, one might look at this as a crime, what say you RR?

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1 hour ago, andyg75 said:

I’ve noticed on many threads on here if there is anything anti ,English your there having a pop at the English.May I ask which country you come from. Thank you.

NI and oz.

I dont know any english threads. Rarely posted on brexit but thats uk.

Not anti english, i support them in rugby. I have also supported harry and meg.

What i dont like is them telling another country what it can and cannot do.


Edited by Sujo
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51 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

The Presiding Officer is a Labour MSP, but I didn't expect that you would have known that anyway, given your scant understanding of Scotland or Scottish politics. The make-up of the committee investigating the affair is, as standard, proportionate to the parties represented in the parliament, hardly Sturgeon's fault that the electorate sees the alternatives as woeful. But I am reluctant to pass judgement until the committee has ruled.

But you have failed to answer my question. Do you think that SNP politicians should be held to the same standards as Tory politicians when they are found to have broken the rules or broken the law?

But you have failed to answer my question. Do you think that SNP politicians should be held to the same standards as Tory politicians when they are found to have broken the rules or broken the law?

I don't care who it is, Scottish MP, UK Mp, fishmonger, door to door salesperson, footballer or even a clown with dodgy doors on his car, they themselves should go to prison for a crime of false imprisonment.

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25 minutes ago, vogie said:

But you have failed to answer my question. Do you think that SNP politicians should be held to the same standards as Tory politicians when they are found to have broken the rules or broken the law?

I don't care who it is, Scottish MP, UK Mp, fishmonger, door to door salesperson, footballer or even a clown with dodgy doors on his car, they themselves should go to prison for a crime of false imprisonment.

So given the long list of Tory politicians who have broken the laws or rules or indeed lied why are you not calling for their heads?

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1 minute ago, Rookiescot said:

So given the long list of Tory politicians who have broken the laws or rules or indeed lied why are you not calling for their heads?

I'm struggling to think of one that tried to imprison an innocent man, if you can remind me of that person I will agree he or she needs to go to jail also.

But whataboutery is the tool of the Scots Nats it would appear.

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