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Sidegra, Kamagra, Viagra and Cialis

Mister Fixit

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2 hours ago, Sticky Rice Balls said:

So if viagra is the clear winner.....what would be the thai runner up in LOS?  Kamagra....I tried the jelly packets before...same in any form?...asking for a friend ????

I have used mainly Kamagra and it's been fine until recently.  Sidegra, the Thai GPO version wasn't much good and was the same price.  Don't waste your money.

I haven't used genuine Pfizer Viagra (sildenafil) for years because Kamagra worked fine.  I used Cialis sometimes about 15-16 years ago but never since.

Today I am off to a downtown pharmacy for some more testosterone shots, but also I will buy one pack of genuine Pfizer viagra and one pack of Cialis and see how I go.  

So, tonight's the night!  If I don't post until late tomorrow, you'll know why! ???? ????

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7 minutes ago, jackdd said:

Cypionax is probably produced in an underground lab, thus I recommend to not take it.

Is Cypionax a GPO product?  

I must say that I was pretty unimpressed with Sidegra, the Thai GPO version of sildenafil.  My local pharmacy told me that most GPO products are not high quality.

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1 hour ago, Mister Fixit said:

I have used Cialis in the distant past when I was about 15-16 years younger and would go on bonking weekends at Pattaya.

I don't need anything long term now - once or twice a week is enough at my age.  I am going to get some Cialis and some genuine Viagra later today to try out so will keep you posted.

Viagra gives me a headache and face flushing, as well as sinus problems, so after having tried it a few years ago I haven't bothered since.

I tried that Thai natural one called "Gracku" (spelling) and it worked, although with a little headache and some flushing, but I was walking round with a perky on for some time!

Now I have sourced some Cialis, or version thereof, and cut the 20 mg tablet in half and that does the trick, and although I'm 74 this year, I still like to exercise the old ferret once or twice a week and my lady friends are quite impressed.

Sometimes I don't need it, but most times I take it to ensure the old fella doesn't go to sleep on me!

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I never used the drugs you mentioned. But i have really good experience with something that have more natural ingredience.  It's  called D-Maxxx. You find it at Lazada and it's easy to order. Usually 1 capsual is enough. I think it's cheaper than all this drugs you mentioned. Just give it a try.

Btw. like other mentioned here, it's very likely that an underlying condition is the source for this problem. For me, there is a heart problem, i never was aware before.

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4 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Viagra gives me a headache and face flushing, as well as sinus problems, so after having tried it a few years ago I haven't bothered since.

I tried that Thai natural one called "Gracku" (spelling) and it worked, although with a little headache and some flushing, but I was walking round with a perky on for some time!

Now I have sourced some Cialis, or version thereof, and cut the 20 mg tablet in half and that does the trick, and although I'm 74 this year, I still like to exercise the old ferret once or twice a week and my lady friends are quite impressed.

Sometimes I don't need it, but most times I take it to ensure the old fella doesn't go to sleep on me!

Viagra/Kamagra used to give me a headache when I first started using it but hasn't for years.  

I do get slightly disturbed vision though and some slight flushing as well as a slight blueish tinge to my sight and also get a bit of a blocked up nose.

My wife once took half a tablet to try but it gave her a stinking headache and as she's prone to migraines she hasn't taken it since.  She was like a rabbit when she took it though!

I think I must try that Graku stuff and see what happens.  

Good on you for still being at it!  Long may it continue.

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1 minute ago, chiangraifalang said:

I never used the drugs you mentioned. But i have really good experience with something that have more natural ingredience.  It's  called D-Maxxx. You find it at Lazada and it's easy to order. Usually 1 capsual is enough. I think it's cheaper than all this drugs you mentioned. Just give it a try.

Btw. like other mentioned here, it's very likely that an underlying condition is the source for this problem. For me, there is a heart problem, i never was aware before.

Luckily, my heart is perfect.  Just had a full work up 10 days ago.

This morning my blood pressure was 94/73.  Better than perfect.

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17 minutes ago, Mister Fixit said:

Is Cypionax a GPO product?  

GPO isn't an underground lab. Underground lab means somebody could be mixing it in his kitchen.

17 minutes ago, Mister Fixit said:

I must say that I was pretty unimpressed with Sidegra, the Thai GPO version of sildenafil.  My local pharmacy told me that most GPO products are not high quality.

From my personal experience Sidegra worked just as well as the other brands, but cheaper, so I have nothing to complain.

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On 3/15/2021 at 8:45 AM, polpott said:

High Tostesterone levels = high chance of developing prostate cancer. Zero tostesterone = zero chance of developing prostate cancer. When I had prostate cancer I was given a hormone that eliminated my tostesterone production. PSA went to zero and 10 years later I'm still in remission.

And I did exactly the opposite to you -- for many years I have SUPPLEMENTED with Testosterone to obtain more youthful levels. Young men don't get Prostate Cancer. This as a 14-year "high risk" prostate cancer survivor. Yes, I'm well aware that most doctors would get severe indigestion about this, but when I was diagnosed they ALL said I MUST have surgery or radiation which I refused. Now they do not recommend doing anything after an MRI prostate scan in 2017. Dr. Richard Ablin, the inventor of the PSA test says it's become a medical money-making boondoggle and is useless for diagnosing prostate cancer. 

Before taking any testosterone medication (I use skin cream) I strongly suggest having a saliva testosterone test which measures the free active component. Docs don't know anything about saliva testing as well. I use ZRT Labs in the US for this, I also saliva check for DHEA, Progesterone, Estrone, and Estradiol. 

This is NOT medical advice. Only saying what I do. The T supplementation does not seem to make much of a difference with erections. At 74 it doesn't bother me.

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On 3/15/2021 at 9:07 AM, Mister Fixit said:

Clot.  What is more natural than enjoying having sex with your loved one?  ????????

So just because I am 72, I should suddenly stop having sex?  That sounds remarkably like a little bit of jealousy there ...

Jeez, I have read some idiocies on here but that one takes the biscuit!  

I realize that everyone reacts  differently but I am 75 years old with a Thai wife that is 20 years younger and we have sex at least once a week and sometimes more. I use 50mg. Thai equal to Viagra.

She says we have sex often to keep me from wondering. ????????

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Boron reduces the effect of SHBG upon free testosterone.


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On 3/15/2021 at 8:29 AM, Peterw42 said:

OP, You are comparing 3 products that are the same active ingredients and the same strength of the active ingredient.

If you think you are reacting differently to different "brand names" of the same thing, that is probably more in your own imagination.

You dismiss Cialis, which is actually a different active ingredient.

Testosterone is not a cure for ED

Dont ever forget that phsycology also plays a huge part..

Some ladies,turn me on bigtime,easily...just with sexy kissing,yet sometimes,with an equaly attractive lady,i dont perform,so well.

I take 1 viagra 100mg..

Im very close to 70

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On 3/15/2021 at 9:07 AM, Mister Fixit said:

Clot.  What is more natural than enjoying having sex with your loved one?  ????????

So just because I am 72, I should suddenly stop having sex?  That sounds remarkably like a little bit of jealousy there ...

Jeez, I have read some idiocies on here but that one takes the biscuit!  

There's biscuits?

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On 3/15/2021 at 9:18 AM, Mister Fixit said:

Thanks for that information.  I will look into it, but I don't think I will be paying 9,000 baht for one.

My lovely lady doctor at the heart hospital told me 10 days ago she had never seen a 72 year old look as healthy and vibrant as me - she said a was 'bursting with health'.  Nice of her but I didn't mention the 'down below' problems.

If I didn't have them I may well have tried it on with her!!  ????

What's your doctor's name? I'd like to meet her.

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The OP asked - Which Testosterone tests?


The urologist at Bangkok Hospital in CM recommended:





(The acronyms from memory but those or very close)


I only read 1.5 pages here but 2 guys did away with condoms.


What solution other than either living dangerously or a dedicated long term relationship?

(I hate condoms also but too cautious to do without STD protection).



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52 minutes ago, JimmyJ said:

The OP asked - Which Testosterone tests?


The urologist at Bangkok Hospital in CM recommended:




I recommend to not ask an Urologist about hormones, because as we can see here you might get wrong information. If you want to involve a doctor, consult an endocrinologist.

To know what's up with your Testosterone, you want to know your Testosterone, SHBG and Albumin levels, from them the "Free Testosterone" and "Bioavailable Testosterone" can be calculated. From these readings you know if you have enough testosterone and if your body can use it properly.

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1 hour ago, Banana7 said:

What's your doctor's name? I'd like to meet her.

Hands off!   I am fairly sure she is a touch keen on me too!  ????

She's not too bad though, is she?  And a lovely personality to boot and twinkly eyes as well.

I would, given half a chance ...


Doc CCIT.jpg

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5 hours ago, Rockhopper said:

I realize that everyone reacts  differently but I am 75 years old with a Thai wife that is 20 years younger and we have sex at least once a week and sometimes more. I use 50mg. Thai equal to Viagra.

She says we have sex often to keep me from wondering. ????????

Well done.  Keep it up!  Ha!   

I was 72 in January gone and my wife will be 52 in July so you are similar to me but this hormonal issue means I have to take more stuff.

We have sex at least once a week, but I suppose it can be anywhere between 4 to 6 times a month.  60-75% of the time it's fine, but the incidence of things dropping off and needing revival has increased over the last 12 months.

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6 hours ago, jackdd said:

GPO isn't an underground lab. Underground lab means somebody could be mixing it in his kitchen.

From my personal experience Sidegra worked just as well as the other brands, but cheaper, so I have nothing to complain.

I didn't say the GPO WAS an underground lab and I know what one is.  I just asked if Cypionax was made by them.

I found Sidegra worked OK for the first maybe 9 months then it's efficacy fell off so I reverted to Kamagra which has been fine until maybe 3-4 months ago.

As I have mentioned in other posts,. my excellent local pharmacist says that generally, GPO-made meds are not very good compared to branded ones

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As i understood from reading some, a man can go into andro pause in life. testosterone levels decline.

It is the same as meno pause with women.

Missing those hormones can change your body, breaking down muscle and breaking down bones for instance, osteoporosis. It can be even, when you sneeze , you break a rib.

Could have way much more effects, as in way of moods and so on. Same as with women.

The ED pills can work, but never the less, if your mind is not set  to it (feeling horny) then it couldnt work at all. Ed pills only widen your veins so blood can flow more easily. But if you dont feel horny you might forget. Take some pils and think about your grandma, you will not be able to get it working. 

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OK guys, I have been shopping today and also developed a plan.

First, I am going for my testosterone jab on Friday as planned, and I am going to ask her to get a test for total cholesterol done so I have a benchmark.  If she can get oestrogen done as well, then that too.
If any of the results are low, then we know we have to do something.  

In any event, when I go to Phramontkutklao (Army) hospital on 19 April for my 6 monthly knee checkup, I will ask the Prof to refer me to either or both of the endocrinology or urology departments the same day.  Then we can start the process of what's going on down below, although I am pretty convinced it's an endocrine issue.  

I actually DID go there about 14-15 years ago when a nurse I knew there got me in but I stopped going for shots after about 6 months and just decided to use my local clinic for convenience.

In the shorter term, I have been shopping today and I will carry out some hopefully semi-scientific investigations over the next few weeks to see what works best.

I stuck with Kamagra at 250 for a strip of 4 and also bought some Kamagra gels which used to work well a while back.

I baulked at buying genuine Viagra at 1,800 baht for 4 and genuine Cialis at 2,000 baht!  S0d that for a game of soldiers.

Wish me luck and I will keep you informed!  ????

ED meds.jpg

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17 minutes ago, Mister Fixit said:

I didn't say the GPO WAS an underground lab and I know what one is.  I just asked if Cypionax was made by them.

No, Cypionax is not made by them, because it's probably made by an underground lab.

On this website we can look up info about Drugs approved by the Thai FDA, in this case Cypionax: http://ndi.fda.moph.go.th/drug_detail/index/?ndrug=2&rctype=1A&rcno=5300464&lpvncd=&lcntpcd=&lcnno=&licensee_no=

As we can see there it's registered by TP Drug Laboratories, and it's supposed to come in either 100mg/amp or 250mg/amp.

If we now visit the manufacturer's website: http://www.tpdrug.com/en/products/ We notice that they don't list Cypionax. The Cypionax currently sold in Thailand also comes in 200mg/amp which isn't registered with the Thai FDA.

From this information I conclude that TP Drug probably produced Cypionax in the past, but stopped doing so, and now there is an underground lab which continues producing test under this name.

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3 minutes ago, jackdd said:

No, Cypionax is not made by them, because it's probably made by an underground lab.

On this website we can look up info about Drugs approved by the Thai FDA, in this case Cypionax: http://ndi.fda.moph.go.th/drug_detail/index/?ndrug=2&rctype=1A&rcno=5300464&lpvncd=&lcntpcd=&lcnno=&licensee_no=

As we can see there it's registered by TP Drug Laboratories, and it's supposed to come in either 100mg/amp or 250mg/amp.

If we now visit the manufacturer's website: http://www.tpdrug.com/en/products/ We notice that they don't list Cypionax. The Cypionax currently sold in Thailand also comes in 200mg/amp which isn't registered with the Thai FDA.

From this information I conclude that TP Drug probably produced Cypionax in the past, but stopped doing so, and now there is an underground lab which continues producing test under this name.

Thanks for that.  Well worth avoiding then.  I have a former student who is the central Thailand regional manager for Pfizer.  I'll run it past him, see what he knows, if anything.

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16 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

As i understood from reading some, a man can go into andro pause in life. testosterone levels decline.

It is the same as meno pause with women.

Missing those hormones can change your body, breaking down muscle and breaking down bones for instance, osteoporosis. It can be even, when you sneeze , you break a rib.

Could have way much more effects, as in way of moods and so on. Same as with women.

The ED pills can work, but never the less, if your mind is not set  to it (feeling horny) then it couldnt work at all. Ed pills only widen your veins so blood can flow more easily. But if you dont feel horny you might forget. Take some pils and think about your grandma, you will not be able to get it working. 

Yes, I know all that, because that's what's been happening to me.

I don't have issues with muscle mass or osteoporosis.

And I know what happens when you don't feel horny as well.  That's why I wait until I do, same as any other bloke, I suppose.  ????

But having said that, it's still a problem that men's mid and late life issues are still not properly recognised and catered for.

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