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Cyberbullying is a crime, says Thai police spokesman - posters warned of conduct online


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Two types of bullying:

- In adults, who use intimidation to get what they want.

- In children, who do it to toughen each other up - that's innate and a crucial social service because it's a tough world and those who don't toughen up will be disadvantaged. Once kids who are bullied show they are not weak - the job is done and the bullies will leave them alone. You can't legislate this behaviour out of human nature, and you certainly can't whine about it because that only shows the weakness that it is designed to combat. There is purpose to it and society will not be doing itself any favours by interfering with it. Resilience should be conditioned, not frailty. There is massive misunderstanding about this and society is going down the wrong path. If this goes on, the future will be a pandemic nervous breakdown. Seriously.


As to cyberbullying - it hardly even seems an effective form of bullying, but if the kids don't learn to face it down they will be forever running away.

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On 3/24/2021 at 5:00 PM, Bangkok Barry said:

So many people commenting who appear to be in favour of allowing social media bullying. I see no-one saying it is right to punish such bullies, even though there have been cases where such bullying has led to suicide. I find that very interesting.

I think its a fine line between going after real cyber bullies and using it to stop freedom of speech. I am all against cyber bullying. In my country people killed themselves too because of it. 

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10 hours ago, Mr Derek said:

Two types of bullying:

- In adults, who use intimidation to get what they want.

- In children, who do it to toughen each other up - that's innate and a crucial social service because it's a tough world and those who don't toughen up will be disadvantaged. Once kids who are bullied show they are not weak - the job is done and the bullies will leave them alone. You can't legislate this behaviour out of human nature, and you certainly can't whine about it because that only shows the weakness that it is designed to combat. There is purpose to it and society will not be doing itself any favours by interfering with it. Resilience should be conditioned, not frailty. There is massive misunderstanding about this and society is going down the wrong path. If this goes on, the future will be a pandemic nervous breakdown. Seriously.


As to cyberbullying - it hardly even seems an effective form of bullying, but if the kids don't learn to face it down they will be forever running away.

I disagree with you, bullying does not make you strong and its always those who stand out that get bullied the bullies themselves never get bullied. Its also always a group against one. Anyone thinking its good is a bit of Neanderthal. 

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29 minutes ago, robblok said:

I disagree with you, bullying does not make you strong and its always those who stand out that get bullied the bullies themselves never get bullied. Its also always a group against one. Anyone thinking its good is a bit of Neanderthal. 


Neanderthal? Nice one. You're half way there. You can dish it out but you sure can't take it.


Bullying makes you strong if you stand up to it successfully. If you cave, it makes you forever weak. This is self-evident. 


For actual evidence, see any school playground. It's the weak who get bullied - because they are weak - no matter whether it's by an individual or a group. By the way, I was bullied at school and it was always by individuals.


Weakness is bad for the individual and bad for society. The entire purpose of bullying is to toughen up the weakest to stand them in better stead in later life. Have you never noticed that those who stand up to the bullies suddenly become the bullies' good friend?


This is evolution at work, though of the kids have no idea about the underlying process. It's innate. If you remove the toughening-up process, you will end up with a mentally frail society which has tremendous dangers of its own. It is already happening.






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1 minute ago, Mr Derek said:


Neanderthal? Nice one. You're half way there. You can dish it out but you sure can't take it.


Bullying makes you strong if you stand up to it successfully. If you cave, it makes you forever weak. This is self-evident. 


For actual evidence, see any school playground. It's the weak who get bullied - because they are weak - no matter whether it's by an individual or a group. By the way, I was bullied at school and it was always by individuals.


Weakness is bad for the individual and bad for society. The entire purpose of bullying is to toughen up the weakest to put them in better stead in later life. Have you never noticed that those who stand up to the bullies suddenly become the bullies good friend?


This is evolution at work, though of the kids have no idea about the underlying process. It's innate. If you remove the toughening-up process, you will end up with a mentally frail society which has tremendous dangers of its own. It is already happening.




No use discussing it with you as you obviously have no clue about bullying. Its always many against one. So standing up is not as easy as you think. Its also not about being weak but about being different. 


I was bullied in the past and I never became friends with my bullies. I did fight with one of them successfully, was nice to see him walking around with a big black eye for a week. However this did not solve the problem. The next day 3 of his friends came to take revenge. I told them that they could try but I would bring friends too next time. They backed off. However this does not always happen. 


I was never weak could always have taken out my bullies, reason I was bullied, i was smart got better grades and paid attention in class. That was all it took. If anything bullying is extremely damaging as not everyone stands up to bullies some even change their behavior in a negative way to bully others. 


The leader of the group that bullied me was lucky (i was in a way too). I swung at him with a helmet had it connected i could have killed him or send him to hospital for a long time. Thankfully it missed and i dropped the helmet and went on with fists. It was never a question of being weak. Could have taken down all of them. I was big and strong. However I did not believe in violence that much as it always lead to more violence. Plus where I am from its looked down on and at schools they don't like kids fighting.


But i can tell you having a basketball kicked in your head from behind or bread thrown at you when your not looking is no fun. Of course when you checked who did it you could not identify them. Stupid cowards. All it took was me being a lot smarter then them. They felt i made them look bad. I did encounter one of the bullies in an other school when much older. He still was not happy about the fact i beat him and shamed him. As he was supposedly the tough guy. However at that time he was in his 20ies and so was I so we just ignored each other. 


I think you were either a bully yourself or not that bright. Because anyone with half a brain knows that bullying can be really bad for those bullied not good at all. I mean look the people who killed themselves after bullying. 



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17 hours ago, gunderhill said:

Probably  makes it  easier for the rest of  us to see  just  how idiotic they are and the vast majority will  not  agree  with that but they have the right to say it  just to show how dumb they are. 


Unfortunately, they're usually hiding behind a user ID when saying it.


Since this isn't about telling people what not/what to say* - let's face it, you can't stop people from saying uneducated racist hateful things of the most vile kind, if they see that they get pushback they just say it less often or only when they feel safe - the topic is more the Terms of Service of chat rooms & social media sites.


I have no problem with a site saying we will allow absolutely everything and won't even moderate but certainly other - usually much bigger & much more successful sites - should be free to implement their own rules of conduct and not be forced by anyone to implement certain rules.


*That being said, hate is not an opinion and I don't see any right to hate speech, after all laws against threats, insults and slander is where the buck stops. As a society, we do pay a heavy price for hate being let off the chain, as many felt "the former guy" had given them permission. If my right means others will eventually pay with their life for it, then something's shockingly wrong here (talking about hate crimes in this case).



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4 hours ago, robblok said:

No use discussing it with you as you obviously have no clue about bullying. Its always many against one. So standing up is not as easy as you think. Its also not about being weak but about being different. 


I was bullied in the past and I never became friends with my bullies. I did fight with one of them successfully, was nice to see him walking around with a big black eye for a week. However this did not solve the problem. The next day 3 of his friends came to take revenge. I told them that they could try but I would bring friends too next time. They backed off. However this does not always happen. 


I was never weak could always have taken out my bullies, reason I was bullied, i was smart got better grades and paid attention in class. That was all it took. If anything bullying is extremely damaging as not everyone stands up to bullies some even change their behavior in a negative way to bully others. 


The leader of the group that bullied me was lucky (i was in a way too). I swung at him with a helmet had it connected i could have killed him or send him to hospital for a long time. Thankfully it missed and i dropped the helmet and went on with fists. It was never a question of being weak. Could have taken down all of them. I was big and strong. However I did not believe in violence that much as it always lead to more violence. Plus where I am from its looked down on and at schools they don't like kids fighting.


But i can tell you having a basketball kicked in your head from behind or bread thrown at you when your not looking is no fun. Of course when you checked who did it you could not identify them. Stupid cowards. All it took was me being a lot smarter then them. They felt i made them look bad. I did encounter one of the bullies in an other school when much older. He still was not happy about the fact i beat him and shamed him. As he was supposedly the tough guy. However at that time he was in his 20ies and so was I so we just ignored each other. 


I think you were either a bully yourself or not that bright. Because anyone with half a brain knows that bullying can be really bad for those bullied not good at all. I mean look the people who killed themselves after bullying. 




You are arguing from your own experience. I'm arguing from empirical observation of the world. Every case will be different, but there is a general principle involved.


In your case, if you were not weak yourself, then by definition you were not being bullied. It was competitive. That's quite different, and not what we are talking about here.


Regarding cyberbullying - so you are advocating that children are to be shielded from all unkind words? They'll grow up weak as water. It's a recipe for social disaster. I realise that some people actually want to usher in some kind of naive utopia in which the entire planet says nothing but nice things to each other, but that isn't going to happen. Humans are competitive, as you've surely discovered, and if you start breeding competitiveness out of the species, then it will be the of the world.


The way to deal with bullying (or unkind words) is to teach children how to deal with it, not to teach them to run away from it.








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4 minutes ago, Mr Derek said:


You are arguing from your own experience. I'm arguing from empirical observation of the world. Every case will be different, but there is a general principle involved.


In your case, if you were not weak yourself, then by definition you were not being bullied. It was competitive. That's quite different, and not what we are talking about here.


Regarding cyberbullying - so you are advocating that children are to be shielded from all unkind words? They'll grow up weak as water. It's a recipe for social disaster. I realise that some people actually want to usher in some kind of naive utopia in which the entire planet says nothing but nice things to each other, but that isn't going to happen. Humans are competitive, as you've surely discovered, and if you start breeding competitiveness out of the species, then it will be the of the world.


The way to deal with bullying (or unkind words) is to teach children how to deal with it, not to teach them to run away from it.




If you read what experts (you are not one) have to say about bullying then you know how far your off with your remarks.


Not sure if you have to be weak or fearful of the bullies. I certainly was not, the were the weak ones. Sneaky throwing bread at you from behind. Or kicking a basketball and hitting my head. Then when you turn around nobody dares to show who did it. I would still consider it bullying when a gang of people goes after one. I was just not really bothered by it that much till i had enough and it came to the confrontation. The ringleader shoved me as i entered the school. That set it off and ended badly for him. I could not be bothered by what they did, i dont feel the need to fit in or lower my standards to fit in. I am perfectly ok alone. However this does not always happen as many are severely damaged by it.


You don't seem to gasp the problem, its ok when 1 person bullies you can stand up, but if its a group and that is usually the case its far harder. I don't think kids should be shielded from everything. However serious bullying should be stopped and prevented. Bullying does not happen because of competing (maybe it did in my case no clue as I said did not really care much about it). Bullying is singeling out one person and attacking him as a group. That goes way beyond unkind words. That is totally different from some unkind words. Its different when its constantly a group doing it to a single individual. 


As i said the expert are mainly in agreement that real bullying is damaging. In the US they even have people doing mass shootings because they have been bullied. Good solution don't you think. The kids are standing up killing their classmates. 



Real bullying should be stopped, unkind words are totally different then bullying. You should read how many kill themselves because of it. It is far from harmless. Having a fight at school calling some names is not bullying. Bullying is a group of kids ganging up on one kid for a longer period. Usually because they stand out in one way or the other. 



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28 minutes ago, Mr Derek said:

The way to deal with bullying (or unkind words) is to teach children how to deal with it, not to teach them to run away from it.



This doesn't seem to apply to cyber- but to real life bullying.


In that case, the problem is never the person being bullied and alsways the person doing the bullying. I have no doubt that most kids learn survival strategies fast but that isn't making the problem go away.


I am not naive to think that bullying by children can be eradicated but the bullying ones are the ones having to learn new strategies, never their victims and it usually takes an adult to drive this point home.



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4 hours ago, robblok said:

If you read what experts (you are not one) have to say about bullying then you know how far your off with your remarks.


Not sure if you have to be weak or fearful of the bullies. I certainly was not, the were the weak ones. Sneaky throwing bread at you from behind. Or kicking a basketball and hitting my head. Then when you turn around nobody dares to show who did it. I would still consider it bullying when a gang of people goes after one. I was just not really bothered by it that much till i had enough and it came to the confrontation. The ringleader shoved me as i entered the school. That set it off and ended badly for him. I could not be bothered by what they did, i dont feel the need to fit in or lower my standards to fit in. I am perfectly ok alone. However this does not always happen as many are severely damaged by it.


You don't seem to gasp the problem, its ok when 1 person bullies you can stand up, but if its a group and that is usually the case its far harder. I don't think kids should be shielded from everything. However serious bullying should be stopped and prevented. Bullying does not happen because of competing (maybe it did in my case no clue as I said did not really care much about it). Bullying is singeling out one person and attacking him as a group. That goes way beyond unkind words. That is totally different from some unkind words. Its different when its constantly a group doing it to a single individual. 


As i said the expert are mainly in agreement that real bullying is damaging. In the US they even have people doing mass shootings because they have been bullied. Good solution don't you think. The kids are standing up killing their classmates. 



Real bullying should be stopped, unkind words are totally different then bullying. You should read how many kill themselves because of it. It is far from harmless. Having a fight at school calling some names is not bullying. Bullying is a group of kids ganging up on one kid for a longer period. Usually because they stand out in one way or the other. 




I hear everything you are saying, I just happen to disagree with most of it. Bullying by vicious gangs surely happens but is not the usual kind of bullying which is commonplace in every school playground. It's also not what we are talking about here. Here we are talking about kids who read hurty things online and governments who think the best response is to shield them from seeing it. Big mistake.


Kids kill themselves over being bullied precisely because they have no mechanism for dealing with it, because they have never gone through the learning-to-deal-with-it process at some crucial point. Kids nowadays grow up thinking they are entitled to a perfect world and they can't handle it when crude reality hits them. Their response is to go running to authority (or mummy) to protect them rather than standing up for themselves. Society is to blame for this.  It is reinforcing the morality of weakness (as adopted by Christianity) and instilling a sense of victimhood in everyone. People are queuing up now to be the victim of something or other. 


I'm offering a revolutionary way of viewing and dealing with this problem so of course most people will disagree with it and some will even pretend to be shocked because it goes completely against the victim-worship that the mainstream media have been pushing for so long. Well, they scoffed at Darwin too.






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12 hours ago, Mr Derek said:


I hear everything you are saying, I just happen to disagree with most of it. Bullying by vicious gangs surely happens but is not the usual kind of bullying which is commonplace in every school playground. It's also not what we are talking about here. Here we are talking about kids who read hurty things online and governments who think the best response is to shield them from seeing it. Big mistake.


Kids kill themselves over being bullied precisely because they have no mechanism for dealing with it, because they have never gone through the learning-to-deal-with-it process at some crucial point. Kids nowadays grow up thinking they are entitled to a perfect world and they can't handle it when crude reality hits them. Their response is to go running to authority (or mummy) to protect them rather than standing up for themselves. Society is to blame for this.  It is reinforcing the morality of weakness (as adopted by Christianity) and instilling a sense of victimhood in everyone. People are queuing up now to be the victim of something or other. 


I'm offering a revolutionary way of viewing and dealing with this problem so of course most people will disagree with it and some will even pretend to be shocked because it goes completely against the victim-worship that the mainstream media have been pushing for so long. Well, they scoffed at Darwin too.






Your offering a totally new way that goes against everything real experts say. I guess I know who i should trust.

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3 hours ago, EricTh said:

There goes freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech is good but it should have its limitations if your spreading untruths bullying people and causing harm. Yes its tricky to find a good balance. But i get a bit tired that people always bring up freedom of speech as it does not excuse these things.

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23 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Are you saying that if my face shows I am angry then it is considered bullying (in your view), or just that what Facebook does with an angry face is Good.

Read the rest of my post and I think it will be clear.

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9 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

I'm talking about anything designed to intimidate another... and I don't need you to tell me what I am talking about.

Only trying to get a clarification from you on your post, nothing derogatory.  Hard to understand when someone says Good, then goes back and changes the comment by adding the zero tolerance portion.  In essence our bantering back and forth would thus or could be thus seen as cyber bullying in other words, when all it is is trying to understand the jist of a post.  Enjoy your evening. I will agree to disagree with your post and you can do the same with mine.  No sarcasm in this post at all by the way.

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19 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Only trying to get a clarification from you on your post, nothing derogatory.  Hard to understand when someone says Good, then goes back and changes the comment by adding the zero tolerance portion.  In essence our bantering back and forth would thus or could be thus seen as cyber bullying in other words, when all it is is trying to understand the jist of a post.  Enjoy your evening. I will agree to disagree with your post and you can do the same with mine.  No sarcasm in this post at all by the way.

Not sure where we were bantering, whatever that means.


Anything that can be construed as being an aggressive or intimidating response to a post is bullying, be it an angry face or whatever.


Zero tolerance.

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22 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Not sure where we were bantering, whatever that means.


Anything that can be construed as being an aggressive or intimidating response to a post is bullying, be it an angry face or whatever.


Zero tolerance.

Now you made it clear.  Enjoy not having any debates on forums then.  When just a simple word can be viewed in any way one see's it, and then makes a mountain out of a mole hill when none actually exists, it is because their views are not the same.  Like I said, I agree to disagree.  When words themselves are seen as intimidating or aggressive then the world we live in is in a world of hurt.  The phrase and question "How was your day" can be seen in anyway you want it to be seen, aggressive, intimidating, carefree, quizzical and so on.  When someone's feelings get hurt and sensitivities began to invade daily life and one must worry about anything they say, do or what their facial expressions intimate, then we need to grow up and move on with our lives.  Freuds Psychodynamic Perspective outlines many of the issues we see in todays world but also shows a way to live within.

Freud and the Psychodynamic Perspective | Introduction to Psychology (lumenlearning.com)

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1 minute ago, ThailandRyan said:

Now you made it clear.  enjoy not having any debates on forums then.  Just a simple word can be viewed in any way ones see's it and then make a mountain out of a mole hill when none exists because there view is not the same.  Like I said, I agree to disagree.  When words themselves are seen as intimidating or aggressive then the world we live in is in a world of hurt.  The phrase and question "How was your day" can be seen in anyway you want it to be seen, aggressive, intimidating, carefree, quizzical and so on.  When someone's feelings get hurt and sensitivities began to invade daily life and one must worry about anything they say, do or what their facial expressions intimate, then we need to grow up and move on with our lives.  Freuds Psychodynamic Perspective outlines many of the issues we see in todays world but also shows a way to live within.

Freud and the Psychodynamic Perspective | Introduction to Psychology (lumenlearning.com)

I'm fairly sure I manage debates without being aggressive just as I do in the real world.

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