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Act now! STOP Songkran travel! NO interprovincial travel!

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Less than two weeks till Songkran.


From March 2020 to December 13, Thailand had 4,237 Covid+ cases & 50 deaths. We eradicated Covid in Thailand! Only to import it through greed & corruption.


By end-March, Thailand will have 25,000 Covid+ cases since December 14. Covid spread to 66 provinces, many of which had never had a case.


The cluster of second wave infections was Samut Sakhon. Its provincial governor spent 82 days in Siriraj Hospital, 42 of them on a ventilator.


More recently, a third wave has occurred in the western Bangkok district of Bang Khae.


This time, Bangkok is the epicentre. And the junta wants everyone to head back to the provinces. We’ve had 2,000 cases in the capital. Govt insists on copying the same failed game-plan as all Western countries.


PLEASE, don’t travel for Songkran! Tell your friends, colleagues & families, too.


If govt is too brain-dead to shut down interprovincial travel, we citizens have to be the smart ones.


Essential travel only, including locally: Masks, handwashing, no gatherings, no indoor dining. Work from home, where possible. Stay safe, and keep the rest of us safe. Please...


Far smarter people than I have written about this. These are the best I've found. Regardless of vaccines, we’re in for a very rough ride. We could minimise it by acting NOW. Educate, stay informed.


O Canada!


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We heard the same at New Year, fear mongers told people to wait to see the explosion in 2-3 weeks, then nothing happened, the same at a long weekend.... Now its Songkran, the doom mongers are ramping up the rhetoric and we will hear the dreaded 'wait for 2-3 weeks again' Then when nothing happens they will disappear until the long holiday at the beginning of May.


Whilst i dont downplay the disease and possibility for spreading at some point life must go on to a certain extent. People living here are in general very good at wearing masks and as much as could be expected adhere to social distancing. Like anywhere there will always be those who don't but in reality there is little anyone can do about that. People need to be responsible for themselves and their families. Take necessary precautions, wear masks, avoid big <deleted> ups in enclosed spaces etc.


However life must go on, and people want to see friends and family after many of them work long hard hours for a year and quite frankly i agree with them.

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