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Foreigners caught drink driving forced to teach English to probation officials on Koh Samui


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10 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes 3 beers and your out if you get caught a SECOND time. If you get caught twice then yes deportation.


But looking at your reply looks like your one of the drink and drive defenders.

not defending real drink drivers but all dui limits are set way too low ,why ? maybe it's revenue raising !, responsible drivers watch their limits  but its's not hard to go over. real drunks don't care about limits.

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2 hours ago, agrow said:

not defending real drink drivers but all dui limits are set way too low ,why ? maybe it's revenue raising !, responsible drivers watch their limits  but its's not hard to go over. real drunks don't care about limits.

If you go over the limit your at fault. Either drink less or dont drink. But that is why i said twice. Once you can make a mistake. Twice is a pattern. You might not like the limits but that is what they are. If you can afford to drink you can afford taxis too. Still cheaper as back wherever you came from.

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My old German teacher  who taught woodworking was a hoot, and his favorite sentence was

I vont to go to Wancouver to Vork in my Weggitable garden.    I always chuckle when I  remember

 his peculiar English.


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17 hours ago, nchuckle said:

On the basis that they’re bringing into disrepute the high standards of driving here..? ????‍♂️ 

I think a drunk Farang driver is safer than average Somchai from what I’ve observed!

There is only one place for a drunk driving Farang or Thai, or any nationality, and that's a long time behind bars. These people are potential killers and should be treated as such.

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15 hours ago, agrow said:

you do know the difference between over the limit and drunk,3 beers will put you over the limit,( will 3 beers make you drunk ?)so with out knowing their readings you want them deported ie so 3 beers and your out.


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23 hours ago, webfact said:


He appeared to be running a 24 hour course as part of his DUI punishment. 

So its an all nighter?... Might find himself a lady judging by that pic teerak!  Ok everyone ready??  pass me a red bull please..gonna be a long night! Arai na?...Huh???


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They can't say : Germans, or Barvarians? 


They have to Say Foreigners....and let me guess, have lived here in Thailand as residents for the last 20 years.


They are Germans, and very proud of they're heritage.


Stop demeaning and demonizing people as Foreigners.


They pay they're taxes and your wages....and in this case they're fines and debts to society. 


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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

There is only one place for a drunk driving Farang or Thai, or any nationality, and that's a long time behind bars. These people are potential killers and should be treated as such.

I think they got that way from being behind (in) bars ????. But my point still stands.

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Just now, possum1931 said:

Can you remind me what your point is?

That an over the drink drive limit properly trained licensed Farang is still a safer driver than average Thai. Forgotten that point already?... perhaps you’ve had one too many? ???? ???? 

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Just now, nchuckle said:

That an over the drink drive limit properly trained licensed Farang is still a safer driver than average Thai. Forgotten that point already?... perhaps you’ve had one too many? ???????? 

Being safer than a sober Thai is no great shakes......anyone who drinks and drives is a criminal and potential killer regardless.......

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2 minutes ago, nchuckle said:

That an over the drink drive limit properly trained licensed Farang is still a safer driver than average Thai. Forgotten that point already?... perhaps you’ve had one too many? ???????? 

Yes, in most cases I would agree with you.

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3 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

Being safer than a sober Thai is no great shakes......anyone who drinks and drives is a criminal and potential killer regardless.......

Look,I’m having a bit of a tease of him. Indeed even a sober Thai is a very low bar indeed for safe driving - I was just making a comparative (accurate) statement 

PS I am actually Tea Total if that helps... 

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1 minute ago, nchuckle said:

Look,I’m having a bit of a tease of him. Indeed even a sober Thai is a very low bar indeed for safe driving - I was just making a comparative (accurate) statement 

PS I am actually Tea Total if that helps... 

Wish I were tea total......just driven back from the pub.....I am wrecked.

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On 4/5/2021 at 11:14 PM, BostonRob2 said:

To me it seems like a perfectly reasonable idea for community service. Well done Thailand for neither belittling the seriousness of the offence or the effectiveness of the punishment. And why shouldn't a German guy be capable of teaching English? 

my german mate can speak perfic english and right pefic hinglish....his daddy is a DOCTOR !!!! in gemany

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Actually the best teachers are non natives, as they will teach them practically, something they will actually use in their lives. All the grammar <deleted> that real teachers teach us, is forgotten and causes most students to dislike English for no good reason.

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On 4/5/2021 at 1:31 PM, 1Gringo said:

if they are British, this would be a huge mistake mostly because the Brits no longer have a grammar.  for instance, drink is a noun or a verb.  it is NEVER an adjective.

"no longer have a grammar". 


Well it makes sense to you anyway. 

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