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Thailand entering third wave of COVID-19 infections – Dr. Thiravat Hemachudha


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6 hours ago, Paul Henry said:

If Thailand has hopes of being in the tourist bubble with countries like NZ, Aus, Singapore & Vietnam

it will have to lift its game and forget about immediate intra country tourism and tighten up its approach to restricting travel and spread of the virus at home. Short term gain appears to be at the fore front of Thailand's  bureaucracy rather than taking a solid stand on restricting the spread of the virus.


Those bubbles just popped.

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6 hours ago, Cadan said:

Finally arrived. No way to stop the spreading now. Just can pray that we get enough vaccines on time before the big numbers start to roll in. So much time was lost and not enough orders placed

for vaccination. It does not take a lot of IQ to have ordered the ONE shot Johnson vaccine with August arrival and we would be done by end September. No no we have to produce it locally and make a few bucks.... the greed evening during  this pandemic is overwhelming... 

"the greed evening during  this pandemic is overwhelming...".  How right you are, between the unelected "PM" and the hospitals, they must be making a fortune. I hope Karma bites them up the backside. 

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7 minutes ago, VBF said:

I have this horrible horrible feeling that what is slowly becoming UK's past, is going to be Thailand's future with regard to numbers of infections.

I so hope I'm wrong, but look at Brazil for what happens when a leadership is in denial.  Usually my glass is half-full but with this, well.......

Brazil?! Look at Sweden, when a country was in denial?

Edited by Andrew65
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3 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

Sweden thought they didn't need to bother with lockdowns and all that mullarky. Everything was tickety-boo, then they were hit just the same as many other countries.

I know, I was agreeing with you. ????


They were in a slightly better situation than we were in the UK, mainly due to lower population density, but compared to their neighbours in Norway, Finland and Denmark who did lock down, they had comparatively awful results.

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2 minutes ago, DJBenz said:

I know, I was agreeing with you. ????


They were in a slightly better situation than we were in the UK, mainly due to lower population density, but compared to their neighbours in Norway, Finland and Denmark who did lock down, they had comparatively awful results.

Very true, it's a bigger country, and they have a population not much bigger than that of London or NYC.

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1 hour ago, Andrew65 said:

If they have AZ vaccines, which are provided at cost (or maybe free), how many are being administered for profit by private medicine?


az and sinovac are free for thai and not available for foreigners, but because there is a large stock, all now in provincial and city hospitals, there is a probability of some being stolen and appearing on the black market (as in many countries).

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6 hours ago, Miami007 said:

Why would they even test  the 91% who are negative? What is the basis to go to the site?

Sorry, I don't follow you on that - how is it possible to know that 91% are negative if they are not tested?


When a big enough sample is tested, it gives an indication as to the greater population within that area. However, with Covid, 9% can very quickly become 18%, 36% .........................

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On 4/6/2021 at 4:40 PM, Meat Pie 47 said:

Third wave? When was the first and second wave?



Do a bit of research please. 





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3 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

They may not be the problem but given Thailand's reaction to the virus last year, if things get bad it would not surprise me if they closed the borders again.


My fears regarding my travel are also because of the UK's proposed 'traffic light' system for international travel - where Thailand will be on the list of countries is currently unknown but the UK government has stated that it will depend on:


The overall rate of infections in a particular country.


The prevalence of variants.


The % of the population vaccinated.


At a guess, Thailand may currently just scrape through as a 'Green Light' country - they appear to have done well in combating the virus and the prevalence of variants is low. However, the vaccination rollout is yet to start in any meaningful way.  I think its more likely that Thailand will fall into the Amber group but if this really is a 'third wave' - they may be given a 'Red Light'. Hence my concerns - after waiting over a year.

Same here....we in UK cannot (legally) travel until May 17 anyway (and more likely 21 June) and a helluva lot can change in that time. IF, repeat IF the Thailand figures don't rocket after Songkran, the picture MAY look a little rosier.


As I've said before...we wait and see...... ????

Edited by VBF
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2 hours ago, katana said:

As someone said..."A vaccine so safe you have to be forced to take it, against a virus so deadly, you have to get tested to know if you have it."

Have you actually heard of Asymptomatic Transmission........?

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17 hours ago, jossthaifarang said:

I think it's time we all just carried on about our business, if you need to get tested to find out you have it then how bad is it really? Is it worth closing down the world?

The Philippines is suffering through the worst lock-down in the world -- and it is doing nothing for the rising numbers.



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Cant avoid a pandemic, only adapt and live through then as it subsides and mutates those left will live with it ...We still live with all the various and previous  pandemic strains throughout history today  they all burned out and mutated to less dangerous versions and this one will be just the same and burn out in time. These vaccines that are based on older strains  stay behind the curve of mutations all the time.


They are already admitting vaccines  will need never ending tweaks but really its  only mass natural herd immunity and antibodies in the majority as strains mutate to less  dangerous that will end it and nothing else.  Get on with your life best as possible

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While most of the world is slowly returning to normal including the most heavily impacted countries like the U.S, UK and China.  Thailand which was slightly impacted and virtually closed, is now concerned about alleged clusters and possible renewed restrictions.  Where did the clusters allegedly come from. Did the quarantine not work ? Did they destroy their economy only to become one of the last nations on the planet to recover

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