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1m+ monitor lizard in our garden :-( how to get rid of this guy ?

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hi there


this is not our pet, this is not in 7/11; we found an one meter+ monitor lizard who hides under the desk in our garden. we saw it two months ago and hope it runs away by itself, but not and we found it again this morning, and security could not able to catch it. this is in a mo baan with 1.4m high fence at 4 sides, assumed it could not climb over the straight wall.


we have small kid and cat in the garden, our serious concern ! HOW we could chase it away ? or make it not residing in the garden ?



thanks for any help !

monitor lizard 1m long at home Apr12_2021.jpg

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They're quite capable of climbing over straight walls. If you've only seen it a couple of times in two months, are you sure it's resident and not just passing through? Are there any drains etc. that it could be coming up? It's not a huge one so could probably squeeze through fairly narrow openings. Other than that, as above, you need to try and shepherd it out if you've got a gate there. 

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16 hours ago, Crossy said:

Ah a baby one!


Call your local village head (or moo baan office), he should have the number of the local "assorted creatures" wrangler who will take him away for you.



 Yup. Last year we had this visitor which our dogs chased up the gate.




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thanks guys


two years ago we had a big one 1.5m+ monitor lizard in the garden, it walked through the gate feely. yet my wife recognised this was the same baby one two months ago, and it grows up a bit today. I had not much a problem if monitor lizard, snack or else just come or go, kind of the nature, but my residing in the garden.  now it hides under the deck that is NOT POSSIBLE to reach.


will call the "assorted creatures" wrangler for help !

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On 4/12/2021 at 3:03 PM, KhaoNiaw said:

They're quite capable of climbing over straight walls. If you've only seen it a couple of times in two months, are you sure it's resident and not just passing through? Are there any drains etc. that it could be coming up? It's not a huge one so could probably squeeze through fairly narrow openings. Other than that, as above, you need to try and shepherd it out if you've got a gate there. 

They, I'm told won't attack you unless approached, it might eat your cat if your cat is a bit slow. Their bite is not venomous, but Can cause serious grief as their teeth are full of decaying flesh. 

Thus keep a wide berth and call a professional to move it. And the posts thus far, advise is true, they like water and might be gaining access from a drain or hole.


I've heard they bite cattle on the leg and follow them till they fall from the infection from the wound 

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our little creature - woralut, still enjoying his/her time in the garden !  recommended by a Thai friend, we get a big guy (he is a fireman, off-duty now parttime) and help to catch this monitor lizard. but he hide himself deep under the structure of the deck/terrace, in an hour of effort, nothing move. we all gave up.


my wife, she suspects that this creature is not alone ? in the rain storm another day, she saw one maybe a bit smaller. ok, ok, ok, we will have a small lizard farm very soon !



thanks and cheers !

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