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Biggest thing to fear is fear itself


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6 hours ago, CharlieH said:

How many are becoming anesthetized to the whole Covid thing ? and are just ignoring it now, total lack of interest.



Judging by the sheer volume of Covid-related threads and posts on TV and other forums as well as the endless YouTube and Twittering on top of mainstream media's 24/7 bombardment along with the conspiracy theorists and dark web's proclamation's of lefty death cults and population control via Bill Gate's injected nanobots, I reckon they need to sack the bloody anesthetist!


BTW, Friday is my tequila day. It helps me separate reality from... reality.

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1 hour ago, rumak said:


I guess the same should be said about thaivisa,  no ? 


  It is common knowledge (amongst intelligent people)  that almost everyone engages in confirmation bias.  ( and almost everyone denies it)   !

Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values.[1] People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply entrenched beliefs.


example in the post above :   "They are simply repeating unfounded claims   made by others"  

Of course the posters's claims are always correct ............ while others are "unfounded" 

Isn't this the substance of almost every "debate"  here and in real life ?


The governments,  large corporations,  medical industry, etc etc  all make claims that , with the help of the long lost art of real investigative journalism ,many many "facts and pronouncements and denials..etc"  have eventually been exposed s lies.   Before being exposed........ they were of course just "unfounded claims"




And what makes it all so easy for those to wallow in their affirmation echo chambers are the likes of Facebook and Twitter. Those simple, innocent, advertising-driven algorithms of yore that innocently channeled pop-up and banner adverts for things similar to what you had been surfing for or things you just bought now hoovers up your social media and browsing habits and bombards you with more of the same. It's the incubator of "alternative facts".


Nobody needs to search for any confirmation bias any more, Facebook and Twitter does it all for you. Just sit back, point, click, read and anything you ever wanted to believe is all true. The links offered up will simply take you further down the rabbit hole where opinion, and often totally misguided or frankly incorrect opinion, is conflated with news.


Honest factual news and truth hasn't a snowball's down there.

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Knowledge is the antidote to fear.


The word "virus" was made up, excuse me, discovered in the year  1900.  (Source: Wikipedia)


The term Virus did not enter medical textbooks until 1930.


Heated debates resulted among doctors at the time.  (Please read books to expand your mind)  Ultimately profits from the serum makers prevailed.  And the virus theory of contagion metastisized into "fact".


It reminds me of a corny hollywood movie frm 2006, Idocracy.  The citizens 500 years in the future were facing famine from drought, but lakes, rivers, and reservoirs were full with water.  The citizens didn't know water was required to grow crops.  The man hibernating 500 years was awakened and showed them.  

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14 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Nobody needs to search for any confirmation bias any more, Facebook and Twitter does it all for you. Just sit back, point, click, read and anything you ever wanted to believe is all true. The links offered up will simply take you further down the rabbit hole where opinion, and often totally misguided or frankly incorrect opinion, is conflated with news.


i enjoyed that post.  maybe a bit too confusing for some on this forum   haha  but i get it .


only thing is, my screen is now bombarded with ads for leather recliners  and wireless mouses. 

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51 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

BTW, Friday is my tequila day. It helps me separate reality from... reality.


really is time for all of us to get up,  get out,   and celebrate !



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2 minutes ago, rumak said:

i enjoyed that post.  maybe a bit too confusing for some on this forum   haha  but i get it .

only thing is, my screen is now bombarded with ads for leather recliners  and wireless mouses. 

My screen never shows any adverts from any sources.

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Just now, BritManToo said:

My screen never shows any adverts from any sources.


thanks for sharing  BM 

some of those adverts are not so bad.:


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5 hours ago, Sheryl said:

As I explained, most deaths from any natural cause list one or more co-morbidities.


USA Today is nto a scientific journal. They are simply repeating unfounded claims made by others.


The 2.6 conditions comorbidities on death certificates. Not causes of death.


I wish you would actually read the article. If you did, you would find that it debunks those claims. It is not simply repeating them. I specifically recommend you read this section:  Comorbidities vs. cause of death

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36 minutes ago, CALSinCM said:

Then a third of the populations should be dead or severely sick Ryan but that isn't what has happened.. 

Nonsense. A pandemic takes time to propagate. It doesn't happen all at once. So it's still spreading. There are still lots more uninfected than infected people. If yours is an example of what you believe to be "critical thinking skills", think again.

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32 minutes ago, CALSinCM said:

 The "vaccine hesitant" i.e., people who see both sides of the Covid arguments and have legitimate concerns that are not assuaged by a government spokeperson, a super-star celebratory, or a corporate head posing as a medical expert tell them that the cash cow vaccines are 100% safe the recorded Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systems tell a different story   

Still nattering on with that 100% claim falsehood. The adverse reporting system doesn't tell a different story because governments, celebrities doing public service announcement, or corporate heads aren't claiming that vaccines are 100% safe. What the figures from the yellow card system do tell us is that the vaccines are slightly less than 100% safe but still much safer than being infected with covid.

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First off, it would be nice to actually get the lifted quote correct: 

"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." --FDR


There is a difference between the biggest thing and the only thing. 


So the opinion piece says in the opening para that walk-in vaccination plans are likely to be super-spreader events, create misinformation via people using their phones to record video (of people being "turned away for whatever reasons") and those getting the inoculation may still get infected/ill/suffer side effects. 


Boy, I tell 'ya, I was sort of sitting the fence on whether or not to get a jab, but this guy really makes his case, doesn't he? Gee whiz, there's no upside here, is there?


It's a good thing this guy got published before the new anti-fake news law comes into effect. I wonder if it will be retroactively applied? 

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18 minutes ago, Trujillo said:



First off, it would be nice to actually get the lifted quote correct: 

"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." --FDR


There is a difference between the biggest thing and the only thing. 


So the opinion piece says in the opening para that walk-in vaccination plans are likely to be super-spreader events, create misinformation via people using their phones to record video (of people being "turned away for whatever reasons") and those getting the inoculation may still get infected/ill/suffer side effects. 


Boy, I tell 'ya, I was sort of sitting the fence on whether or not to get a jab, but this guy really makes his case, doesn't he? Gee whiz, there's no upside here, is there?


It's a good thing this guy got published before the new anti-fake news law comes into effect. I wonder if it will be retroactively applied? 

When vaccinations started in the USA, they were by appointment only. Once the surge in demand was satisfied, then walk-in vaccinations were allowed. The reason you don't start with walk-in vaccinations is to avoid that surge. 

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2 hours ago, Mark Nothing said:

Knowledge is the antidote to fear.


The word "virus" was made up, excuse me, discovered in the year  1900.  (Source: Wikipedia)


The term Virus did not enter medical textbooks until 1930.


Heated debates resulted among doctors at the time.  (Please read books to expand your mind)  Ultimately profits from the serum makers prevailed.  And the virus theory of contagion metastisized into "fact".


It reminds me of a corny hollywood movie frm 2006, Idocracy.  The citizens 500 years in the future were facing famine from drought, but lakes, rivers, and reservoirs were full with water.  The citizens didn't know water was required to grow crops.  The man hibernating 500 years was awakened and showed them.  

The reason there was debate was that viruses were too small to be seen by microscopes at the time and so small that they passed through filters. Are you seriously contending the smallpox, chickenpox, measles, mumps, flu, etc aren't caused by viral infections? Compared to you, the covid vaccine denialists are well informed.

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Fear is only one factor. Ignorance, and stupidity are very high on other factors in the world.

  Being a red neck or very stubborn, self centered person is also another factor.  Having a very high opinion of ones self may also be a factor, in someone debating whether their superior self should get a COVID vaccine.

  I am very thankful to have gotten my first Pfizer shot, and have 1 month to go before the 2nd one. I do hope that Pfizer and Moderna and even the J and J vaccines get to Thailand soon.


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Troll, bickering, baiting and false posts have been removed.   You can be assured that the continued posting of false or misleading information WILL result in a suspension.  


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15 hours ago, Sheryl said:

This insistance that the presence of any co-morbidity invalidates a cause of death is contrary to the science of epidemiology and normal medical practice. It is a straw being grasped at by COVID deniers, and COVID denial is not based on thought or reason. It is based on emotion or ulterior motives and manipulates facts to serves those ends.


This great concern with if a death was a true covid death or not was a great concern to certain media outlets in the US that would go to any lengths to defend the image of the previous ruler of that country, trying to diminish the covid-19 death count.  I think bickering about this is pretty shameless and cold-blooded.



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On 5/21/2021 at 7:36 AM, rumak said:

right on.    even TV is just full of this stuff.     Same old guys repeating how serious it is.

And us same old guys saying .......uh........ something like ..." the biggest fear is fear itself".


i barely have a look at all the covid stuff.     just put it on my auto ignore in my brain.


the biggest damage is the state of mind of so much of the world,  infected with the endless

warnings and "necessary measures"  that have now taken over the minds of so many.


I personally don't know anyone who was seriously harmed by catching COVID, had any serious after-effect from COVID, or even managed to catch COVID twice.


No, I've almost misled you there, I do know a young Thai lady who tested positive for COVID and was seriously harmed by 2 weeks in Chiang Mai 'COVID prison camp', even though she had no symptoms at all. Two weeks jail with no trial  has to count as 'seriously harmed' IMHO.

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16 minutes ago, BritManToo said:


I personally don't know anyone who was seriously harmed by catching COVID, had any serious after-effect from COVID, or even managed to catch COVID twice.


No, I've almost misled you there, I do know a young Thai lady who tested positive for COVID and was seriously harmed by 2 weeks in Chiang Mai 'COVID prison camp', even though she had no symptoms at all. Two weeks jail with no trial  has to count as 'seriously harmed' IMHO.

I personally know people who've died, were in the hospital very sick, and some who have long covid.  Still suffering 6 months later.


And in the end, the numbers are there to prove this is a serious pandemic.  Sad some try to down play the severity of this virus.


Did you ever say if you were tested for covid?  Not sure if I missed that.

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10 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

I personally know people who've died, were in the hospital very sick, and some who have long covid.  Still suffering 6 months later.

And in the end, the numbers are there to prove this is a serious pandemic.  Sad some try to down play the severity of this virus.

Did you ever say if you were tested for covid?  Not sure if I missed that.

It appears you are in reality a COVID denier.

With a forum this size it's inexplicable that no members have posted their own serious illness from COVID.

But when I claim me and my family have had it, you insist on denying.

Wouldn't it more suit your agenda of fear to claim we had it, but were part of the 'lucky few' to escape the more serious effects?


1. Where are all the ThaiVISA members that almost died, but then recovered after serious hospital treatment?

2. Where are all the ThaiVISA members that caught it twice, or have serious ongoing disabilities?

3. Where is the list of ThaiVISA members that sadly succumbed to COVID and died?


Would point out on other forums (mainly American/Canadian), it's the same.

No members reporting their own illness, but they may know a few people that weren't members that suffered.

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Just now, BritManToo said:

It appears you are in reality a COVID denier.

With a forum this size it's inexplicable that no members have posted their own serious illness from COVID.

But when I claim me and my family have had it, you insist on denying.

Wouldn't it more suit your agenda of fear to claim we had it, but were part of the 'lucky few' to escape the more serious effects?

Were you tested for Covid?

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The true death toll of COVID-19

On 30 January 2020 COVID-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) with an official death toll of 171. By 31 December 2020, this figure stood at 1 813 188. Yet preliminary estimates suggest the total number of global deaths attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 is at least 3 million, representing 1.2 million more deaths than officially reported.


With the latest COVID-19 deaths reported to WHO now exceeding 3.3 million, based on the excess mortality estimates produced for 2020, we are likely facing a significant undercount of total deaths directly and indirectly attributed to COVID-19.

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17 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

It appears you are in reality a COVID denier.

With a forum this size it's inexplicable that no members have posted their own serious illness from COVID.

But when I claim me and my family have had it, you insist on denying.

Wouldn't it more suit your agenda of fear to claim we had it, but were part of the 'lucky few' to escape the more serious effects?


1. Where are all the ThaiVISA members that almost died, but then recovered after serious hospital treatment?

2. Where are all the ThaiVISA members that caught it twice, or have serious ongoing disabilities?

3. Where is the list of ThaiVISA members that sadly succumbed to COVID and died?


Would point out on other forums (mainly American/Canadian), it's the same.

No members reporting their own illness, but they may know a few people that weren't members that suffered.

A covid denier?  Come on. 


What you're saying means nothing.  Personal experiences aren't as important as the big picture. 


A very reliable source.  I guess they're deniers also? LOL




There have been 7m-13m excess deaths worldwide during the pandemic

The rich world suffered relatively badly, but most of the dying has been elsewhere

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Deaths from Covid-19 and Covid-related causes are likely to be two to three times the number that countries have recorded in their official data, the World Health Organization said on Friday.

Some six to eight million people may have now died from Covid-19 or its effects since the start of the pandemic, compared with 3.4 million deaths recorded in countries’ official reporting, Dr. Samira Asma, assistant director of the W.H.O.’s data division, told reporters.

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19 hours ago, CALSinCM said:

Then a third of the populations should be dead or severely sick Ryan but that isn't what has happened.


Since this coronavirus is just over a year old, I'm not really surprised that we are still batting 3 and 0 in the bottom of the ninth. However, if you look at the statistics for the immunodeficient, elderly and those with pre-existing conditions, their future was never brighter than anyone predicted.


1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

It appears you are in reality a COVID denier.

With a forum this size it's inexplicable that no members have posted their own serious illness from COVID.

But when I claim me and my family have had it, you insist on denying.

Wouldn't it more suit your agenda of fear to claim we had it, but were part of the 'lucky few' to escape the more serious effects?


1. Where are all the ThaiVISA members that almost died, but then recovered after serious hospital treatment?

2. Where are all the ThaiVISA members that caught it twice, or have serious ongoing disabilities?

3. Where is the list of ThaiVISA members that sadly succumbed to COVID and died?


Would point out on other forums (mainly American/Canadian), it's the same.

No members reporting their own illness, but they may know a few people that weren't members that suffered.


You omitted a category


4. Where is the list of ThaiVISA members who had their memberships lopped off because they posted left-field opinions that countered what you call the "agenda of fear" nonsense?


That's all beside the point anyway. Since when has "the number of people I know" or "the amount of members on an internet forum" ever constitute a scientifically valid and medically acceptable yardstick?


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Just now, NanLaew said:

That's all beside the point anyway. Since when has "the number of people I know" or "the amount of members on an internet forum" ever constitute a scientifically valid and medically acceptable yardstick?

Members on an internet forum is something we can all see/read, with an alleged membership of 500k, there should have been nearly 10 members who died of COVID in the past year, with many more suffering serious hospital stays, and lingering after effects. Especially on this forum where there are many sick and elderly, one would have supposed many more of us would have suffered than in the general population. So where are all their posts describing their experiences? As far as I can see it's only me and then I get the fear mongers demanding to see a test result.


'People I know' is generally open to question, but I'd believe a lot of members posting of their own serious illness.

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Members on an internet forum is something we can all see/read, with an alleged membership of 500k, there should have been nearly 10 members who died of COVID in the past year, with many more suffering serious hospital stays, and lingering after effects. Especially on this forum where there are many sick and elderly, one would have supposed many more of us would have suffered than in the general population. So where are all their posts describing their experiences? As far as I can see it's only me and then I get the fear mongers demanding to see a test result.


'People I know' is generally open to question, but I'd believe a lot of members posting of their own serious illness.

The dead ones haven't posted because......ummm.....they're dead ??

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