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Vaccine hesitancy grows ahead of Thailand's mass inoculation rollout


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21 minutes ago, noone223 said:

Surprise surprise, not 1 mention adverse side effects.

Who would've imagined bloomberg would forget / leave out these type of details...

But, Israeli media is censoring it.

Here you go, we're only 3-4 months after, and <deleted> starts popping up.. imagine in 2 years...





Study: COVID-19 Can Kill Months After Infection

They found COVID-19 patients had a 59% higher risk of death up to 6 months after infection, compared to non-infected people.

Those findings translate into about eight extra deaths per 1,000 patients over 6 months, because many deaths caused by long-term COVID complications are not recorded as COVID-19 deaths, the researchers said.



Here you go. Only a few months after! Imagine what they're going to find in 2 years!


And thank you for sharing with us the video of an ophthalmologist. Granted, he's a board-certified ophthalmologist. Although he did create the board himself.

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3 minutes ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

The mRNA shot developed by BioNTech SE and Pfizer Inc. has been shown to be over 90% effective in preventing transmission in Israel.


So congratulations , they don't have covid, but myocarditis, instead .

Once again, it's only been a few months and we're seeing bloodclots and heart problems.

I just Imagine all those who were quick to celebrate "I got the jab and nothing happened" ,

Finding out they are suffering from serious conditions a year or two down the road.


P.S It's not a theory if it's already factual.

Google "Pfizer myocarditis"  for yourself.

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8 minutes ago, terryofcrete said:

Any brave soul willing to coherently explain to normal people what this word means besides waking up ? Suspicious now that the wannabe  cool and trendy are using it without even remote comprehension of what it means. Safe enough because I don't think anyone does know what it means .


I suppose another word could be used, e.g. having "woken" up to the fact, but it all depends on the sentence.

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1 minute ago, placeholder said:

Study: COVID-19 Can Kill Months After Infection

They found COVID-19 patients had a 59% higher risk of death up to 6 months after infection, compared to non-infected people.

Those findings translate into about eight extra deaths per 1,000 patients over 6 months, because many deaths caused by long-term COVID complications are not recorded as COVID-19 deaths, the researchers said.



Here you go. Only a few months after! Imagine what they're going to find in 2 years!


And thank you for sharing with us the video of an ophthalmologist. Granted, he's a board-certified ophthalmologist. Although he did create the board himself.

STUDY:  %100 of all living beings end up dead.

Sorry dude, you keep following Webmd and Bloomberg,

and I'll follow my sources. Get the jab. Go ahead.

I'm just encouraging people to open up and expand their news sources.


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2 hours ago, Rulie said:

The rates of infection have gone up across the board, not just in sinovac and sinpharm countries. If you look at the charts for most countries you see a spike right after the vaccines roll outs.

That's possible if people stop taking care, such as wearing masks, before their second jab takes full effect.

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11 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

Do what I did, I looked it up to be sure.....

Thank you ... good advice .. but I'm not fully woke yet , it's  only 8am here...

Woke is a slang term that is easing into the mainstream from some varieties of a dialect called African American Vernacular English (sometimes called AAVE). In AAVE, awake is often rendered as woke, as in, “I was sleeping, but now I'm woke.” 'Woke' is increasingly used as a byword for social awareness.

Not an inspiring explanation ... for me anyhow. 

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6 hours ago, simon43 said:

Well, now you know one ????  I'm happy to have a Sinovac jab, (although being over 60 years old, I was allocated an AZ vaccination here in Laos).


I'm a scientist, with a modest understanding of virology.  Sinovac is based on an inactivated, whole virus vaccine, which is a very well established type of vaccine (polio, rabies, hep A are all types of inactivated, whole virus vaccines).  It's a very simple type of vaccine to manufacture, and being an inactivated virus, it simply triggers the body's immune system.


Too much scare-mongering being passed around from ignorant non-scientists AND from scientists with a conspiracy/tin-hat agenda..  Best stick to watching the soaps, because for many, that's about the limit of their intellectual capabilities ????




Well good for you I think everyone should be given a choice which vaccine they put in their bodies.
Myself I choose not to take Sinovac because I don't trust Chines quality control and also it's proven less effective than other vaccines.
Scare-mongering I don't recall reading anything I could be called scare mongering regarding the Sinovac vaccine the fact is it's less effective than other Vaccines and that's all.

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8 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


I suppose another word could be used, e.g. having "woken" up to the fact, but it all depends on the sentence.

Thank you.  this is now being purposely used to appear " cool" . That's my thinking . Getting on a bit now ... 

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22 hours ago, DirtyHarry55 said:


So only 66% confident in the AstraZeneca shot so what about Sinovac no numbers published? That would be interesting.
In any case as soon as AstraZeneca is available I'll happily take it compared to Sinovac which I wouldn't take if they paid me. One thing I've noticed they always try and merge Sinovac and Astrazeneca in any PR propaganda news.



I had my shot of Astra Zeneca 3 weeks ago and I'm happy to report that I had no side effects at all..

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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:


Well over 1% you say, here are the sums, your splitting hairs sunshine. Note it's actually 416,000 people who have been fully vaccinated.


I rest my case, what about you ?


Vaccinations by location
From Our World in Data · Last updated: 2 days ago
Doses given
Fully vaccinated
% of population fully vaccinated
This data shows the total number of doses given in each location. Since some vaccines require more than one dose, the number of fully vaccinated people is likely to be lower. '+' shows data reported yesterday·

Well there you go sunshine, maths obviously not your strong point. So much for your 1% Figures are growing daily.

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11 minutes ago, Maejo Man said:

Well there you go sunshine, maths obviously not your strong point. So much for your 1% Figures are growing daily.


Actually math is my strongest point, try this on for size, 416,000 people who have been totally vaccinated of the 26 million people in the population works out to be, far less than 1% "sunshine", but I will let you do the math, it's not that difficult.


Without a second dose, you can't say people have been vaccinated, i.e. unless they are using the J&J one jab vaccine, no doubt you will argue with that as well.


Move on........

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I suspect many have been effected by the AZ fake news that came from the EU. They completeley messed up their vaccine roll out and became very jealous of the UK's success and they have been activeley trying to punish the UK and AZ in particular ever since. Even here in the UK the MSM keep reporting about AZ side effects but ignore the side effects from other much more expensive vaccines. Two reasons I think, as I mentioned the EU has blundered and are trying to cover up their blunder by targeting AZ and also imagine the money involved, AZ is none for profit while the likes of phizer and other rake in billions. Rather handy to discredit AZ when the others rake it in. It all adds up, the EU is Europes globalist mob, money ,power and control is what they seek.

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It is very simple why people hesitate to take vaccines because people know that the vaccines available now are still in clinical trial which only the politicians are playing medicine game, morphed from lockdown to vaccines and it will morph to vaccines passport later, second you still can catch covid and infect other people when fully vaccinated and third even after your second jab, you still important to take rapid covid testing if you are decided to travel and mandatory to wear mask.
That is why no one would want to inject an experimental concoction to their body become human subjects.

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The Prime Minister promoting Fah Talai Jone is not helping when so many Thais believe in scientifically untested and trialed herbal medicines and may mistakenly think that taking this makes vaccination unnecessary.

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All very strange reactions from folk here, because logically Sinovac is the most traditional vaccine produced from inactivated actual virus cells and thus safest of all the vaccines IMHO and from my own limited but pretty deep research.  Surely the most experimental vaccine and the one with the most unknown long term effects are more likely those with the mRNA base produced by big corporate pharma for profit not care.  surely there is rationally far more reason to mistrust those vaccines then any of the others. Personaly I am not willing or brave enough to risk any mRNA vaccine and be a human guinea pig thanks.


So my first choice is Sinovac, which although suposedly has a lower efficacy if the anti Chnese agenda driven figures are to be believed, it still has the same almost 100% efficacy against serious illness and death.  The only other two I have enough trust in is Sputnik V and Astrazenica but would only take those if Sinovac was unavailable but would rather wait for that to become available again to be honest.

Edited by rayw
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58 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


Actually math is my strongest point, try this on for size, 416,000 people who have been totally vaccinated of the 26 million people in the population works out to be, far less than 1% "sunshine", but I will let you do the math, it's not that difficult.


Without a second dose, you can't say people have been vaccinated, i.e. unless they are using the J&J one jab vaccine, no doubt you will argue with that as well.


Move on........

That's not what you were saying.. you have changed your story, in fact the first dose is very effective.. but it is recommended to have 2 doses.
"As an immunologist, I hear this question frequently. The answer is that a single dose is very effective – but I would add that you should still get both doses. "

Quote taken from


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1 hour ago, noone223 said:

STUDY:  %100 of all living beings end up dead.

Sorry dude, you keep following Webmd and Bloomberg,

and I'll follow my sources. Get the jab. Go ahead.

I'm just encouraging people to open up and expand their news sources.


This coming from an alarmist about reported adverse events. It is to laugh.

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22 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


Covid: Pfizer and AstraZeneca jabs work against Indian variant - study


"The Pfizer and AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccines are highly effective against the variant identified in India after two doses, a study has found.


Two jabs of either vaccine give a similar level of protection against symptomatic disease from the Indian variant as they do for the Kent one.


The Pfizer vaccine was found to be 88% effective at stopping symptomatic disease from the Indian variant two weeks after the second dose, compared with 93% effectiveness against the Kent variant.

The AstraZeneca jab was 60% effective against the Indian variant, compared with 66% against the Kent variant.






The Pfizer numbers above look very good. However, I don't know if I'd say the AZ vaccine being 60% effective against the Indian variant two weeks after the second dose as "highly effective."  But, better than 50%, and better than nothing.



The reason why AZ has lower % after second shot is that with AZ they had more older people in the test. So that brought it automatically down

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Just now, ericdiam said:

The reason why AZ has lower % after second shot is that with AZ they had more older people in the test. So that brought it automatically down

Another dangerous point government decided to do is wait 16 weeks for second shot AZ. Totally wrong as the test also found that for both vaccines after first shot only 33% immunity. And only after second it goes up a lot. That why UK just reduced the time between. This results are all for Indian varriant 

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3 hours ago, chalawaan said:

This is a complete misuderstanding of what the vaxes do.  Covid infections only decrease because the majority in any given group have already had it, not because vaccines stop it, because they don't. Everyone will eventually get covid, everyone on the planet, vaxxed or not even Xi if he hasn't secretly got it already, like so many leaders.

We already know most people recover from the first variants anyway, if fortune is with us, then the other variants may not be as harsh, with the help of the jabs, at that point, getting covid wont be a big deal, and they'll have stopped things like the daily tally, even though it will be circulating forever, and still killing, much like the common flu does anyway.

And people banging on about the death rate are also deluded.

Death really is the least of one's worries, nobody wants to die, but let's face it, it's the ultimate problem solver!

The nuance the "death rate debaters" don't understand is that all the disruption is to mitigate even more disruption caused by a scenario like India, where:

A) The virus mutated to be worse, and

B) A bad bout of covid really messes up the victim, sometimes for life it seems, plus the healthcare system sustainability overall, as well as the economy. It was foolishly "opening up" that cooked India's goose.

Opening up will happen only when smarter people than us -who are also helping to save our collective lives, calculate it feasable to do so.

I agree with much of what you say but as for vaccines not stopping transmission, not true. They don't stop it 100% and some do better than others. For instance


Pfizer Covid vaccine blocks 94% of asymptomatic infections and 97% of symptomatic cases in Israeli study

Pfizer said Thursday its Covid-19 vaccine blocked 94% of asymptomatic infections in an Israeli study — a result CEO Albert Bourla called “extremely important.”

The study, which measured results two weeks after the second dose, also found the vaccine was at least 97% effective against symptomatic Covid cases, hospitalizations and deaths, according to Pfizer, which developed the shot with BioNTech.

The analysis used data collected between Jan. 17 and March 6, when Pfizer’s vaccine was the only available shot in the country and when the more transmissible B.1.1.7 variant from the U.K. was the dominant strain.


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38 minutes ago, placeholder said:

Pfizer said

"Pfizer said" and "According to Pfizer"

Pfizer and it's studies are clearly made to take accountability for all the adverse effects.

It's not as if they'll sugarcoat or deny it. 

Naaa,  They'll be honest, as most lawyers, salesman and pharma companies usually are.

By all means, get this jab if you want, but please don't push it onto the children!!

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22 hours ago, Antonymous said:

The highest estimate I have read so far is that 37% of the US population has been vaccinated.

Googling "50% of americans vaccinated" brings up several stories updating that 37% to 39%. That's the percent of the total population including youths and children. 50.4% of adults have been fully vaccinated, and 81% of seniors.

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6 minutes ago, noone223 said:

"Pfizer said" and "According to Pfizer"

Pfizer and it's studies are clearly made to take accountability for all the adverse effects.

It's not as if they'll sugarcoat or deny it. 

Naaa,  They'll be honest, as most lawyers, salesman and pharma companies usually are.

By all means, get this jab if you want, but please don't push it onto the children!!

Because the FDA isn't watching them like a hawk. It's not like the vaccines are getting a lot of attention.

If you've got some real information to share with us, by all means do so. But please spare us the empty Pavlovian insinuations.

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23 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Is it because people are woke, or because of the vaccines their government is providing them with.


I Australia they only have 1% of the population vaccinated, their population is 26 million and they are trying to give them AZ, but no one wants it.

Frogs**t no one wants it !  the vast majority want it and are getting it.

Some choose to wait for Pfizer and possibly Moderna , but most are content with AZ

It's people misreporting things that causes fear in a minority

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