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British man accused of brutally murdering Thai girlfriend faces extradition from Spain


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30 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:



These guys I am referring to did not drink for two reasons.


1. Doormen are not allowed to drink alcohol under our rules and staff would not serve them with it..

My dad always told me to never trust anyone who doesn't drink.


30 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:


2. They weren't interested in alcohol as they were training up to six days a week and classed alcohol such as beer as ' empty carbs ' that would get in the way of their training.

Training for what exactly?



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It doesn’t say , but I assume he’s being held in jail in Spain , on a charge of murder ? 
because if he’s not in jail already they won’t be able extradite him 

I mean if he’s not been found guilty already , how do they keep him in prison .. remanded I’d guess 

on suspicion,  but if he was claiming his  human rights etc ... how long and until when would he stay there ? 

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6 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

He was also a steroid user, so probably not mentally stable either. 

Your trying to wind someone up aren't you.........................????‍♂️

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6 hours ago, robblok said:

they got him with her the night of the murder. What do you want cctv image of the murder ?. Chances highly likely he did it the timeline fits. Of course he denies it and of course he admits to taking her home. Bit hard to deny video evidence and DNA in your home.


your workouts are certainly helping you to  JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS  sir .  


How about this possible scenario :   He takes her home ( like a million other guys do with a sex worker.)    Then she leaves and ......?     1. jealous boyfriend   2. taxi guy     3.  she goes off with someone else    4 .  ??? 


as for "doing a runner " .   IF  i was chosen to be the possible murderer in a situation where i was innocent....... in Thailand......  I probably would get the hell out !    

Being "coerced" to admit guilt happens in many countries.   


please note that i am NOT saying he is innocent.    but just "being with someone"  certainly seems like a very weak case.   No ?



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Just now, covidiot said:

Here is another possible scenario.

He takes her back to the hotel, she ridicules his testicles which have shrunk noticeably due to steroid use ....



my post is only from information in the OP .     says nothing of steroid use, his background,

or the size  of his balls .      

anyone with that information feel free to post and share

Edited by rumak
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13 minutes ago, rumak said:

How about this possible scenario :   He takes her home ( like a million other guys do with a sex worker.)    Then she leaves and ......?     1. jealous boyfriend   2. taxi guy     3.  she goes off with someone else    4 .  ??? 

I knew a hooker in CM who was robbed of her wage late at night (early morning) on her way home.

Belted over the back of her head with a brick by a Thai guy, she survived but everyone knows they have 2,000bht in their pocket. She said it was fairly common.

Edited by BritManToo
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22 minutes ago, rumak said:

anyone with that information feel free to post and share

just ignore my stupid joke.

we'll never know what happened ... and as someone pointed out there is no justification for this type of behavior. and trying to solve the crime based on the OP is about as ridiculous as my joke. 


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20 minutes ago, covidiot said:

just ignore my stupid joke.

we'll never know what happened ... and as someone pointed out there is no justification for this type of behavior. and trying to solve the crime based on the OP is about as ridiculous as my joke. 


i thought you were joking ...... but there always are a few roadblocks trying to hang people based on "information"  thrown out there ( or imagined)  .


One day they are John Holmes.    Next day they are Sherlock Holmes

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Why can't he have the trial in Spain send all the evidence to Spain for a trial ,witnesses police giving evidence could do it over video 

 , if he found guilty they can then take him to Thailand to serve out his sentence, at least this way he would get a fair trial

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1 hour ago, rumak said:


your workouts are certainly helping you to  JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS  sir .  


How about this possible scenario :   He takes her home ( like a million other guys do with a sex worker.)    Then she leaves and ......?     1. jealous boyfriend   2. taxi guy     3.  she goes off with someone else    4 .  ??? 


as for "doing a runner " .   IF  i was chosen to be the possible murderer in a situation where i was innocent....... in Thailand......  I probably would get the hell out !    

Being "coerced" to admit guilt happens in many countries.   


please note that i am NOT saying he is innocent.    but just "being with someone"  certainly seems like a very weak case.   No ?



Maybe i jumped to conclusions, but you do know that police is always holding things back and before extradition a judge looks if a case holds any merrit. Your soley basing your opinion on what they have found. I am basing it not only with what is in the news but some speculation about the operating procedure of extradition. So im thinking there is more otherwise they would not extradite him.

Could be wrong of course we will know in time if he is found guilty then there should have been more. 

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8 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

I would suggest if that is all the evidence there is then it would be difficult to convict on that basis. The evidence is purely circumstantial.


However did he take here from the bar in Nana to his home in Hua Hin? That for me is unusual.


He was also a steroid user, so probably not mentally stable either. 

Do they need evidence in Thailand. He looks guilty !

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10 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Would point out there's no evidence he murdered her, which he denies.

Absolutely! As in so many Thai Visa posts regarding crimes - some members think they are judge and jury.

Edited by KhaoYai
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Wait ! ... somehow, I don’t get it from the article above:


- it started walking hand in hand at Nana Plaza, documented on CCTV

- then it goes southward, 200 km to Huahin

- where they find his  clothes, he was wearing at Nana Plaza. How astonishing!

- they also find her DNA. Well, what do you expect to find on your clothes, if taking a girl of a Nana Plaza bar? The famous Thai wife search for hair not stemming from her comes into mind ...

- from there, it goes back northward, 140 km to the Mae Klong in Kanchanaburi, where the dismembered body was found.


All in all, that are alone 4:30 hours in the car.

And the Police is sure, he was the last one, who saw the lady alive !


You are sure, they didn’t mistype „British“ and it shouldn’t be „Burmese“?


(maybe, finally they find out, he also went to Ko Tao and the murder happened there ...)

Edited by BernieOnTour
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Maybe they found evidence on his clothes he wore that night but it's just not in the story . Putting out a worldwide search for him is not just because he brought her home but everything that happened is in the timeline . + as other members say , doing a runner is not something you do if you have nothing to do with it and can prove it . 

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8 hours ago, robblok said:

No I don't have great faith in the Thai system but i highly doubt that someone would bribe the judges give the victim.


They have evidence of him with her in Kanchanaburi they also have not disclosed all evidence. Let them do their job. 

If it was a connected Thai who did it, or had it done theres every chance of the Judges, and others being bribed to go for a fall guy...

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Just now, Nanaplaza666 said:

doing a runner is not something you do if you have nothing to do with it and can prove it . 

Very hard to prove you didn't do something, if you were alone at the time.

Or they don't know exactly when or where she was killed.

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11 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Very hard to prove you didn't do something, if you were alone at the time.

Or they don't know exactly when or where she was killed.

I think there is more to the story then looker is saying just other then , i didn't do it . They must have found some evidence in the room and i don't know the whole story but if they say he did a runner he must have left before his original flight , that then also says a lot to me . 

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9 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

It should every person's right to be tried by a jury of their peers. 


Some food for thought:-


Juries ensure community representation informs the weighing of evidence and allowing everyday perspectives to be incorporated into judging those accused of serious crimes. They ensure this decision-making is not just the province of elites (like judges) and keeps apace of changing community values.


Jurors in a trial also force transparency into the process by requiring evidence in court to be accessible to the average member of the community.

There are other advantages – in reaching complex decisions, 12 heads are better than one; gender and racial diversity are intrinsic, albeit imperfectly, in a jury mix; and, as jury deliberations require jurors to discuss, explain and deliberate, there is an airing and accounting of contrary views, in a process that reflects democratic principles. 


https://newsroom.unsw.edu.au/news/business-law/why-do-we-have-juries#:~:text=Juries ensure community representation informs,apace of changing community values.


Lay person participation in the legal system is considered central to a healthy democracy. Lawyers play a major role in making the laws in parliament. Judges then apply the laws. If juries weren’t used, lawyers would have a monopoly over the law. Lawyers have their own specialised language in which they communicate among themselves. Including juries in the legal system forces lawyers to use common language.

It’s the collective wisdom of 12 that makes a jury. Jurors bring to the trial 12 times more life experience than a judge. Psychological research has established that personal, subconscious biases can be identified and addressed in group discussion.




It's not a perfect system, nothing is, but juries are the best system we have.


Much like voting governments in is better than military coups. I'm sure you agree, no? 


To stay on topic, what about the Thai judge that recently killed himself over the corruption in the justice system here? That alone should be ringing alarm bells. 

Unfortunately the jury system is far from perfect. For instance, the the south of the USA, during the part of the 20th century prior to the 1960s, it was impossible get a jury to convict a white man for raping a black woman. There were many other prejudices as well.


In the case of the judges only system, for serious crimes there will be three judges hearing the case. The burden of the judgement rests not on "what a normal average person would think" but on a more precise system of rules that have evolved over the centuries and applied by the judges. Unlike in certain democracies, the judges are not elected but are appointed on merit with plenty of oversight. And they have to give explicit reasons for their judgements, unlike juries that do not.

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