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Most Thais believe they can resume normal life after all get first vaccine shot – Super Poll


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2 hours ago, club said:

That's why after getting vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna in the US. They make you appointment for exactly 3 weeks later for your second shot. 14 days after second jab you are considered fully Vaccinated 


And you can still catch Covid 19.  OK there is a reduction in your chances of passing it on but it's not zero.

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Right now my ex-girlfriend is staying in Phuket hospital with severe headache, cramps, numbness in her legs,... after shot of covid vaccine. I am scared she has blood clot too. She is only 31. Great normal life for her.

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11 minutes ago, overherebc said:


And you can still catch Covid 19.  OK there is a reduction in your chances of passing it on but it's not zero.

In clinical trials they were both 95% protection. I will take those odds over anything out there. Including a single jab Sinovac or AZ. That is plain insanity

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4 minutes ago, dennnis said:

Right now my ex-girlfriend is staying in Phuket hospital with severe headache, cramps, numbness in her legs,... after shot of covid vaccine. I am scared she has blood clot too. She is only 31. Great normal life for her.

Sorry to hear that, hope she feels better soon

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It is worrying that globally people think that once they are vaccinated, they are 100% safe from the virus. That is just not true. With new variants arriving, actually against some they could be 0% protected. Why this is so concerning is that the moment they get the shots, many if not most people will drop all guards, and we'll be faced with even a larger wave of vaccine dodging variant a few months later, undoing all the efforts of the vaccination, back at square 1.

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51 minutes ago, dennnis said:

Right now my ex-girlfriend is staying in Phuket hospital with severe headache, cramps, numbness in her legs,... after shot of covid vaccine. I am scared she has blood clot too. She is only 31. Great normal life for her.

Blood clots can be treated and likely hospital is doing just that, so wishing her complete recovery very soon.

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8 hours ago, crazykopite said:

It appears there is a lack of intelligence or information regarding the Covid vaccine people should be made aware that even with the required two vaccines there is no guarantee that you won’t catch it only that your immune system is in a better position to fight it having just the one vaccine does nothing and the PM needs to make that absolutely clear to the public 

Correct 100 % !

In the mean time volunteers from each province must go door to door at each restaurant /bar and inform the owner and managers "Stop topping off beverage glasses  "  !

Wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap or use 70% rubbing  alcohol every time after you come from the toilets!

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1 hour ago, club said:

In clinical trials they were both 95% protection. I will take those odds over anything out there. Including a single jab Sinovac or AZ. That is plain insanity


Sorry, I'm really not sure if you're saying you will or won't accept vaccination.

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7 hours ago, Madeline Thompson said:

Possibly why Junta is holding off vaccinations - once everyone is vaccinated, their ability to ride the coattails of the Emergency Decree will be over.


Don't worry about that. They will soon think of some other justification for an emergency decree in order to cling to power.

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The most dramatic forms of authoritarianism have never arisen from the actions of a group of a very few individuals, but from the active and passive participation of broad masses of the population who have been mentally moulded, hypnotised and convinced of the most absurd and irrational things.


The result of the hypnotic magic of a 24-hour drumbeat media narrative is just that.

The Thais (but not only) really haven't got it right if they think this "vaccine" will get them back to a normal life. The great illusionists of humanity immediately said so by coming up with a simple slogan: new normal.

We are in transition to a new social and cultural model, where the human being will go back to being an intensively farmed chicken, constantly inoculated, controlled, supervised and forced.

This "vaccine" in a metaphorical sense represents a rite of initiation and passage from an old paradigm to a new one, as in any cult.


Otherwise, what would be the point of the little gift of French chips or ice cream after the vaccine, and a continuous media bombardment, doctors-testimonials and influencers on the web? It is clearly a psychological operation on a very large scale.

Edited by zhounan
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18 minutes ago, zhounan said:

The most dramatic forms of authoritarianism have never arisen from the actions of a group of a very few individuals, but from the active and passive participation of broad masses of the population who have been mentally moulded, hypnotised and convinced of the most absurd and irrational things.


The result of the hypnotic magic of a 24-hour drumbeat media narrative is just that.

The Thais (but not only) really haven't got it right if they think this "vaccine" will get them back to a normal life. The great illusionists of humanity immediately said so by coming up with a simple slogan: new normal.

We are in transition to a new social and cultural model, where the human being will go back to being an intensively farmed chicken, constantly inoculated, controlled, supervised and forced.

This "vaccine" in a metaphorical sense represents a rite of initiation and passage from an old paradigm to a new one, as in any cult.


Otherwise, what would be the point of the little gift of French chips or ice cream after the vaccine, and a continuous media bombardment, doctors-testimonials and influencers on the web? It is clearly a psychological operation on a very large scale.

And watching the older members of your family die from an illness is better than them getting a vaccine for the illness that caused their death?

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3 hours ago, dennnis said:

Right now my ex-girlfriend is staying in Phuket hospital with severe headache, cramps, numbness in her legs,... after shot of covid vaccine. I am scared she has blood clot too. She is only 31. Great normal life for her.

Very sad to hear. Hope she is getting better soon.  Keep us updated on how she is progressing. 

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3 hours ago, dennnis said:

Right now my ex-girlfriend is staying in Phuket hospital with severe headache, cramps, numbness in her legs,... after shot of covid vaccine. I am scared she has blood clot too. She is only 31. Great normal life for her.


2 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

Blood clots can be treated and likely hospital is doing just that, so wishing her complete recovery very soon.

Sadly but that is not a correct answer when having covid. The blood cloth seen when having covid is abnormal. Cloths are often in small vessels and called deep vein thrombosis in the legs, in the lungs and stroke-causing cloths in cerebral arteries. 

This abnormal clothing

seen when having covid does not respond well to standard blood thinner like heparin.  Also other standard prevention methods doesn’t work well.  This is why many lives are lost from covid. 

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59 minutes ago, GeilGeilertzen said:


Sadly but that is not a correct answer when having covid. The blood cloth seen when having covid is abnormal. Cloths are often in small vessels and called deep vein thrombosis in the legs, in the lungs and stroke-causing cloths in cerebral arteries. 

This abnormal clothing

seen when having covid does not respond well to standard blood thinner like heparin.  Also other standard prevention methods doesn’t work well.  This is why many lives are lost from covid. 

I am aware.






Maybe a little late for those already vaccinated and having adverse effects, but at least it seems it's understood now why it happens, and could direct to appropriate treatments, knowing the cause. And of course to fix the sequence in vaccine to prevent them in the future. Both J&J and AZ already reached out to researchers and are apparently working on addressing findings. A bit on links above, the rest can be googled up.


DW Deutsche Welle link is likely most comprehensive one.

Edited by tomazbodner
added last sentence
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On 5/31/2021 at 5:45 PM, rabang said:

I don't understand the eternal doom and gloom and fearmongering I see here concerning everything about covid, vaccines and variants. So far I haven't seen any real expert say that vaccines are not effective against variants but it doesn't stop people posting this type of BS. There is hardly anything 100% certain in this world except death anyway but somehow people expect a total and absolute protection against covid while ignoring all other diseases of this world.

You don't follow the news much, do you?  How about this, from the experts:




Moderna Warns New Waves of Covid-19 Are Coming


Moderna scientists and executives laid out their plans to combat new strains of the virus that causes Covid-19 at a virtual investor event on Thursday, saying that new waves of the epidemic are on their way.


“As the virus spreads, it is rapidly mutating,” the company’s chief scientific officer, Melissa Moore, said on the call. “Some of these new viral strains appear to be even more transmissible than the original strain… We already know that some of these new strains are less susceptible to neutralization by our current vaccine.”

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On 5/31/2021 at 12:22 PM, unblocktheplanet said:

That world is gone. We may be safer once fully vaxxed but we'll be masking distancing & queuing for boosters likely forever.


Great news, though. We might not have to double-mask!

Well mix it in with an annual flu jab and it will see me out!

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5 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

You don't follow the news much, do you?  How about this, from the experts:




Moderna Warns New Waves of Covid-19 Are Coming


Moderna scientists and executives laid out their plans to combat new strains of the virus that causes Covid-19 at a virtual investor event on Thursday, saying that new waves of the epidemic are on their way.


“As the virus spreads, it is rapidly mutating,” the company’s chief scientific officer, Melissa Moore, said on the call. “Some of these new viral strains appear to be even more transmissible than the original strain… We already know that some of these new strains are less susceptible to neutralization by our current vaccine.”

Hint. They want to sell you something.

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Just now, rabang said:

Hint. They want to sell you something.

Hint: it's a direct quote from the experts.  Denying things again?


This article came from a scientist.  Which you are not, and neither am I.  Sad some deny the severity of this disease.

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7 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Hint: it's a direct quote from the experts.  Denying things again?


This article came from a scientist.  Which you are not, and neither am I.  Sad some deny the severity of this disease.

I had read that article before because it was posted days ago here but it doesn't have anything concrete against what I stated about the effectiveness of the vaccines against current strains. The rest is basically marketing and future speculation if you read between the lines. Besides I don't have to prove to you anything about my experience with covid if you have suspicions about it. I can see it is a waste of time trying to argue with you so you go ignored, and please feel free to do the same for me.

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On 5/31/2021 at 8:09 AM, crazykopite said:

It appears there is a lack of intelligence or information regarding the Covid vaccine people should be made aware that even with the required two vaccines there is no guarantee that you won’t catch it only that your immune system is in a better position to fight it having just the one vaccine does nothing and the PM needs to make that absolutely clear to the public 

Are we to assume that your assumption is that the PM knows what he is talking about,  well we've all seen the proof of that over the last 12 months. 

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2 hours ago, rabang said:

I had read that article before because it was posted days ago here but it doesn't have anything concrete against what I stated about the effectiveness of the vaccines against current strains. The rest is basically marketing and future speculation if you read between the lines. Besides I don't have to prove to you anything about my experience with covid if you have suspicions about it. I can see it is a waste of time trying to argue with you so you go ignored, and please feel free to do the same for me.

I'm not a child and don't put others on ignore.

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