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Thai woman dies hours after receiving AstraZeneca vaccine


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4 minutes ago, polpott said:

You won't get to the truth by watching conspiracy theorists on YouTube.

It is when you see a video stating most people killed by busses in Cambodia fall on Thursdays between 2:34pm and 2:35pm. That will may you consider things next time. 

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2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

They recommend taking paracetamols after the jab if you have symptoms, also migraine meds won't cause a seizure

The most common migraine medication used in Thailand is ergotamine based. Cumulative over dosing can have serious results. The more advanced triptans can have some rare negatives also. One is made by Astra Zeneca .

And statistically people who suffer migraines are more likely to coincidentally also suffer epileptic seizures but without any association.

Paracetamol is not contraindicated for ergotamine or triptans.

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4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


You are pinning your health on a conspiracy video or article you read which was so gripping you can’t recall whether it was a video or in print....


Nevertheless you choose to rely on that information rather than the stats which show billions of people worldwide have already been vaccinated with very few if any proven direct complications (other than allergy to vaccines). 


If attempt to present a credible argument, you’ve failed brilliantly. 




Believe what you will, but if the Australian government has said not to give it to people over 50, they know there is a reason. I am not interested in billions getting the vaccine. I know there are other alternatives and the fact that this disease is not as serious as they have made out from the start, are you still believing that with all the new science out there, or are they all conspiracy theories, give us a break please.



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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


1 in 1000 people have Thrombotic issues per year....  


Its perfectly obvious that many of those who have had blood clots had a Thrombotic event after a vaccine, many would have had a thrombotic event before the vaccine, without the vaccine, just after the vaccine, years after the vaccine....  


The vaccine is not to blame for these thrombotic events, the timing is coincidence. The media is publicising this coincidence and generating hysteria. The politicians are responding and covering their bases. 








Like I said, believe what you will. We all see things differently, differently enough for me that I cancelled my appointment for the AZ jab that I knew I was getting on Monday 7 June, as it was confirmed by the hospital. Let someone who believe in the benefits outweigh the risk have it.


My choice to believe what I see, here and read, as it is yours, and I know that there are more people that have survived from Covid than died without vaccines, the proof is out there if you look, how did they survive, with alternative treatments.



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6 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Believe what you will, but if the Australian government has said not to give it to people over 50,

Really? What it actually says is "Official advice in Australia has been changed, now saying that for Australians under 50, the Pfizer vaccine is the preferred option."


Advice that is not given in other countries.

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1 minute ago, polpott said:

Really? What it actually says is "Official advice in Australia has been changed, now saying that for Australians under 50, the Pfizer vaccine is the preferred option."


Advice that is not given in other countries.


You don't say, and why would they change that, I mean they also put all of their eggs in one basket with AZ, think about it, why would they change it if only one person died from AZ, one !

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I had a good friend who had a stroke just a few hours after taking some paracetamol and died a few days later. He was just shy of 50 years old.


It hasn't stopped me from taking that medication when I need it, which is not very often thankfully and this story won't discourage me from having a vaccination when my turn comes.


As the old saying goes, 'that's the way the cookie crumbles'. 

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1 minute ago, 4MyEgo said:


You don't say, and why would they change that, I mean they also put all of their eggs in one basket with AZ, think about it, why would they change it if only one person died from AZ, one !

I do say. If you're going to quote websites to promote your bizarre conspiracy theories, at least get your quotes right, not the exact opposite of what is actually written.

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1 minute ago, 4MyEgo said:


Like I said, believe what you will. We all see things differently, differently enough for me that I cancelled my appointment for the AZ jab that I knew I was getting on Monday 7 June, as it was confirmed by the hospital. Let someone who believe in the benefits outweigh the risk have it.


My choice to believe what I see, here and read, as it is yours, and I know that there are more people that have survived from Covid than died without vaccines, the proof is out there if you look, how did they survive, with alternative treatments.


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Your's is an interesting take on the content of the article your link provided.

To my take it actually actually clearly defines the  risk of the AZ vaccine as being extremely minimal compared  to even  normal incidence of  blood clots in a population and even ore so compared to the incidence and deaths of those who develop clots as a result of suffering covid-19.

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5 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


Believe what you will, but if the Australian government has said not to give it to people over 50, they know there is a reason.


Reason: Political caution, not science. 


5 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I am not interested in billions getting the vaccine.


Obviously not... You are interested in the very small numbers of complications the media have picked up on.


5 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I know there are other alternatives and the fact that this disease is not as serious as they have made out from the start,


Excess deaths in the OK was 10% for 2020

Thats its 10% more people died in 2020 in the UK than on average died in previous years - that info is damning - I didn’t take Covid-19 too seriously until I saw these raw stats for myself.


5 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

are you still believing that with all the new science out there, or are they all conspiracy theories, give us a break please.




From your quoted article.....  the risk of dying from a blood clot after taking a vaccine is 1 in 800,000 


Medical fact: 1 in 1000 people have a Thrombotic event each year (1 out of 9 of them die).... 


A separate stat in a separate article linked below: 1 in 4 people around the world die from conditions caused by Thrombosis. 



This was before the AztraZeneca vaccine....  so, of course people will continue to die from the same causes they died of before the vaccine was created.


Just because people may have died of a Thrombotic event after a vaccine does not mean that person would not have died of a Thrombotic event without the vaccine. 









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25 minutes ago, polpott said:

You won't get to the truth by watching conspiracy theorists on YouTube.


What can I say, you assume you know what I have watched and everyone who is more qualified than you and everyone here on TVF is a conspiracy theorist, give me a break, believe what you want, it's your choice as it is mine, but I know conspiracy theorists, and I stay clear of them, believe you me.


Fact of the matter is, I believe what makes sense, is proven by studies and qualified professionals in their fields, who do you believe, governments, next thing you will be telling me that it didn't escape from the Wuhan lab, hopefully you will do your research before you reply, e.g. telling me that 80,000 animals in China had been tested for Covid, non infected with it, 3 staff fell ill in November 2019 and admitted to the hospital, China kept that away from the WHO, but that is another story, unless that too is a conspiracy theory in your mind.


Nuf said, too much time wasted, out of here, have a life. 

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2 minutes ago, Nojohndoe said:

Your's is an interesting take on the content of the article your link provided.

To my take it actually actually clearly defines the  risk of the AZ vaccine as being extremely minimal compared  to even  normal incidence of  blood clots in a population and even ore so compared to the incidence and deaths of those who develop clots as a result of suffering covid-19.


So that is why the Australian government pulled it from people over 50, yep right you are.

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My wife just told me when she went to get her jab the doctor on a microphone told people no migraine medication, This was in Phuket.

The doctor also interviewed my wife to she what drugs she was on after having cancer 


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23 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

75% of road fatalities occur within 3 miles of the victims home address...........best thing to do is move.

OMG - Wow. But not on Thursdays between between 2:34pm and 2:35pm if you live in Cambodia. I wonder what the day and time is for Thailand?

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2 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


So that is why the Australian government pulled it from people over 50, yep right you are.

From your linked article "Official advice in Australia has been changed, now saying that for Australians under 50, the Pfizer vaccine is the preferred option.'

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3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

Always a lack of info in these stories. Did she have pre existing conditions other than Migraines. Had she had seizures before

Probably be better if you contacted her daughter and asked her if she could give you the number of her mothers doctor. 

I'd imagine he would have the info you are looking for. 

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3 hours ago, jackdd said:

If you bring feelings into it you can make everything look bad. But if looking at it objectively the previous poster is right.

Especially because we don't even know if it had anything to do with the vaccine. If you give a paracetamol to 800k people there might also be one that dies from a stroke, but this doesn't mean that it's because of the paracetamol.


"...Especially because we don't even know if it had anything to do with the vaccine. ..."


Well said!


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