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Physicians urge for strict measures, no long holidays, before reopening Thailand


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20 minutes ago, casey1 said:

one doctor comment does make it true necessarily... and from my extended family experiences in the last two weeks at four hospitals certainly not true


Each hospital is trying not to test that many people because there is not enough bed for when they have tested positive,

lets look at what's been said here....this doctor is inferring everyone whom tests positive needs a bed... simply complete nonsense...but adds weight to the good doctors quoted comments and his moment of fame...

I have serious doubts he can vouch for every hospital across Bangkok most are private businesses  wanting each others clients and not likely to share commercially sensitive information with each other...

I know of several businesses whom are testing the thousands of employees every week for covid, not all whom test positive A staggeringly minute number considering the proximity to each other they all work in and face masks regularly not in evidence end up in hospital....that's simple reality not possible... go home and self isolate.....

You really got a problem with facts don't you. Your 2 previous posts and this one are remarkably free of any independently confirmable evidence but chock full of generalizations, accusations and innuendos.

We've seen in other countries what happens to hospitals when covid19 cases surge. What makes Thailand different? 

And if you had bothered to use that search term I gave you would have found that the spokesperson for the system confirmed the shortage of beds.

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21 minutes ago, placeholder said:

You really got a problem with facts don't you. Your 2 previous posts and this one are remarkably free of any independently confirmable evidence but chock full of generalizations, accusations and innuendos.

We've seen in other countries what happens to hospitals when covid19 cases surge. What makes Thailand different? 

And if you had bothered to use that search term I gave you would have found that the spokesperson for the system confirmed the shortage of beds.

I'm a cynical  statistician...I don't disbelieve the facts but most certainly distrust most peoples interpretation of the facts when they are math. and stat. related...there are lies, damn lies, and then there are stats...I can get them to say whatever you want with complete utter beyond reproachment arguments to back it up....... however in response to your opinion I prefer to think I'm quite pragmatic in my approach... I can say looking at even the worst countries in the world as quoted by media....as proving beyond doubt the very very vast majority of people have nothing to fear from covid either positive or negative, even allowing for the bias in whomevers point of view; locked up or down or not as the case may be... if you only want cold hard facts then its going to be a very long wait for you as you are only receiving what makes headlines or controls the masses.... Italy, Spain are interesting studies in how national health systems were outwardly robust but in reality systems in various states of decay and neglect, the same could be said of England to its current state which should not have been unexpected considering the débâcle NHS has been since its inception...New Zealand govt suddenly realised they were going to experience at worst case, an Italian scenario so they abruptly shut the door...take a closer look at all the factors and you should be able to see virus is an excellent control method of the masses wrongly or rightly.... side fact New Zealand govt has spent $1.9billion dollars in mental health care which has resulted in wait for it; 5 extra beds across New Zealand; this systematic of the approach to healthcare in NZ pay for endless studies and consultants;;;; the number of doctors and nurses has stayed basically the same but administartion staff has increased beyond the pale

my overiding point.... we are all basically safe to be carrying on as normal...not running around fearing death at every touch or breath or one too many drinks at my restaurant with my dinner....in fact most Thai still have relatively normal lives..... work drink eat sleep....however they cannot keep supporting the out of work tourism sector and there is simply not enough alternative employment to keep those tourism sector people going or govt keeping on supporting them however little.. this coming month 3000bath matched to your 3000thb employed or not ... that's actually not too shabby ....

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On 6/21/2021 at 3:24 PM, webfact said:

One of the prerequisites calls for the government to define clear and effective measures to be put into practice to control and monitor infections and to make sure that all stakeholders will cooperate fully to improve the situation, which will build confidence among the public and tourists alike.




From a country than can't even place an order correctly for vaccine delivery.



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