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UPDATE: Thailand imposes tighter restrictions to slow virus spread - including curfew


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20 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

I'm not sure how they could ever consider completely closing supermarkets, no matter how bad it gets.

They are too essential to everyday life.





Yes but supermarkets are very clinical on entry.

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A member of my family has an appointment at a hospital in Bangkok next week referred by the local hospital in Kanchanaburi province. It is important as they suspect cancer and so need to have this confirmed (or not, as the case may be).  My family member is very concerned about going to Bangkok and secondly having to attend a busy hospital and potentially being surrounded by Covid positive patients. Also would they (someone has to accompany this person)  be required to Quarantine on returning home? It's difficult for people to know not only what is best to do, but also how to the latest rules affect them.

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2 minutes ago, JWRC said:

A member of my family has an appointment at a hospital in Bangkok next week referred by the local hospital in Kanchanaburi province. It is important as they suspect cancer and so need to have this confirmed (or not, as the case may be).  My family member is very concerned about going to Bangkok and secondly having to attend a busy hospital and potentially being surrounded by Covid positive patients. Also would they (someone has to accompany this person)  be required to Quarantine on returning home? It's difficult for people to know not only what is best to do, but also how to the latest rules affect them.

Very difficult.  If it was me, I'd take the risk as the cancer check is crucial.  If it's a decent hospital I would trust their Covid precautions.  Getting back shouldn't be an issue as it would definitely be classified as necessary.  I don't think there are any quarantine rules currently in place for Kanchanaburi province.  Good luck to your family member.

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49 minutes ago, whiteflight said:

Are you saying that Monks don't live a good life?

I think it's pretty debatable whether monks that actually live according to their teachings are actually happy with their lives. Certainly I wouldn't want that life and wouldn't be happy with it.


55 minutes ago, whiteflight said:

A good life is one where you're healthy and still alive. You can live poorly and recover from that, nobody can recover from dying of Covid.

Sure. If the liver is content to be a low achiever who has zero interest in self actualizing, building anything, or attaining any level of security. Otherwise if someone is facing economic precarity and they or their families are suffering from it, they don't have time to be scared of Covid. Do a risk assessment, and then handle your business.


Re: the rest of your comment, I'd articulate my thoughts but it just doesn't feel worth it at this point. It comes down to "there's no malice in it, it's just math." Which you will disagree with on moral grounds and we'll never arrive at consensus.

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1 hour ago, whiteflight said:

Are you saying that Monks don't live a good life?

I think it's pretty debatable whether monks that actually live according to their teachings are actually happy with their lives. Certainly I wouldn't want that life and wouldn't be happy with it.


1 hour ago, whiteflight said:

A good life is one where you're healthy and still alive. You can live poorly and recover from that, nobody can recover from dying of Covid.

Sure. If the liver is content to be a low achiever who has zero interest in self actualizing, building anything, or attaining any level of security. Otherwise if someone is facing economic precarity and they or their families are suffering from it, they don't have time to be scared of Covid. Do a risk assessment, and then handle your business.


Re: the rest of your comment, I'd articulate my thoughts but it just doesn't feel worth it at this point. It comes down to "there's no malice in it, it's just math." Which you will disagree with on moral grounds and we'll never arrive at consensus.

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20 minutes ago, JWRC said:

A member of my family has an appointment at a hospital in Bangkok next week referred by the local hospital in Kanchanaburi province. It is important as they suspect cancer and so need to have this confirmed (or not, as the case may be).  My family member is very concerned about going to Bangkok and secondly having to attend a busy hospital and potentially being surrounded by Covid positive patients. Also would they (someone has to accompany this person)  be required to Quarantine on returning home? It's difficult for people to know not only what is best to do, but also how to the latest rules affect them.

Cancer kills , I have three lots, Covid the death rate is low , and sadly badly over hyped by the govt


I have regular appointments at Srinakarin teaching hospital in KK 


Please go for your appointment, just wear the mask and sanitise hands on arrival and also on LEAVING, the second is the most important, also when in the hospital do not touch your eyes, Covid has to get into your body, will not penetrate skin, so I understand, I am not an expert but use common sense

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21 hours ago, robblok said:

No curfew but then what does this mean


Significantly, people in the maximum control zones will be asked for their cooperation in not leaving their homes between 10pm and 4am. 


if its not enforced then what is the point, even worse if its arbitrary enforced.  Love to see more clarification.

Yeah but what's the point... I mean is this going to really dent the infection rate?  I suppose it plays to those who believe that the pandemic is being driven by nocturnal nefarious activity.  I think epidemics are possibly triggered by gatherings in bars- the hiso brothel outbreaks for instance, yet clearly it's work places, eg, factories which are currently fueling new cases.


If it's really the Gov's aim to flatten the curve- let's be honest it isn't- then only strict lockdowns work.

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They've also failed to inform the public about the situation with sinovac and the new variants.

We have food vendors in our soi and adjoining that have masks but don't wear them, "I've been vaccine, no covid" which I take to mean "I've had one shot of sinovac, I can breathe and cough on your food., no problem brah"


I'm forced to buy and slice my own watermelon now like some sort of medieval barbarian.  ¯\(°_o)/¯

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21 hours ago, toofarnorth said:

' No unnecessary travel '     Yes stay there in Bankers , stop coming up here for goodness sake.

So what would be deemed necessary travel, who decides it and when you are on your merry way how do you prove it at a road block? Probably still under consideration, in the meantime 300 Baht under the sheet board that is conveniently sticking through your open window will help.

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1 hour ago, JWRC said:

A member of my family has an appointment at a hospital in Bangkok next week referred by the local hospital in Kanchanaburi province. It is important as they suspect cancer and so need to have this confirmed (or not, as the case may be).  My family member is very concerned about going to Bangkok and secondly having to attend a busy hospital and potentially being surrounded by Covid positive patients. Also would they (someone has to accompany this person)  be required to Quarantine on returning home? It's difficult for people to know not only what is best to do, but also how to the latest rules affect them.

Defiantly depends on the hospital in Bangkok. Private or Government?


May 26 I slipped on the wet staircase (window open and it rained) and shattered my right wrist. No options, off to emergency at Aek Udon hopital in Udon Thani, got there about 7 pm and the place is virtually locked up. Absolutely no people inside except for staff. In emergency I was swarmed by nurses and the orthopedic doctor. Nobody else in there except me. Check in the following day to a deserted hospital put on the 7th floor by myself and operated on that afternoon. Stayed one extra day and had a stream of bored doctors looking in on me. Kind of eerie to see a hospital of that size virtually empty.

They did a Covid screening prior to my operation for safety, don't know what would have happened if I was positive.


I told a friend that if you need an operation now is the time to do it.

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22 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Probably, I count that as essential shopping, failing that we have a very friendly bottle shop owner who always looks after us ( I mean me ) 

Not between 2pm - 5pm   Crazy Thai law. Makes no sense what so ever. 

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  22 hours ago, nightfox said:

Maybe they are waiting for the numbers to hit 20,000+ cases a day

They won't be waiting long then I fear.


It was only last week - with the daily infections at 5,000+, that a wise old expert Thai expert doctor expert predicted that unless the Gov got cracking then "we could expect to see 10,000 a day by the end of the year".

Where DO they get these people from? Do they breed them specially?

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21 hours ago, poskat said:

they are not restricting the hours to something like noon to 3 pm, closing an hour or two early wont impact crowding in them at all

Yes they will.  7---11  1 block from me now will close at 8 PM , no longer open 24 hours  so workers will be crowding in to get stuff before they close.  Also some supermarkets like Foodland that are normally open 24 hrs will also be closing early .   A few days ago they were closing at 9 PM  now they will probably close at 8 PM.

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19 hours ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

Why stop at interprovincial? Does the virus suddenly respect county and district lines?


Why not restrict everyone to soi only? Or how about within one BTS station’s length away? Why not just put a bubble with a checkpoint every 500 meters?


Every one of these travel restrictions they do are arbitrary and do literally nothing. They’re just trying to save face, I don’t see why they are so petrified of COVID... it kills less than 1% of people who get it.. 


There’s like 5 TV channels here that are dedicated to COVID fear porn 24/7. Those channels show two things: Fear porn and big scary statistics, or useless footage of workers spraying down stair cases with pesticide sprayers filled with sanitizer and stuff like that, as if that’s supposed to make anyone with a brain feel better.

What is the deal with recording and taking photos of useless activities here? It was the same at my gym, the staff would literally go around in pairs taking turns taking photos of each other wiping down a machine with a spray bottle. Or taking photos of useless paper sign in sheets that nearly everyone ignores. By the way, that’s another genius move right there. Make everyone touch the same pens so they can write their name on some paper.

This isn’t normal or rational behavior... but neither is riding three people on a mostly plastic Moped with no helmets. TIT.

Covid you say only kills 1%  but the new Delta variant is highly contageous  sickening many more people and over whelming the hospitals and medical services. More will die or suffer  long term effects as so many will be sick that food transport , working, ect will not be able to be done. Transportation shut downs will happen . The main thing the Gov must do is get vacccines, put in huge orders not 3--4 mill  but 20----30 mil. Why no word on the AZ plant here in Thailand ? They were supposed to make 10 mil plus a month and forget about sending vaccine orders  to Phillippines / Malaysia untill you get a handle on things here. What are those countries going to do besides complain/ Start a war, I don't think so.

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36 minutes ago, ray666 said:

Not between 2pm - 5pm   Crazy Thai law. Makes no sense what so ever. 

You can buy from these places when they open at 08.00hrs until they close at 18.00hrs, we (or the mrs) does it every week, stock up and keep it at home, reduces your exposure to all the infected people - smiley emoji, and you can buy at your convenience, just find your local mom n pop shop or bottle shop there are literally hundreds of them, and they are usually cheaper than supermarkets or convenience stores, hope that helps (smiley face)

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22 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

Obviously he can't get vaccines, so he tries to achieve herd immunity by doing nothing.. While his inaction may well kill hundreds of thousand.


But, seriously what's (not) happening? Should we run before it's too late?

Don't know if you read news from other countries, but seems the vaccine don't help much for the long run. Many fully vaccinated people around the world get infected and some in bad shape, just like unvaccinated people. It's time to face reality - covid is here to stay. All the restrictions in the world won't get rid of it.

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22 hours ago, BobinBKK said:
  • Work from home where possible (I'm retired}

  • Shopping malls closed (Keeps my Thai GF from spending money)

  • Supermarkets to remain open but hours restricted (Restricting hours puts more people in one location at the same time - NOT GOOD)

  • No unnecessary travel (Who decides what is "unnecessary"?)

  • "No unnecessary travel (Who decides what is "unnecessary"?)" But you will still have to travel to do your 90 day report, but of course, that is very necessary.

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23 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

I'm not sure how they could ever consider completely closing supermarkets, no matter how bad it gets.

They are too essential to everyday life.





Agree .Supermarkets are very co-operative ,checks are made on the person who require entry. I've noticed 7/11 have stopped there checking people entering them

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21 hours ago, BestB said:

Do not be so harsh, Prayut offered 3 months of his wages to help the people.


Bangkokians are saved, 300 000 baht will put sea food buffet on their tables.


The rest of us plebs living outside Bangkok, can enjoy mama noodles on sale, 

"Do not be so harsh, Prayut offered 3 months of his wages to help the people." Offered, or did? and what people?

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