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Football is the winner when teams like Italy prevail

Mike West

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I found myself cheering on the blokes through out all of their matches but when the blokes scored early during the final, my ancestry kicked in  and started to cheer for the Paisans !

Boring first half ! Second half was much better !

Edited by riclag
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1 hour ago, 2long said:

Then may I ask why you bothered to watch it (if you did) and why you're here reading and commenting?

And if you didn't watch it, my second question is even more pertinent. 

I didn't watch it, would never watch any football game.  I was asleep at 2 am in Thailand, as all sensible people were. Why am I commenting on it; because its a bit of fun.  


Edit: just to add; any game where three (was it) supposed world class sportsman, on mega millions a year, with only the goal keeper in front of them and with all the time in the world, can't score a goal; that  deserves the utmost ridicule in my view.  

Edited by Doctor Tom
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right so we, the put-upon English, are again forced, by the illogical prejudiced anti- english hater herd, to deal with the large elephant in the room.......so here goes....


many uneducated irrational non-english hate england for strong emotional and factual reasons, usually involving jealousy, insecurity, inadequacy, inferiority, history, facts, fear and awe that such a physically small country, often surrounded by capable enemies, sometimes within our own islands,  could be so utterly dominant on the modern world stage between say 1700 to 1950, in terms of empire, language, trade, wealth, industry, military, inventions, science, medicine, sport, literature, mining, democracy and civilization. oh yes & 1st to abolish slavery using lethal force.


certainly the French Elites can never forgive the English, or themselves, for allowing England to (partly) liberate France during WW2 and for losing to the English in Canada and India.


and to top it all off, how can the English be so damned reasonable & restrained & sharing & inclusive about it all.....you know, like unifying India with common language/ institutions / railways/ civil service, like the ungrateful useless moaning Devolved ( broke again) UK Regional Parliaments supported / carried by England....incredible isnt it ?


England in those times never equalled since Rome for reach and power ....... Steam Engines, Railways, Industrialization, Steam Ships, Architecture, Steel Bridges, Aircraft,Submarines, Machine Gun, Tanks, TV, Radio, Computers, Jet Engines, Production Machines, Nuclear Research, Vaccines, Banking / Finance, WWW; with some of these marvels developed in parallel with Germany or USA.

USA being created by..... yes, England.


Oh but you will say that this was the UK, including Scotland, Wales, Ireland, not only England.....

and I will say, possibly, in proportion perhaps to population , they certainly benefited but can you PROVE what they CONTRIBUTED, being broke, apart from valuable proportional services/labour ?


So there are the outline historical FACTS.....any “perceived” arrogance changes no facts here...

obvious national & cultural superiority .....by any objective measures.....real positive accomplishments ......a massive force for good.... a shining beacon of progress & enlightenment.......unlike any other colonial power......


unless you sincerely believe that all cultures and peoples are “equal” in the english achievement, and further deluded that this was, miraculously, a “shared and common”  accomplishment across the world ........clear now .....so feel free to carry on hating the unparalled English success story ......

and that you too are not English.......even though, like Rome, we are in self-imposed terminal decline due to socialism since 1950......


oh and spare me your hurt “feelings”.....what can you objectively Prove or Disprove here ? 

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3 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

Industrialization, Steam Ships, Architecture, Steel Bridges

IK Brunel......French


First Nation to introduce concentration camps


A nation that killed more Indians during WW2 than Hitler killed Jews


Everything UK did was for the benefit of the UK and to the detriment of the nations they infested.


Just joking.

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11 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:


and that you too are not English.......even though, like Rome, we are in self-imposed terminal decline due to socialism since 1950......



Tories have been in power pretty much double the time of Labour since 1950 so don't blame Labour. 

Yes England has a lot to be proud of but it's easier for industry to become bigger with lots of low paid factory workers in terrible conditions, including kids, helping keep profits up.  Indians, Kenyans, South Africans etc etc might have a different opinion of how good life was under British rule. What's good for the countries wealth, and the rich, wasn't so good for many of the people. 

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IK Brunel and his son were.... English.

His Father was French but settled in England 30 years before IK Brunel born ..... ha !


the south african “concentration camps” were intended only to separate the boer women from the boer men to avoid demolishing enemy boer villages, a limited act to cut successful boer supply lines.

probably some mistreatment & lack of food perhaps inevitable but they were not Nazi- style Extermination Camps.


Indian Famine (like Irish Famine) examined in fine detail but never proven to be Genocide

(unlike European Jews and Armenians)

just incompetence & insufficient care I think. you know India was run by like just 200 British Civil Servants right ,like one for every two million Indians......negligent certainly, intentional , no.....


UK Benefit of course, no Empire was a Charity, but a proven shared benefit to many subjects, over time.....


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4 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

IK Brunel and his son were.... English.

His Father was French but settled in England 30 years before IK Brunel born ..... ha !


the south african “concentration camps” were intended only to separate the boer women from the boer men to avoid demolishing enemy boer villages, a limited act to cut successful boer supply lines.

probably some mistreatment & lack of food perhaps inevitable but they were not Nazi- style Extermination Camps.


Indian Famine (like Irish Famine) examined in fine detail but never proven to be Genocide

(unlike European Jews and Armenians)

just incompetence & insufficient care I think. you know India was run by like just 200 British Civil Servants right ,like one for every two million Indians......negligent certainly, intentional , no.....


UK Benefit of course, no Empire was a Charity, but a proven shared benefit to many subjects, over time.....


French father, went to school in Paris....French in my book.




The Bengal famine of 1943 was the only one in modern Indian history not to occur as a result of serious drought, according to a study that provides scientific backing for arguments that Churchill-era British policies were a significant factor contributing to the catastrophe. Churchill had the food stocks burned to stop the Japanese moving into India. Over 5 million died.

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Labour started the final decline in 1971 by pulling out of all Gulf / Eastern Oil Rich Regions, mostly empty before British Oil Exploration, and creating false “countries” like Kuwait and UAE and Brunei.

If we have kept hold of those we would have been a massive superpower, ten times richer than USA, combined with our energy amd creativity, no country on earth could ever reduce or threaten us again....but lets throw that all,away to give a few stone age nomads and fat arsed sheikhs “self determination” with untold riches they had no clue how to discover and extract themselves so they can later fund radical,Islam which we could have smashed at birth......

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