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Thailand Risks Becoming the Next Seychelles as Tourists Return


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16 hours ago, rumak said:

and there you have it :   being nosy and thinking with your small head  are  two major reasons

so many farangs end up posting on these forums.


but:   i am sure you are different  ????

No just the Mrs..

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3 minutes ago, lanng khao said:

No just the Mrs..

i was just having fun playing with words .   nothing personal towards you (or the mrs)  was intended .    

what part of Thailand are you based in ?

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17 hours ago, gk10012001 said:

Planes are known as cesspools of diseases.  So many old or other people with respiratory illnesses ore immune issues are warned not to fly on planes.  My dad with lung issues could not fly.  Yes planes supposedly cleanse the air, and the seats, etc.  But anybody that has been on a plane with any type of cloth seat, just go ahead and whack that seat and watch the dust and particulates and dander fluff out of it.  The air filters are far from great at cleansing viral entities even if proper maintenance and operation is carried out.

I'm obviously talking about large airlines that aren't using very old planes but having said that this would suggest otherwise.





This only refers to the air in the plane as a whole so you are still subject to contact with air from passengers close to you. There are other problem areas such as trays and seat pockets and the seats themselves but dust in itself doesn't show a lack of cleanliness. 


I don't know what lung or immune issues you're referring to but if they are that compromised I can't see where they might be flying from or to that would be significantly cleaner than a modern aircraft given that cleaning has been stepped up due to covid. Unless you're flying for medical treatment with specialist transit through the airport and transport to a hospital after that you're going to have a tough time avoiding more contaminated places than a plane. I have been on a flight that had someone in a hospital bed who looked in a pretty bad way.


Aircraft usually have lower oxygen levels although I can't remember why so some people do need to take an oxygen supply with them but form what I've read it's not impossible.








Older aircraft and small domestic airlines or those using unpressurised planes would be a different matter.

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18 hours ago, Joinaman said:

W/Ending June 11 2021

covid deaths  84

flu/pneumonia deaths   1,163 

as reported by many newspapers in Uk,  Evening Standard, Telegraph, Times, Mirror

Yes, would have expected flu deaths/cases to be very low, due to the time of year, and the restrictions 

If this continues during the summer, will not be good come the winter months 

But its a similar case in Thailand, even with restrictions, flu deaths still exceed covid deaths 

Thanks I did find those although they're out of date now. I should check the later figures but I can't be bothered right now to be honest. I noticed that they include pneumonia with the flu cases but that may be because flu deaths are caused by pneumonia but covid also causes pneumonia so it gets a bit complicated.


I think that it's not just the deaths that are the problem but infections and hospitalisation. In the UK infections are increasing a lot but hospitalisations aren't as bad as earlier in the year when infection rates were as high but they are increasing. We already cope with flu every year but this is on top of that and it's these extra numbers that part of the issue for the NHS plus of course the connected problem of staff shortages which in many cases are due to covid contact or infection. This is a problem for many countries including Thailand.

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