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The Older I Become, the Less LIFE, as we know it, Makes Sense to Me. Do you feel the same as I? Like Vonnegut, do you yearn for life on Saturn, someday?

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3 hours ago, xylophone said:

The Older I Become, the Less LIFE, as we know it, Makes Sense to Me.


I will go off on a different tack, referring to the heading above.


I am constantly perplexed by the amount nonsense I see, which seems to have come to the fore in the last few decades, so perhaps someone will like to explain to me the following: –


– How a baby born with testicles and penis and all of the equipment necessary to procreate, then at sometime 20 years later declares that he is a woman?

– How a baby born with a womb, ovaries and all the necessary equipment for reproduction later declares that they are a man, and of course it works the other way round. Luckily I didn't identify as an elephant, after liking bananas in my youth.

– Then we have the "gender neutral" brigade, so exactly what is gender neutral, this when the person concerned was born with male or female genitalia.

– One only has to look at the "thing" that Caitlyn Jenner has become, and to my mind someone should refer her/him/it/them to the Barnum and Bailey's circus.


One thing that puzzles me the most is how one can get away with the expression (for example) "I identify as a xxxx" and then want a passport or similar showing that?


The, "I identify" brigade seem to miss the point that even though boys as kids may have wanted to play with dolls, it doesn't necessarily mean they wanted to be a girl or a woman, and may have missed the point that the brain controls just about everything, so perhaps it's all in the mind as the saying goes.


If people are obsessing about what gender they are, they are not looking at what the "leaders" are doing to the country.

IMO classic "look over there while I do something over here".


Many such distractions going on constantly.


Re the gender thing, I couldn't care less if guys wear a dress and makeup, but it seems very unfair that a biological male can declare himself a woman and then compete in the female sports. That should never be allowed. Also never allowed in the female changing rooms.

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On 7/29/2021 at 4:19 PM, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't want to give the impression that the work itself was bad. It was just the bullying from senior nurses and management, plus some patient visitors that spoiled it. I did do it for decades, so obviously found something I liked about it.

However, it's not something I'd recommend to a friend if they had a choice.


The ironic thing about nursing is that it's run by nurses that don't like doing actual hands on nursing. We never saw charge nurse emptying used bed pans or matron making beds.

Small minds bully

I got bullied out of a job

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all you need to remember is there are only one of you in the existence of the universe and all of time itself, enjoy your life till the very last breath know that once you're are gone, there will never be another you.

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On 7/28/2021 at 8:45 PM, RichardColeman said:

My plan - and the wife's - is to go back to the UK when we can, sell the old 2 bed council house down  south, buy a nice 4 bed place up north with a nice garden, and order food in. Be honest we're both happy with each others company and that's enough now. She loves gardening and house proud, and I'm happy just watching old tv and a quiet life. I just don't like the world anymore. It's a crazy, mad world now, and so unlike what I grew up with. Shant miss it in the end. 

Not a great way to be thinking, IMHO. Some things may change, but some things stay the same. 


Think back to when you were a child. You would create things out the materials that you had at hand and fill in the parts that you did not, with make-believe.

It's up to you to create the world that you want to see. If I believe people mostly care about each other; then I act in a caring way, mostly. ????

Not liking the world is only a reflection of your state of mind. There are billions of amazing people out there.... I'm sure ????




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2 hours ago, Bruno123 said:

Not a great way to be thinking, IMHO. Some things may change, but some things stay the same. 


Think back to when you were a child. You would create things out the materials that you had at hand and fill in the parts that you did not, with make-believe.

It's up to you to create the world that you want to see. If I believe people mostly care about each other; then I act in a caring way, mostly. ????

Not liking the world is only a reflection of your state of mind. There are billions of amazing people out there.... I'm sure ????




In fact, most people do care about one another. We know this to be true.

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On 7/31/2021 at 12:21 PM, Mac Mickmanus said:

Have you ever considered that having that attitude is the reason , going by your own posts , why you arent very popular with other people and why your previous partners keep attacking you ?

Come again.  Are you a ......."previous partner" by any chance?  Most of what he posts is observational with a shade of wit, a dash of humor, with a twist of raw rationalism and spiked with realism.

But!  A Popularity Contest.  Just like High School!  Whoo hoo!
Let's see.
In the Left Corner weighing in at a "Aren't very popular"  51774 - BrittttttttMannnnnnToooooo!  (applauds and cheers - hot ginger-blond in his corner parades around with Round 1 Sign)
And in the Right Corner weighing in at a snarky 926 - Marvelous Mac MickkkkMannnnusssss!!!  (smattering of applaud, beer can whizs overhead with a couple of drunks chanting, "Mac Mac Mac")

Keep plugging away for another 7 years Marvelous Mac and perhaps you'll catch up if Britmantoo hits his expiration date and checks out before that.  ????  Work on your humor!  

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5 hours ago, Sparktrader said:

Date 20yo women

Make u younger

I have no problem with 20 year olds as long as they're taking care of carnal needs.  It's afterwards when they open their mouths and you realize that their brains aren't fully formed yet.  So over the last 20 years, I draw the line at 30 year olds and above.  Anyway, 30 to 35 year old gals are in their sexual prime.  Much more fun.

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On 7/30/2021 at 8:48 AM, ThLT said:

"In the sense" or "numbers"... but still not science.


It's not every coastal city obviously. It is the ones that are below sea level that will be flooded if the sea levels increase even more. Maybe in 40 years, maybe in 100 years. 





Source: NASA

And who has sold their beach-front property to the Gores and Obamas? Probably by people that have realised, that those properties will be inundated at least twice a year, 15 years from now. Becoming worthless. (Unloading a current asset to future "bagholders").

Furthermore: Currently available future climate projections do not yet include the thawing of the vast perma-frost aereas, (Alaska/Canada/Siberia) mainly, releasing absolutely massive amounts of Methane. Methane is about 24 times worse than CO2.
Once those Methane releases find entry to furure climate-projections, we will have to realise, that we have alredy lost the race against cilimate change. Whatever we do to counteract it. In other words: We are one day late and one Dollar short. All our "countermeasures" come too late and are not forceful enough.

What to do? Enjoy the ride. Party hardy on the way to the abiss. Above all: Keep the youth of this world ignorant as long as possible. Once they get the drift, global "social unrest" of epic proportion is sure to follow.


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On 7/31/2021 at 7:14 AM, BritManToo said:

Apart from me ....... nothing else matters.

Like skallywag I like most of BritManToo's Posts. Highly "macchiavellian". But as we have learned over time that "the meek" will not inherit the world, BMT may well be "on the winning side" among many "macchiavellians". He is in good company

- But what when the day comes, when BMT "needs somebody" for a change. For whatever reasons. Surely, his macchiavellian community will not rush to his aid. For obvious reasons.
WAIT: I think I know the answer already.????


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On 7/30/2021 at 10:12 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

You wuz lucky to have parents that gave you kindness. My father sent me to boarding school for 6 years, and after I left school left the country to go live the other side of the world. I had no aunts or uncles in the country I grew up in. I only remember meeting my father's parents once in my life and don't remember my mother's parents at all. No extended family Christmas get together for us.

Well TBL, we both have been posting here for the last 500 years. Over time, you have disclosed much of your live. More than most of us would ever want to disclose. Plenty of trials and tribulations, starting at young age all the way to a (failed) retirement project with a trustworthy Thai-Woman in Thailand.

- Have you ever considerd to publish this in Book-Form or have if produced by the wizards of Netflix? Seriously, sometimes "a life story" is more interesting than anything that "Novelists" can dream up. Seems to me, that your story has the ingredients to touch the hearts and minds of people, without having to add "artificial ingredients" to add "spice" to your story.
Tell me (us).

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17 hours ago, Bruno123 said:

Not a great way to be thinking, IMHO. Some things may change, but some things stay the same. 


Think back to when you were a child. You would create things out the materials that you had at hand and fill in the parts that you did not, with make-believe.

It's up to you to create the world that you want to see. If I believe people mostly care about each other; then I act in a caring way, mostly. ????

Not liking the world is only a reflection of your state of mind. There are billions of amazing people out there.... I'm sure ????




Wouldn't it be great to know one out of these billions??? ????

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11 hours ago, swissie said:

we have alredy lost the race against cilimate change. Whatever we do to counteract it

IMO that race was lost the day world population exceeded 3 billion. Now just normal reproduction rates will, IMO, negate anything we do to alleviate climate change.

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9 hours ago, swissie said:

Well TBL, we both have been posting here for the last 500 years. Over time, you have disclosed much of your live. More than most of us would ever want to disclose. Plenty of trials and tribulations, starting at young age all the way to a (failed) retirement project with a trustworthy Thai-Woman in Thailand.

- Have you ever considerd to publish this in Book-Form or have if produced by the wizards of Netflix? Seriously, sometimes "a life story" is more interesting than anything that "Novelists" can dream up. Seems to me, that your story has the ingredients to touch the hearts and minds of people, without having to add "artificial ingredients" to add "spice" to your story.
Tell me (us).

Ah, my tales of loves and loss would melt even the hardest hearted, but those will remain untold.


After my exceedingly wonderful and amazing year in Antarctica, I suggested to an editor friend that I could write a book about it, but he said it was not what people wanted to read about, and he wouldn't even consider it.

I have to put the rest of my life in that category too, no matter how interesting to myself. After all, even people I know have zero interest in my adventures in Thailand, and I had many of them.


So, alas, my life story dies with me.


Are any other posters, when they return home, and attend a family function, surrounded by them avidly listening to tales of LOS, and I'm sure most farangs have more than a few such?

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

In my experience only people they like.

When was the last time a passing stranger said hello to you in a city? Most strangers I see won't even look at me.


I do it all the time in my home city; bidding them a "good morning" when I'm out on an early morning cycle ride. Always receive a positive response. 


Here you tend to only do it if you are sharing a pastime and so obviously have something in common.


Life is what you make it. When was the last time you said hello to anyone in a city? I don't mean to people from whom you want something.

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18 hours ago, Bruno123 said:


I do it all the time in my home city; bidding them a "good morning" when I'm out on an early morning cycle ride. Always receive a positive response. 


Here you tend to only do it if you are sharing a pastime and so obviously have something in common.


Life is what you make it. When was the last time you said hello to anyone in a city? I don't mean to people from whom you want something.

I'll never forget a day long ago, before PC even became so toxic, when I was out with a friend and he said good morning to a female passerby, and the look she gave him! It wasn't friendly, if you know what I mean.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I'll never forget a day long ago, before PC even became so toxic, when I was out with a friend and he said good morning to a female passerby, and the look she gave him! It wasn't friendly, if you know what I mean.

That's nothing to do with PC and everything to do with her personal safety and attempting to discourage any unwanted attention. Some of the 'fairer sex' don't always get the balance right. It's not like everyone here is able to judge the mood correctly each time.

Perhaps it was the way that he said it. Not everyone will respond positively to "Sweetheart" or "Treacle" appended to a "Good morning".


I don't allow the odd misinterpretation to discourage me. That's how the whole thing breaks down.

Maybe it's the way that I was brought up; when younger it was the norm to greet the bus with a "Good morning!" on entering.

Keeping these things up is a good thing.



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