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Phuket fallout of murder of Swiss woman:  Fearful tourists not even going out to eat


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9 hours ago, Scouse123 said:

If anybody with the exception of those who live here long term and want to avoid a Bangkok hotel room for two weeks, have actually booked to stay in Phuket for an actual holiday when everything is shut down and basically no alcohol or entertainment; they must have lost their marbles!


To come to a country, take pre covid tests, risk of 14 days quarantine if anybody travelling on the plane tests positive, at your own expense, be fully vaccinated, take more covid tests in Phuket at your own expense once you arrive, then the same procedure when you are going back to your country, then to find nothing open when you get here and the place like the Marie Celeste!,................... you need your head examining!


Why not just go to the coast in your own country?

I know a girl who went with her BF to Samui last week. She flew KLM Amsterdam - BKK, the plane was jam packed. Don't know how they managed from BKK to Samui but will report once they return, also about their findings.

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If the police actually got off their posteriors and did what policemen do in most countries around the world and patrolled the streets and tourist spots, perhaps people would feel safer.

But yet again those in charge ask the public and volunteers to do the work for them.

What a waste of the huge resource sitting around playing on their phones, 250000 might as well be 250.

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9 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

Why would a rape/murder at a remote waterfall put people off from going to restaurants? As others have said the drop in customer numbers is surely 100% due to the restaurant alcohol ban.

The vast majority of tourists would want a proper drink with their evening meal out. Lobster Thermidor with a glass of 7-Up just doesn't cut it

I know two people who went home last week they had enough especially with the alcohol ban, the one guy said if he had known about the ban he would have cancelled

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On my 15 trips to Thailand since 2004 and many trips to some outlying places, using public transit, buses, AC VIP long distance over night trips, etc, I never felt un safe.  Even walking around Pattaya at 3 AM during low season when not much was going on, except for a ladyboy doing a U turn on her motorbike to hop off and grope me trying to find my wallet. 


But there is safety in numbers.  When there are travelers milling around it does lessen the chances of really bad things happening I think,


  I did feel that Phuket was a bit more wild wild west than other parts of Thailand.  

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21 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

I know two people who went home last week they had enough especially with the alcohol ban, the one guy said if he had known about the ban he would have cancelled

I was ready to go to Thailand.  But ban after ban.  Now hotel and condo pools closed.  My needs are modest, but at some point I am just going back to my place in Florida and enjoy those clean beaches.  Melbourne Florida has a very nice Thai Temple that serves up great food for sale on Sundays.  And it is so nice to sit there and listen to the Thai being spoken and at times have met some nice people there and had some good chats

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I know that my comment may come across as potentially fear mongering, however just trying to put some reality into the current situation.


There is an element of desperation amongst some locals that whilst for most, commiting a crime would be abhorrent to them, needs must.   Not so easy targetting tourists when there are many of them and in crowds, which is certainly not the case now.   Visitors currently stand out like the proverbial sore thumb.


Those who do choose to come here at the moment, just need to reflect on how to make themselves as safe as possible, because sure as chips, the police aren't going to do it for you.

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3 minutes ago, pagallim said:

I know that my comment may come across as potentially fear mongering, however just trying to put some reality into the current situation.


There is an element of desperation amongst some locals that whilst for most, commiting a crime would be abhorrent to them, needs must.   Not so easy targetting tourists when there are many of them and in crowds, which is certainly not the case now.   Visitors currently stand out like the proverbial sore thumb.


Those who do choose to come here at the moment, just need to reflect on how to make themselves as safe as possible, because sure as chips, the police aren't going to do it for you.

When I have a drive around Rawai late afternoon I can spot the tourist so if I can Im sure Thai's can

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14 hours ago, DavisH said:

There's every reason...no Chinese tourists allo voer the place!!...as long as parks and other facilities are sufficiently open, that is. 

If you want to run the ridiculous gauntlet of restrictions and ever changing regulations in Thailand and countries of starting your trip, it's up to you of course.


I maintain my viewpoint.


Facilities for tourists are usually open only if it's worthwhile and viable to do so, one of the main rules of business.

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24 minutes ago, chang1 said:

Many posts around like this although this one doesn't mention the rain.

I am here in the sandbox and on day 10. We hope to visit the in-laws but it may cost to get there. This is the real problem apart from the costly tests.


Phuket is lovely now - not what you want to believe but we are enjoying it here. Addressing your points  -

Everything shut down - no jet skis, speed boats, McDonald's etc. - Great!

No alcohol - this is Thailand so just don't have it on show.

No entertainment - we're having a beach holiday so not looking for entertainment. We did do Patong last night which was an experience. 2 bars open in Bangla Road. Had a couple of drinks in one with the family before closing. 

The beaches are lovely although swimming is restricted to a few which are quiet and clean. I once counted 20 people in the sea at the same time at Paradise beach! UK beaches are a nightmare with overcrowding - absolutely no comparison. Food and drink all easily available. 

Roads are quiet and great for exploring on a rented bike. 

We had not visited Patong before due to taxi van prices 400 baht each way and I avoid the roads at night on a bike despite them being relatively safe. There are one or two vans parked all day outside the hotel which get hardly any punters. Yesterday I discovered the Hello Phuket app. This is great for getting taxis. 220 baht each way from Karon in Nice cars and hassle free. I have not tried Grab but I presume it is similar if available. Everyone is friendly, noticeably different to my previous pre covid visits. Plenty of restaurants open.


Of course there are downsides the expensive tests, having to self isolate before flying to reduce the risk of a pre flight positive test. The small risk of being with a positive case on a plane or testing positive here. Other tests needed to go home but by far the biggest problem is the onward travel restrictions. 4 tests, staying with largely vaccinated people, another test to travel and they limit flights to only Nok Air to U Tapao at nearly 6000 baht each and similar prices from there - WHY? We are probably the safest people in the country. This is what will kill off the sandbox not a murder. We still have the option of a van to Ubon costing 22000 baht which for 3 is expensive but doable. We will probably have to change our return flights from Phuket to fly out of BKK.

So is quiet Phuket better than going to crowded UK beaches - way better and with the stupid prices being charged, not much more expensive. 


Edit - forgot the rain - a few heavy showers which have not affected us but today is the first day it rained all morning. So we're having a lazy day in the hotel today.

Glad you're enjoying yourself stay safe

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7 hours ago, pagallim said:

I know that my comment may come across as potentially fear mongering, however just trying to put some reality into the current situation.


There is an element of desperation amongst some locals that whilst for most, commiting a crime would be abhorrent to them, needs must.   Not so easy targetting tourists when there are many of them and in crowds, which is certainly not the case now.   Visitors currently stand out like the proverbial sore thumb.


Those who do choose to come here at the moment, just need to reflect on how to make themselves as safe as possible, because sure as chips, the police aren't going to do it for you.

Do you have any figures to show it is more dangerous now? I have my doubts she was killed for money. After 10 days of biking around I have not felt at risk anywhere but we don't go far from tourist routes. I have not heard of people being mugged here before and not heard it is a problem now. Bag snatchers on bikes are a known problem so don't carry a bag of goodies around. 

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10 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

Glad you're enjoying yourself stay safe

Thanks. My wife's biggest concern is that our 7 year old will be abducted for organ harvesting in China. Although I share this concern I doubt they would want him for that as there are kids much closer with easier routes to China than a locked up island.


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6 minutes ago, chang1 said:

Thanks. My wife's biggest concern is that our 7 year old will be abducted for organ harvesting in China. Although I share this concern I doubt they would want him for that as there are kids much closer with easier routes to China than a locked up island.


I have lived here for 25 years and speak the lingo I have never heard that, 

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23 minutes ago, chang1 said:

Do you have any figures to show it is more dangerous now? I have my doubts she was killed for money. After 10 days of biking around I have not felt at risk anywhere but we don't go far from tourist routes. I have not heard of people being mugged here before and not heard it is a problem now. Bag snatchers on bikes are a known problem so don't carry a bag of goodies around. 

Why do you doubt that she was killed for money?   I've lived here for 14 years and whilst there's always been a very small element that commit crimes, these are usually drug habit related.   What you have at the moment is a situation where a significant number of locals do not have the means to support themselves or their families.   That can lead to irrational acts from normally rational but desperate people.   Foreign tourists (and yes, Expats) have always been perceived as wealthy and in these times it is best to keep a low profile (not that there are many places open that you can do other than that).


You say 'biking'.   Is that cycling or motorbike?   And of course 'we' so you are not alone.

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2 hours ago, pagallim said:

Why do you doubt that she was killed for money?   I've lived here for 14 years and whilst there's always been a very small element that commit crimes, these are usually drug habit related.   What you have at the moment is a situation where a significant number of locals do not have the means to support themselves or their families.   That can lead to irrational acts from normally rational but desperate people.   Foreign tourists (and yes, Expats) have always been perceived as wealthy and in these times it is best to keep a low profile (not that there are many places open that you can do other than that).


You say 'biking'.   Is that cycling or motorbike?   And of course 'we' so you are not alone.

The facts that she was reported to have been raped and her shorts were removed. This guy is the son of an ex headman so probably not on the breadline. She only had 300 baht so why put up a fight over that? Lastly, drugs are also involved which can make people act differently. 

No proof just speculation. 

I am with my wife and young son going around on a small Honda.

We don't go far from roads and are aware of the risks here.

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3 hours ago, ChipButty said:

I have lived here for 25 years and speak the lingo I have never heard that, 

We live in the UK so get a different view on what goes on in Thailand. I don't know why that is a major concern for her especially here.

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On 8/9/2021 at 11:30 AM, Gottfrid said:

Does that also mean they stop driving if a person die in traffic? Do they stop walk in stairs if someone falls down?


Ridiculous, rapes and murders happens in all countries. People just don´t stop go out eating because of that.

Have to agree! Maybe "stop go out eating" because of the alcohol ban, and can't have a drink with your meal?

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2 hours ago, chang1 said:

The facts that she was reported to have been raped and her shorts were removed. This guy is the son of an ex headman so probably not on the breadline. She only had 300 baht so why put up a fight over that? Lastly, drugs are also involved which can make people act differently. 

No proof just speculation. 

I am with my wife and young son going around on a small Honda.

We don't go far from roads and are aware of the risks here.

OK, for whatever the reason that she was attacked, whether robbery or sexual assault, it was done in daylight in a quiet area with no other people around.   Whatever the motivation, there was nothing to make the guy think 'maybe not a good idea, other people around' because there was nobody.    Again, I know the area, and certainly as the schools are closed at the moment, it's popular with local children who play in the stream and pools.   He took a big risk in not being caught at the time, which he obviously didn't care about, and he certainly wouldn't have known how much money she had on her, only that she would have something.

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2 hours ago, pagallim said:

OK, for whatever the reason that she was attacked, whether robbery or sexual assault, it was done in daylight in a quiet area with no other people around.   Whatever the motivation, there was nothing to make the guy think 'maybe not a good idea, other people around' because there was nobody.    Again, I know the area, and certainly as the schools are closed at the moment, it's popular with local children who play in the stream and pools.   He took a big risk in not being caught at the time, which he obviously didn't care about, and he certainly wouldn't have known how much money she had on her, only that she would have something.



The linked article says he admitted attempted rape.


At least they have a plausible suspect this time. It is always a worry when something like this happens that they may pickup anyone with say a bit of cctv video of them in the area and then tailor the evidence to suit. I was in Lamai on Samui when the lass was raped and killed. There was a big fuss and Taksin even went there. Two fishermen soon got caught with her shirt on their boat. When the man who had thousands of suspected drug dealers killed by police turns up expecting results you don't keep incriminating evidence around. I don't know what other evidence there was but it all seemed a bit too easy to me. 


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