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334 die post COVID-19 inoculation, 278 confirmed not linked to vaccine


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The regime, and their health-care spokespeople, are painting themselves into a corner with a "zero vaccine death" policy.


Some reasonable people here have seemingly acknowledged that some deaths are due to the vaccination, but that this rate is small, tolerable and preferable to the alternative. 


But does the regime adopt this scientific approach? Of course not. Their view is that if they acknowledge a single death to a vaccine, then the public (who they view for the most part as uneducated simpletons) will lose faith in vaccines.


But this approach has the opposite effect: no one trusts the regime's information when it appears unbelievable. 



Best to be honest and truthful, it pays off in the long run.



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1 hour ago, cclub75 said:


Switzerland gives another perspective.


Official data : https://www.swissmedic.ch/swissmedic/fr/home/news/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-19-vaccines-safety-update-3.html


Results (report from 21 july 2021) :

4 562 978 people vaccinated (Pfizer or Moderna)

128 deaths


That's 1 death per 35 000 vaccinated people.


That's not... nothing.


And furthermore we need context :  it is considerably higher than... other vaccines.


Because that's another way of looking at the situation : compare Covid vaccines to other vaccines... like those against the flu (which kills people every year since.... well forever).


(for Switzerland, from 2011 to 2019, 10 466 560 vaccinated against the flu... 2 deaths)


The point is : death (and other negative effects) associated with Covid vaccines are already (in 6 months) totally outside "normality" (based on history of vaccines).


That's a point to consider.

Were you hoping that none of us could understand French?

"Malgré la concordance temporelle, rien n’indique concrètement que le vaccin est à l’origine du décès."

Despite the temporal proximity, there is nothing conclusive that establishes that the vaccine is the cause of death.


This is the same kind of nonsense that comes from people who cite the USA's Vaccination Adverse Event Reporting System entries to condemn vaccines. These are just reports of temporal relationship. People die all the time. Just because they die after some event doesn't mean that they die because of that event.


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3 hours ago, cclub75 said:


Switzerland gives another perspective.


Official data : https://www.swissmedic.ch/swissmedic/fr/home/news/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-19-vaccines-safety-update-3.html


Results (report from 21 july 2021) :

4 562 978 people vaccinated (Pfizer or Moderna)

128 deaths


That's 1 death per 35 000 vaccinated people.


That's not... nothing.


And furthermore we need context :  it is considerably higher than... other vaccines.


Because that's another way of looking at the situation : compare Covid vaccines to other vaccines... like those against the flu (which kills people every year since.... well forever).


(for Switzerland, from 2011 to 2019, 10 466 560 vaccinated against the flu... 2 deaths)


The point is : death (and other negative effects) associated with Covid vaccines are already (in 6 months) totally outside "normality" (based on history of vaccines).


That's a point to consider.

It's also important to point out that the report about the 128 deaths conclude that it's not sure that these 128 deaths are linked to the vaccine itself, and that the average age of the those deased are 80,5 years.


In Denmark as another example there has been reported 95 deaths after Pfizer vaccines and 3.5 million people had that vaccine.

In all 95 cases the verdict was that it is less likely that it was the vaccine itselt that caused these deaths.




So far we had 2558 deaths in Denmark that died with Covid 19, but those numbers would have been a lot higher if we didn't vaccinate people.

It's only natual that when you vaccinate so many people across all ages, that some will die, just like people die everyday.

I'm still not concerend, but if the younger generations suddenly started dying after getting their shots i would be concered.

That is not the case at the moment and 4,5 billion has been vaccinated globally.


I would take my 3rd shot any time.


After the delta variant took over in Denmark, it's obvious that the vaccines work, because now most in the hospitals are those not vaccinated, and that a higher amount of people below age 40 now has to be hospitalized, compared to before we had the vaccines, and only dealt with the alpha variant.

Thankfully we still have very very few deaths even amongst the ones being hospitalized, vaccinated or unvaccinated, so that's good news.

The last week we had 6 deaths.



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On 8/14/2021 at 8:12 AM, Brayka said:

What I am curious about is they should give the name of the vaccine which people got before they died….

Phifzer beats them all. From side effects. Sinavax number one for getting serious  ill after vaccinated 

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On 8/15/2021 at 8:05 AM, cclub75 said:

Results (report from 21 july 2021) :

4 562 978 people vaccinated (Pfizer or Moderna)

128 deaths


That's 1 death per 35 000 vaccinated people.

And if you translate the French.....(Dans 128 de ces cas graves, l’on a dû déplorer le décès de la personne vaccinée après un laps de temps plus ou moins long. Malgré la concordance temporelle, rien n’indique concrètement que le vaccin est à l’origine du décès.) It effectively says 'Despite the temporal concordance, there is no concrete evidence that the vaccine was the cause of death'

There seems to be more effort to exaggerate the link to undesirable side effects of the vaccine, than those of the Covid virus itself out there. 

Edited by jacko45k
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On 8/13/2021 at 7:33 AM, ukrules said:

What I'm watching out for are the number of people who've been vaccinated but still die from COVID.


Proper numbers won't be available until about a month after second vaccinations but that time approaches.

There will be many as time goes on.  The vaccines lose their effectiveness.  The virus mutates and some vaccines do not work that well on them.  It will be a matter of do you count percentages or count total numbers?

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11 hours ago, trunav said:

yes ! this is what I always read ! everybody dies because of virus but nobody dies because of vaccine...

and the world believe this BS ?!



It has never been claimed that nobody dies due to the vaccine.


What is being claimed, correctly, is that not all deaths in vaccinated people are due to the vaccine, indeed vast majority are not as in any large group of people, deaths from various causes are to be expected. Anti-vaxxers seem to believe that any death, in a vaccinated person is somehow due to the vaccine - as if they were otherwise immortal.


A very small number of deaths have been identified as due to vaccine effects.  These are far fewer than the estimated deaths prevented.


 In public health, one weighs relative risks, understanding there is no 100% safe option, just safer ones.


Think of it as an equation:


risk of getting COVID* risk of death or serious disability from COVID compared to risk of death or serious  disability due to vaccine.


(same applies with any other disease).


Neither of these two numbers are zero.


But the first is far larger than the second. Even among the young, though of course it becomes even more so with increased age.

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