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People who retire in Thailand - Whats your plan?


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8 minutes ago, gk10012001 said:

Your question is ridiculous.  It does not cost a few thousand dollars to go to Cambodia for a few days which is something I wanted to do anyway.  Scheduling to do that at the time a 90 report is due is just a simple matter.  You assertion and implication is pure nonsense.  And if one was planning to go visit Laos, same thing.  Stop writing inane things and trying to attack people. As I said in my post, if one was planning on traveling around, just line up the travel with when a 90 day is due.  You apparently did not grasp or understand that simple concept.  Go lurk somewhere else with your stupid comments

So you don't think that leaving Thailand every 90 days is going to cost you a few thousand dollars?


Think about it, that's 4 times per year.


I don't think it's me that's being stupid here!


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1 minute ago, LongTimeLurker said:

So you don't think that leaving Thailand every 90 days is going to cost you a few thousand dollars?


Think about it, that's 4 times per year.


I don't think it's me that's being stupid here!


Again you are being stupid and trying to deflect from your own idiocy.   The cost is irrelevant if one was going to do the traveling anyway.  My point was that if somebody was plannng on traveling, then  scheduling it properly might eliminate some 90 day reports.  People like you just love to read things that are not there. Give it up.  You are focused on the wrong thing.  Go lurk and troll elsewhere. 

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On 8/25/2021 at 5:09 PM, CharlieH said:

If you live in the land of "what if" you"ll go crazy and might just aswell hide under your bed in farangland.


Thailand IS NOT the place for you based on the above.


Just an opinion.

BEST statement....what the OP describes is akin to walking around with an umbrella expecting it to rain.  Look, have a few Plan B's, then go live your life.  Just enjoy everyday above ground, its that simple.

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One might make provision for a nurse care-giver, but if your condition escalates to that of needing hospital treatment and ICU then that is on a different level. Only a limited number are covered for this. It's a judgment call if and when to return to one's home country. Declining physical mobility surely a game changer. However, a number determined only to leave after its all over.

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13 minutes ago, gk10012001 said:

Again you are being stupid and trying to deflect from your own idiocy.   The cost is irrelevant if one was going to do the traveling anyway.  My point was that if somebody was plannng on traveling, then  scheduling it properly might eliminate some 90 day reports.  People like you just love to read things that are not there. Give it up.  You are focused on the wrong thing.  Go lurk and troll elsewhere. 

You're just being a keyboard warrior for no reason other than to inflate your own ego.


Your whole aim seems to be avoiding doing 90 day reports and for that reason alone you are going to schedule travel out of Thailand, you can go see these other countries any time, there's nothing to be scared about in doing a 90 day report.


You can even do it online so no need to get out of bed.

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I fully accept the safety of health insurance.

However much of the attempts regarding associated advice are a little feeble.

To have a family in Thailand is no different to any other country with regards to being taken care of as you age, in fact possibly accepted more readily. Yet we have people advocating don't get romantically involved,rent.

Public hospitals serve the purpose in Thailand, yet we have "if you wish to use public hospital comments"


If you require gold star treatment you will pay wherever you go. 


My plan is to be nothing more than an everyday person with family growing old in Thailand along with millions of others whom appear to adequately meet death when the time arrives.


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7 hours ago, gk10012001 said:

Again you are being stupid and trying to deflect from your own idiocy.   The cost is irrelevant if one was going to do the traveling anyway.  My point was that if somebody was plannng on traveling, then  scheduling it properly might eliminate some 90 day reports.  People like you just love to read things that are not there. Give it up.  You are focused on the wrong thing.  Go lurk and troll elsewhere. 

In all honesty the 90 day report depending on location is a breeze. And, shouldn't be factored into any decision making. I started with the OA in 2019, then came the insurance requirement, then came covid which screwed up my trip to US and extend visa. 

If you keep on trying to strategize everything you'll never pull the trigger. Just do it. You sound like you have money to spare. Right now you can pull off 5 mos in Thailand easy. The Sandbox just means 2 weeks at a beach resort. In another month or 2 things here will loosen up.


Dumping 800K in a Thai bank account isn't necessary. Using an agent here is widespread. In my little area I'd say the majority of guys use an agent.  

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14 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I have 2 rental homes, both were at one time my primary residence. One is rented super cheap but they take care of it better than I did. They take care of all repairs and deduct from rent, the other I use an agent, same tenants for 10 yrs, is the rent on time? seldom Do they take good care of it? no  It's still an earner. 

But with new inheritance laws maybe coming our way in the US selling it all might someday be necessary.

Similar experience here a while ago I worked in Japan four years and rented my Sydney property (since sold ????) directly to a couple at relatively cheap rent.

Kept the rent fixed in a rising market … they had 12 month back to back leases (that’s long term for Oz) and told them they could redecorate to their own tastes. No inspections.
Can’t recall them ever billing me for paint or repairs etc and I returned after year 4 to find the place way more tastefully furnished and maintained than I could ever manage.

They stayed there another 6 months or so until I sold.


We always need to discount internet horror stories - they get way more circulation than good news ones like mine. Who usually bothers sharing good news?


My takeaway was … don’t be greedy, treat tenants as friends and treat them as adults.

An agent is not going to protect from a bad tenant or take any responsibility for them and in my prior long experience as a tenant, they always created more problems than they ever solved.

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On 8/25/2021 at 5:35 PM, Leveraged said:

FYI I have a wife and kids in Thailand and been living there on and off for 15 years.

So you have a family here, do none of them work? why are you worried about dying or being seriously ill, would they not care for you ? A few million baht should cover any Government hospital bills, unless you have spent your life not saving anything or/and have no assets to sell well..........

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On 8/26/2021 at 8:09 PM, BE88 said:

No I don't believe but a deeply religious Catholic who waits for resurrection when god comes to resurrect the dead, so he firmly believes in resurrection and this assures him that he will return to the dead if he has a dignified burial.

A way to not be afraid of death.

That makes no sense.

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20 hours ago, gk10012001 said:

Your question is ridiculous.  It does not cost a few thousand dollars to go to Cambodia for a few days which is something I wanted to do anyway.  Scheduling to do that at the time a 90 report is due is just a simple matter.  You assertion and implication is pure nonsense.  And if one was planning to go visit Laos, same thing.  Stop writing inane things and trying to attack people. As I said in my post, if one was planning on traveling around, just line up the travel with when a 90 day is due.  You apparently did not grasp or understand that simple concept.  Go lurk somewhere else with your stupid comments

Say what you mean

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On 8/25/2021 at 9:22 PM, khunPer said:

Good points to consider.

 <snipped to save space>


Living a reasonable healthy life-style might prevent a lot, but it’s no guarantee.


What I have done...

<snipped to save space>

I’ve decided to take the risk; I will rather have some outstanding good years in Thailand – which I already have had more than 15 of – and then sign out, instead of having a long run of fairly unhappy years in my home country, especially sitting in my rocking chair and think of all that I missed, because I didn’t dare to take this risk, and now it’s way too late...????


kuhnPer I just would like to say this is one of the best overall posts I have read here in many years

Your thinking is much the same as mine & while at the moment we are back in the US after living in Thailand many years


We are considering moving back not because it is not beautiful & clean here but we just miss Thailand & no we are not party folks

quite athletic healthy types that have a home in the Country bot here & in Thailand


But just something we miss about Thailand + family there (but also here)


Thank You for a great level headed response it helps

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On 8/26/2021 at 1:20 AM, giddyup said:

If the properties are a source of income or you intend to move back at some stage I can understand, but I didn't need the income nor did I intend to move back.

That is the kicker (underlined)


But that aside we never intended to move back either...In fact when leaving years ago I had the house sold then it fell thru & I had no time to resell etc so rented

Over the years the value tripled & the renters paid the mortgage so far down that when we returned we just paid it off


Since then it has again almost doubled so...It has turned out to be one of the best investments + made the return quite easy & inexpensive to live.

In fact even though we live in one of the highest cost of living States we actually live cheaper here than Thailand


But if we move back to Thailand again....I think this time we would again consider selling as we are older & it is worth a good amount

But...that not intending to return to ones country of origin may not always be optional ????


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9 hours ago, meechai said:

Well I had the funds & always left them untouched year round in a account just for those funds (married to Thai so 400k) ....But after years living in Chiang Mai immigration got so nuts with crowds of people & getting an appointment etc .....that after years of doing it myself I hired a visa agent. Was 10k baht which I thought was a lot but afterwards said wow I'm sold on how easy it was.


I did nothing but give the agent the papers they wanted. Then got a call to come to Immigration for a 2 minute picture taking


Have to admit previous years was the better part of a day + always they claimed I needed another copy etc but yes for us was worth the 10kbaht ????

I think now I'm retired I should get into this visa agent business working only for people like yourself and EVENKEEL who don't need any non-legitimate payments to IO, but just couldn't be bothered to do it themselves, "it's money for nothing and the chicks are free" as they say.

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24 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

I think now I'm retired I should get into this visa agent business working only for people like yourself and EVENKEEL who don't need any non-legitimate payments to IO, but just couldn't be bothered to do it themselves, "it's money for nothing and the chicks are free" as they say.

What's in your wallet? 

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