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All aboard the Corruption Express! Next stop a Police Station near you!


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3 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

We can all talk about the corruption but the corruption needs to be documented and laid bare by an investigative journalist, alas it seems that there aren't too many journalists in Thailand that are willing or capable of doing this. This joker cop is sitting in the middle of the chain of command, he is paying it forward like all other cops have too. The head of the snake isn't in view yet. The murder charge is one angle that needs to be bought to trial, the endemic corruption and money laundering requires a totally different investigation to the murder.

Journalist in this country are not unlike the BIB, they are also very appreciative of lunch boxes what tend to moderate their journalism, although they are unable to request excessive goodies and have to select from a set menu. . 

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Yes if the police force in Thailand, and the lowest levels of the police in the USA were better

paid, and all had security checks, and were charged if they broke any of the laws that they are supposed to

be using to protect the people of society, maybe things could improve a bit.    Corruption is all over the

world, and we get to see examples of it almost every day.      I just hope that Rooster keeps us all 

informed on  the Jo Ferrari future developments.  This and many other high level police and Military generals

should all be exposed with their many houses and cars, (Watches) etc.  To show the world just how corrupt they all are.

  Thanks, Rooster for another weeks worth of news.


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14 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Just a general comment - there isn't anything written about Thailand or that takes place here that doesn't exist tenfold or worse in the US and other "developed" countries. Including and especially heinous crimes and murders committed by police against the innocent and the guilty. I can't visit the US for more than a few weeks before I start going out of my mind over American insanity. The racism, the hate, the ignorance and stupidity. Anti vaxxers and mask protesters. Violence far beyond anything you'll ever see in Thailand. Corruption of a magnitude that dwarfs relatively small time guys like Joe Ferrari. If you look through just today's headlines you can find a half dozen or more US cops convicted of murders, and that's just the ones who got caught and tried and made it to today's news.. Most guilty cops in the US, just like elsewhere, never get convicted even after arrest and aggressive prosecution. The police unions protect them. I agree with everything said here, I've actually been paying attention since 2013, but I keep it in perspective and make my peace with it, and am happy with my choice to live here. Peace to you all.

Well said, Australia has plenty of the above, in New Zealand cops are a bit tamer, but gangs and drugs and underground triads are rampant.

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Thought this was a great capture of the weeks events, thank you Mr Rooster...

Also agree with some others, bad as this may seem to be too some, it just can't hold a candle to the Fluster Cuck that is the USA.   And I thank the gods and spirits that motivated us to retire here before the deification hit the oscillation. 

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not the killing of "people in custody"  is a no no, but the

TORTURING of suspects is the big NO NO.

NO NO NO it is not ok to torture people in custody, even if only because it eliminate

the whole JUSTICE from the justice system.

the defence line of the JOE FERRARI torturing policeman is that he did not mean to kill

him nor to extort him, but just to extort information from him.

"i was just doing myjob", said the joe ferrari.

you see, he is so used to torture, and the police is so accepting of torturing, and

the thai public is so accepting this horror police policy, that you really

need to start by eplaining that NO NO NO YOU DO NOT TORTURE SUSPECTS !!

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18 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Yes keep the Good Rambling coming Rooster !!! ... Things so bad that it is hard to give the usual awards out at the end of your Pieces !!! ??? ... Like "The Most Depressing" ? or "Most messed up" ? or "Biggest (But quite obvious) disasters this week !!! ...  All very good Non Starters right !!! ??? ...


I had better just ignore it all, .... and get back to the Thai Embassy web site, and just keep on drooling about NON O-X ... Five year Visas. ??? ...   Less dramas with renewals ? .... of insurance ? ... Bank account statements, ? and at the Immigration Department ???  ... Every thing else being pretty handleably, and even the Epidemic I think ... ... Thai's still being pretty good at Dealing with these things I think ??? ...  From a Local Point of View any way ???  ...  There being a cluster <Deleted> all over the world just now, ... and it is STILL getting worse I think ??? Just about every where ! ...


So would I get the "There is a Cluster <Deleted> all over the world ... If you had not noticed " award now ??? 


Still ... "We shall See" ... as the Russians would say.


( And I would be pretty Much More <Deleted> off with the Idiots cutting down those beautiful Old Trees In ??? Puke Et ? Or was it Pattaya ??? ... Both places Beaches, being Disasters waiting to happen so it would seem ???) 

You tink to mut

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2 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

not the killing of "people in custody"  is a no no, but the

TORTURING of suspects is the big NO NO.

NO NO NO it is not ok to torture people in custody, even if only because it eliminate

the whole JUSTICE from the justice system.

the defence line of the JOE FERRARI torturing policeman is that he did not mean to kill

him nor to extort him, but just to extort information from him.

"i was just doing myjob", said the joe ferrari.

you see, he is so used to torture, and the police is so accepting of torturing, and

the thai public is so accepting this horror police policy, that you really

need to start by eplaining that NO NO NO YOU DO NOT TORTURE SUSPECTS !!

Don't worry they are deliberating, mulling, forming committees, droughting a law, the cabinet have even given a nod to criminalizing torture, and enforced 'disappearances' welcome to 2021.  We can all rest assured that it will never happen again. :unsure: :unsure:

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20 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Just a general comment - there isn't anything written about Thailand or that takes place here that doesn't exist tenfold or worse in the US and other "developed" countries. Including and especially heinous crimes and murders committed by police against the innocent and the guilty. I can't visit the US for more than a few weeks before I start going out of my mind over American insanity. The racism, the hate, the ignorance and stupidity. Anti vaxxers and mask protesters. Violence far beyond anything you'll ever see in Thailand. Corruption of a magnitude that dwarfs relatively small time guys like Joe Ferrari. If you look through just today's headlines you can find a half dozen or more US cops convicted of murders, and that's just the ones who got caught and tried and made it to today's news.. Most guilty cops in the US, just like elsewhere, never get convicted even after arrest and aggressive prosecution. The police unions protect them. I agree with everything said here, I've actually been paying attention since 2013, but I keep it in perspective and make my peace with it, and am happy with my choice to live here. Peace to you all.

Agree with most of what you said. But, few police departments have murder squads, or could be considered to be organized crime, like here. Some are out of control, like LAPD, which has always been one of the worst police departments in the US. They used to have murder squads, back in the 1920's and 1930's, until the fired the heinous police chief at that time. 


The US has become an insane nation, that is for sure. The division and hatred is worse than it has been in many decades. And the cops rarely are prosecuted for murder, though they are often prosecuted for lesser crimes, unlike here. Violence statistically is very comparable to Thailand, the major difference being it is mostly Thai on Thai here, so it is far safer for most of us to be here, than in the many big cities in the US. 


I do agree law enforcement is out of control in the US. There is institutional racism, no doubt. And there is a dramatic need to reform the police, re-train them, and make some major changes in the initial training. And what you said about the police unions is absolutely correct. THEY are the reason so many police who kill unarmed men, walk free. 


For most of us, I would prefer the cops here, unless there is a real need for one. Then, it is roll of the dice. At least the cops here stay out of my face, and when they do hassle me, I push back alot. I mouth off to them, I raise my voice, and I make a real stink, if they are engaging in "petty mordida". Usually they back down, and if not I give them 200 baht. Rarely more than that. Impossible to do in the US. And if you need law enforcement, outstanding forensics, or a good detective, you can get it back there. Not here. Not likely.  


I have law enforcement in the family, and I respect the job they are doing. Does not mean I like them all. In the US, I treat them with respect and regard them kindly. It is up to them whether or not they choose to be butt heads or not. A cop friend told me once, that if you get pulled over, always try to get the cop to laugh. He said it was a tough job, and if someone got him to laugh, he would nearly always let them slide with a warning, even if they were speeding. So, I usually say "Officer I am so sorry I am late. I did everything in my power to get here just as fast as I could!". It often gets a chuckle out of them, and that is a good start. As an older white man, driving a decent car, I do not fit any police profile. Yet, some choose to be absolutely ugly people. It is their choice. I did not provoke them on any level. Some are just idiots, with a lot of power and guns, and terrible personalities. And I would highly and aggressively dispute your figure of 99.9%. Maybe for you. Not for most of us. Closer to 90% maybe. Reform of the police in the US is an absolute necessity. None of the inane defunding. Just reform, and a very close look at the fabulously toxic police unions.

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3 hours ago, yankyoakum said:

Thought this was a great capture of the weeks events, thank you Mr Rooster...

Also agree with some others, bad as this may seem to be too some, it just can't hold a candle to the Fluster Cuck that is the USA.   And I thank the gods and spirits that motivated us to retire here before the deification hit the oscillation. 

Yeah, who wants to live in the US, where police chiefs don't live in mansions and own fleets of supercars, and where anyone who wants a Covid vaccination can easily get one for free.  What a terrible place, no wonder the country can leave the borders unguarded without fear of anyone trying to enter.

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4 hours ago, heybruce said:

Journalists in Thailand who report illegal activities of the rich and well connected get sent to prison for defamation of character.


"Regardless of the truthfulness or falsehood of the statement, once it became a source of an injury that caused damage to the victim, the defendant is liable. Also, although the defendant proves that his statement is true, he still has the burden of proving to the court the propriety of such a statement."   https://www.thailandlaw.org/defamation-in-thailand.html


It didn't take long for events to prove my point:  https://aseannow.com/topic/1229063-lawyer-who-leaked-joe-ferrari-tape-sued-for-defamation/

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This country missed the reform train after the war and has become mired in its unbreakable feudal system now. Society is governed not by laws but by medieval customs where the clergy maintains the population in a delirious cretinism supported by the army; "the saber and the sprinkler" This country is a living anachronism, resolutely and definitely turned to the past. No need to be a diviner to know what fate the future holds for him. Faced with the many insoluble problems which undermine society, grow for decades and against which nothing is done, this country looks more and more like the Titanic.
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There is one aspect of this, that always has to be taken into account. I think most Thais get it. But most foreigners do not. The police here own franchises. They are franchisees. They are not law enforcement officials. They rarely engage in law enforcement, traffic safety, or public safety. They are not here for the benefit of the people, and they are not here to keep us safe. They are here to collect. That is all they do. If you need to give them an official title, it would be that of a revenue collection agent. Only it is their own account, that they represent.

Nobody will ever touch them. They are protected at the highest levels. They do as they please, and Thailand remains a relatively lawless state. The extraordinary aspect of all of this, is how much of a tribute this is, to the Thai people. Despite the lack of law and order, and the extraordinary lack of a deterrent, Thailand remains a relatively safe place to live, and to travel, and crime is far lower than it would be in almost any other country, without law and order. I consider this to be a great example of how good most Thai people really are, and how honorable they are, as a people. I never feel threatened here. I can walk the streets of most cities late at night, and never feel afraid of my security, like in many other nations. The most dangerous place in this country is on the roads. 

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9 hours ago, heybruce said:

Journalists in Thailand who report illegal activities of the rich and well connected get sent to prison for defamation of character.


"Regardless of the truthfulness or falsehood of the statement, once it became a source of an injury that caused damage to the victim, the defendant is liable. Also, although the defendant proves that his statement is true, he still has the burden of proving to the court the propriety of such a statement."   https://www.thailandlaw.org/defamation-in-thailand.html



And the defamation laws here are an astonishing admission of cowardice, malice, bad intentions, fear, and loathing. The fact that the courts actually enforce them, and the fact that the judiciary even takes them seriously, says all you need to know about personal, official, and corporate malfeasance here. 

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On 8/29/2021 at 12:57 PM, heybruce said:

Journalists in Thailand who report illegal activities of the rich and well connected get sent to prison for defamation of character.


"Regardless of the truthfulness or falsehood of the statement, once it became a source of an injury that caused damage to the victim, the defendant is liable. Also, although the defendant proves that his statement is true, he still has the burden of proving to the court the propriety of such a statement."   https://www.thailandlaw.org/defamation-in-thailand.html



Catch 22 for the BIB and Bankers     ????   ????   ????   ????

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21 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

Here’s a typical story:


in Pattaya, livestreams of ladies dancing have been lucrative, but are now banned due to Covid. There have been illicit livestreams, but the police have ferreted them out and closed them down, usually confiscating the equipment.


it turns out that the guy in the BIB who was finding illicit livestreams is now operating a livestream with his Thai girlfriend, who is a bargirl. He claims to have protection from the very top of the police force.


I have no idea if this is their livestream, but here is a current livestream with ladies who don’t care about Covid, unless they are fully vaccinated:




Ladies? 50-50????


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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Seriously? Perhaps a touch of sarcasm!

Well, politically any way ? ...  Skin color equality, .... Like they might all want to be Light skinned, but well socially I think that they all know ... and think, ...and treat each other the same. ??? ... Yes I might be racist ? !!! as I dislike the Chinese and their White is Beautiful, and Black is bad attitude !!! ... And I live with a Dark Skinned woman, an Ahyuttahyan, and they all are pretty dark around there .... and I have traveled all across Asia with her ..so I do know. ... Malaysia Lao and Cambodia ...OK .... Vietnam and Singapore ? ??? Questionable re skin color, .... and Thailand yes ... So So ... Ok,  as many of the so called upper class like running Down the poor, and calling them Prostitutes Right ??? Even if most of their men use them. ...

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