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King Cobra's appearance in NE sparks lottery fever after Facebook live coverage


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3 hours ago, 2long said:

"It had been injured on its rear section that might account for its ferocity and its seeking somewhere to hide."

I would say that being surrounded by humans with noisy machines and bright lights just caused its survival instincts to kick in.

This one at my house wasn't injured, and this is standard behaviour for cobras.


Looks like a spitting cobra?  Kind of dangerous for a close photo!

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14 minutes ago, onekoolguy said:

Looks like a spitting cobra?  Kind of dangerous for a close photo!

I was drunk, and my young daughter found it! Lucky, yes!

Also, when I first started to interact with it, it hadn't raised its hood, which of course is when I discovered what it was!

With a little help from me, our security guard bagged it and the local authorities came to collect it.

Happy endings all round! ????????????

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People who wrote this article are obviously not familiar with King Cobras.

It's the longest and biggest venomous snake on the planet and can reach

six meters in length. Mostly they like to eat other snakes.


So, sorry to disappoint y'all but this was just a teenager.

This is a huge King Cobra, for reference..

Largest King Cobra.jpg

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There's not much in life anymore that scares me, I love spiders and centipedes and dive with sharks. Dealt with rattlers and coral snakes.


But I've seen water moccasins in the US, and King Cobras in LOS, a few times that, when they felt cornered, moved faster than the eye.


Find the babies a few times a year in Trat, about 8" long, trying to get through the closed sliders on the back of the bungalow. Yes, they can squeeze through. Scary, as when they bite, they don't ration the venom. 


No, I don't relocate them, and do not return them to mom. My dog is far more important.

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