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SQUASH!!! Do You Love Whacking a Little Black/Green Ball around a White Room? These Days?


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My Dear Friends,


One of the greatest pleasures one might partake of, during these somewhat/extremely frustrating times, is digging up your old squash racquet and beginning to again smack around a tiny black ball until you have finally expended your last frustration, and are at the point of exuding tons of sweat, while huffing and puffing.


Some say racket.  Although, I always say racquet.


I recall many times when I thought my world might end, mostly due to love affairs, and the only thing which saved my sanity was the Squash Court.


The virus is no worse than a love affair, gone wrong. And so, squash is a Zen activity that I suggest for anyone.


Once you enter the Squash Court, and after you close that very thick and heavy door, that tiny monster door, behind you, then it is you against that lousy black ball (new balls are green, these days). You can whack the F out of it, and pretend that it might be a virus, or the head of your father-in-law, for example. Use your imagination.


So, I am just asking if you bash the black ball in the white room, in Thailand?  Are there any good courts in major cities, here in Thailand???


What I am saying is that, no matter what your lousy emotional state might be, SQUASH is the game for you if you want to return to a more stable/happy frame of mind.


I am telling you the truth.


Rock climbing and rowing are, OK….  But SQUASH is the cat’s meow, for me.


Anyway, you guys know I love you…Right?


Please Note:  The Squash Ball, in itself, is nether too hard nor too soft.  It is just right. Think Goldilocks. Squash is an amazing pursuit.  Please believe me.


Note Two:  We need to build more squash courts in Thailand, for sure!

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When in Thailand, I play four times a week with my swiss friend. We have an excellent court in our condo (much better than those in Ambassor and even better than most courts I played in Europe). Used by no one but us. Great fun. 

Dunlop black double dot  is the right ball here. No lang warming it up like in the icy courts back home.

There are three aircons, but it takes time to cool the court down from 30+ degrees. When we finish it might be 29 or so...

After the matchball a fast jump in the pool, a shower and then out for diner. Quality of life!


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I'm well aware most squash players look disdainfully down their patrician noses at RAQUETBALL but during it's brief, one decade lifespan it probably saved me from stress related self destruction while trying to keep my business alive during back to back recessions.

I joined a club with well organized leagues. A 90 minute session would drain away every iota of tension and helped me loose 30 lbs.  

Rising urban real estate costs really killed it plus it was a hard game to get beyond a certain level without forgetting everything else in your life but it was fun and I still miss it.

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2 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:

When in Thailand, I play four times a week with my swiss friend. We have an excellent court in our condo (much better than those in Ambassor and even better than most courts I played in Europe). Used by no one but us. Great fun. 

Dunlop black double dot  is the right ball here. No lang warming it up like in the icy courts back home.

There are three aircons, but it takes time to cool the court down from 30+ degrees. When we finish it might be 29 or so...

After the matchball a fast jump in the pool, a shower and then out for diner. Quality of life!



Warming your balls is important.

The warmer your ball, the more reactive it becomes.


Note:  Please do not forget that....bashing the ball, even by yourself, against the wall, is totally satisfying.


Glad to hear that you have a court.

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2 minutes ago, dddave said:

I'm well aware most squash players look disdainfully down their patrician noses at RAQUETBALL but during it's brief, one decade lifespan it probably saved me from stress related self destruction while trying to keep my business alive during back to back recessions.

I joined a club with well organized leagues. A 90 minute session would drain away every iota of tension and helped me loose 30 lbs.  

Rising urban real estate costs really killed it plus it was a hard game to get beyond a certain level without forgetting everything else in your life but it was fun and I still miss it.

Actually, squash is better.

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A bit off subject but when playing a competitive game, when you hit the ball, do you try to get out of your opponents way? do you stand your ground and block? Or can you aggressively block them? 


I played a bit in college and loved it and then played once w/my dad and he was an animal... he seemed to think that it was a contact sport. I could have flattened him but it didn't seem right... 


He continued playing w/a couple of fiends into his 60s and would come home beaten abt the face and bloody. He eventually had a hockey helmet fitted for his squash game... 

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27 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

A bit off subject but when playing a competitive game, when you hit the ball, do you try to get out of your opponents way? do you stand your ground and block? Or can you aggressively block them? 


I played a bit in college and loved it and then played once w/my dad and he was an animal... he seemed to think that it was a contact sport. I could have flattened him but it didn't seem right... 


He continued playing w/a couple of fiends into his 60s and would come home beaten abt the face and bloody. He eventually had a hockey helmet fitted for his squash game... 

There is always the danger, in squash, of getting hit in the eye with the squash ball.

In order to avoid this, some wear protective eyewear which is not entirely protective.


Here is an article up your alley, for the game of squash:






Don't play squash if you might be disposed to heart failure.

Also, don't go to Elite Schools if you are shy of competition.


Best regards,




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17 hours ago, HeijoshinCool said:



I have read enough of your posts to now make an educated guess as to how you dress each morning upon arising....







It’s really hard to do up the last buckle; it’s like banging in the last nail during self-crucifiction

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