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kids between 12- 17 are recommended by Thai authority to get the Pfizer vaccine .....your thoughts?

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On 9/16/2021 at 9:09 PM, DavisH said:

So kids should go back to school unvaccinated then? Because that looks to be the plan for November. Kids are way more active than most 60 year olds and potentially meet with 100's of other children per day. Expect cases. Schools simpy cannot  stay shut much longer - and I'm one of the teachers who will see them every day. 85%  of the teachers and kids will need to be vaccinated though, and normal hygiene protocols will apply. 

The fact is you may test every kid in your school and they may all "test positive", but the chances of any of them getting seriously ill is very very low, and death rarely happens anywhere in the world.  All of the teachers and adults in and around the schools should get vaccinated to protect themselves; the kids not so much.  Vaccination does not prevent transmission. 

On 9/17/2021 at 9:09 AM, Tony125 said:

The kids need to be vaccinated because in school enviroment they will be in close proxcimity with many other  kids every day. They are much more likely to meet with others infected with covid and can spread to teachers, parents, gran-parents back home.

Then the adults should get themselves vaccinated so they don't get the virus, from anyone!

On 9/12/2021 at 6:23 AM, cclub75 said:

Enjoy the vaccine for your children.


Boys more at risk from Pfizer jab side-effect than Covid, suggests study

US researchers say teenagers are more likely to get vaccine-related myocarditis than end up in hospital with Covid


Source : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/10/boys-more-at-risk-from-pfizer-jab-side-effect-than-covid-suggests-study

The problem with Myocarditis is much greater for children who catch covid:


Study: Myocarditis risk 37 times higher for children with COVID-19 than uninfected peers



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The Swiss daily BLICK just reported in its last edition a case where a 15-year old girl entered on-site classes beginning of September. Apparently she tested negative at a covid test performed when she entered school, but just after a few days at school she felt ill and had cough, but the covid test result showed negative, so the parents thaught she had a common cold. Her father did not trust that test and arranged privately for a PCR test, which 2 days later came out positive. It was a shock for the family. 

Her father arranged for additional PCR tests for him, his wife and a second daughter. The result was that the father tested positive.

He got high very fever and breathing problems. He lay one week in bed.

"Still now I can hardly climb stairs. I have depressions and sleeping problems. If I wouldn't have been vaccinated (but I have), I might would have died."

This is not an isolated case, there are more cases in Swiss schools where kids caught covid and passed it on in their family.

Ciovid-19 seems to be a never-ending learning curve.

Our 12-year old daughter will definitely take two Pfizer shots.




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The OP asked about my thoughts of the recommendation by Thai authority..., I'm from the US and even though my family and I currently live in Thailand, I'll take the recommendations from the CDC over the Thais, luckily they both say the same thing, people 12 years and old should get vaxed.

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  • Haha 1

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