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Jimmy Greaves is dead at 81


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Just read this on the BBC website ,I saw him play when he was at West Ham ,a bit past his best then in a deal  which Martin Peters went the anther way  ,which did not make the Upton Park supporters happy  ,but still a good player ,and he left his mark at Upton Park .

I would say Rooster will be a bit sad. RIP.

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Just look at the Spurs team in 1962.....such talent under a great boss, Bill Nicholson.


Greaves, Blanchflower, Mackay, Jones, Smith and more.....I was 16 and loved to watch them (and so did everybody else)


I think Glenn Hoddle is correct on YouTube - Jimmy was uncanny. He was continually looking over his shoulder, seeing where the ball was, where all the defenders were, and assessing where he should be. He was a born goal scorer - there are few of his genius. He seemed to be always in the right place at the right time. He shone ever brightly, fed by the speedy and tricky Cliff Jones and the perception of John White, one of Scotland's greatest ever players. And with the ever bustling, aggressive Bobby Smith (who seems amazingly forgotten - 208 goals for Spurs in 317 senior appearances, and 13 goals for England in 15 appearances). he had a perfect partner -  as he later found with a different sort of player, Alan Gilzean.


One on one with any goalkeeper there was only one winner. He has that absolute confidence against keepers that few strikers show (Thierry Henry was another)


RIP Greavsie. He died a month after another goal scoring great, Gerd Muller. Both so deadly in the box. We may never see their like again
















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