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Selling land to foreigners is not treasonous - it's economic sense: Prayuth


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This honestly would be a big mistake.  If a foreigner wants land and have a Thai wife it can be in her name so no real need to own land here.  Problem is as soon as they make it law, the Chinese are going to come in and buy up everything and take over.  Thailand won't be the same anymore. As a foreigner even I don't agree with this.  

Edited by The Farang
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So where were the Thai Patriots when the good times rolled and the nation was overbuilt to a ridiculous degree?


Buying cars that cost MORE than the better Thai homes that I could only ever imagine owning in my own homeland. Supporting Mia Nois ( often several) and generally pissing it up against the wall.


Now the golden goose has turned into a diseased village chicken, and they bleat about 'treason" and selling their sovereignty?


Milady, who inherited a nice McMansion is salivating at the thought she can sell the damn thing off at a realistic globally adjusted price at last!


And good on us, we both in our own ways have paid our dues, my adopted country Australia, has turned its back on me, I use none of their services in my old age, but they didn't refund my life's taxes!


She's the daughter of an isaan farmer who did better than her sisters, put herself through Uni here in her forties, and was obliged to pay a billionaire a fee for showing up for the "privilege" of having her diploma handed to her! 


Yeah, we're both crying all the way to the bank, and the patriots had their chance to buy anything they wanted, but no, an overpriced entry level Mercedes or Mea Noi was their choice, they can all suck my middle finger as the world's tiniest violin plays the sad songs that mean so much.

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1 minute ago, tingtongfarang said:

my main reason for not wanting to buy property in thailand is, i dont trust the government, any deals they affore will be renegaded on at a later date or visa requirements made impossible

Which deals have they reneged on (the Government), that have impacted you personally?

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19 minutes ago, tingtongfarang said:

visa requirements change constantly

That is not reneged though is it.....?

Nevertheless they are still easily obtained...... only change I recall is (retirement extension), I have to retain money in the bank now during the year of the extension. 

Edited by jacko45k
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4 hours ago, seajae said:

but is it only going to be sold to the rich or can those of us with thai wives/partners own the land we live on as well, just allowing "rich" non thias to own land is absolute BS as it will be bought purely to make a profit on, those of us living on the land we already own with our partners are committed to the long term and to Thailand, profits dont come into it, it is owning our own homes/land for our future and that of our thai families


You are fine. Put it in your wife's name. It will go to your family.


We want a house even though we are not married. Not to make a profit. 

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24 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

That is not reneged though is it.....?

Nevertheless they are still easily obtained...... only change I recall is (retirement extension), I have to retain money in the bank now during the year of the extension. 

dont worry... next change is just around the corner


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what rich person would come to thailand if he cannot buy a house in his name or his company name. they are not going to mess around with finding a thai lady. they will not come!!! by the way, some homes might become more expensive but builders cannot sell to only foreigners. they have to price the house for thais also.

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9 minutes ago, tingtongfarang said:

dont worry... next change is just around the corner


Yes, another guy on another forum was bringing up the old chestnut of 1.5 mil retirement extensions. I doubt any changes this year, and they are unlikely to renege during the extension.

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interesting to note that while all over asia, ex. japan but incl. singapore and of course china, foreigners

are not allowed to own land, in farang countries - EU US UK AND THE AMERICAS - chinese thai and asians can come and buy all the land they can pay for....

just to remove any racist feelings, the definition for "foreigner" is not based on race but on

citizenhip. i wonder what will happan if 10million farang will get citizenship in thailand

and will start to buy land....hmmmm....that will be a chalenge to law makers.

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5 hours ago, ebean001 said:

what rich person would come to thailand if he cannot buy a house in his name or his company name. they are not going to mess around with finding a thai lady. they will not come!!! by the way, some homes might become more expensive but builders cannot sell to only foreigners. they have to price the house for thais also.


6 hours ago, tingtongfarang said:

my main reason for not wanting to buy property in thailand is, i dont trust the government, any deals they affore will be renegaded on at a later date or visa requirements made impossible

me too. in worst case senario they might confiscate all foreigners properties and tell

them to <deleted> off, the way it happaned in cambodia in the 70's.

another reason is that the return on real estate in thailand is very bad, hardly bit inflation in hard currency terms, propably because of the same reason - no investor will want to put

his or her hard earned money in a country that looks half built and full of ever changing strange laws and regulations, like allowing only 49% ownership in condo building ...what da....give me a break .

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4 hours ago, The Cipher said:

Wealth levels in Thailand are already low and inequality is high, so if prices do trend upwards with deregulation, major landholders are gonna do great but a lot of people will suffer from the resulting lack of affordability. Generally a bad idea.

Exactly. A huge majority of Thais will be worse off as a result. I think it’s a bad move. Someone will get rich but it won’t be the average Joe. 

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5 hours ago, HeijoshinCool said:



In other news, sources say a well-known Chinese billionaire was seen entering the prime minister's residence this morning, leaving only 5 minutes later, but without the apparently quite heavy briefcase he had on arrival.

Pleeeease stop burbling on about Sinovac 

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5 hours ago, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:


me too. in worst case senario they might confiscate all foreigners properties and tell

them to <deleted> off, the way it happaned in cambodia in the 70's.

another reason is that the return on real estate in thailand is very bad, hardly bit inflation in hard currency terms, propably because of the same reason - no investor will want to put

his or her hard earned money in a country that looks half built and full of ever changing strange laws and regulations, like allowing only 49% ownership in condo building ...what da....give me a break .

I’ve sold property in Thailand by way of company ownership and made a very nice profit when I sold it 7 years later on top of that I did not have to pay rent during that time and I was advised that the minimum rental I could expect was 80,000 baht per month I now have a beach front villa for sale at 25 million and even tho we are going through Covid I have already had several interested parties so unless your talking properties  out in the sticks on the islands there is money to be  made !

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

Prayuth was not having that, especially as his government is promoting plans to try and attract a million foreigners to spent a trillion baht in the next five years.

The land will come with more strings attached than a harp.

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