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Foreign Affairs Ministry clarifies vaccine donation from US

Jonathan Fairfield

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2 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Preferred, I would agree. I believe historically, President Eisenhower continued to be addressed as General by some?

During his Presidency, there was really only one person in the US who potentially outranked him, and I suppose she could call him anything she liked : )


The unofficial order of rank established by the WH & State Dept for those in government service states that the President outranks Senators, who outrank Five Star Generals of the Army, who of course outrank LTCs. 


But when all else fails, these guidelines may come in handy.



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On 9/26/2021 at 9:36 AM, Hayduke said:


But…there are no brown envelopes on offer. Does the US unreasonably and foolishly expect Thai government ministers to sacrifice personal profit in the interest of public health?



Remember, no strings attached.  In other words do as you please with the donations.

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