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Hospitals to Receive Partial Moderna Vaccine Delivery


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On 10/5/2021 at 8:26 AM, 4MyEgo said:

Transferring to the daughter is the right thing to do, i.e. if she really needs it, i.e. depending on her age, that said, if your over 65 or have an underlying condition, personally I wouldn't be rushing to transfer it or sell it off to anyone as you may require a booster in 6-12 months time so can push back the date, as for the daughter, absolutely get her to have the jab, but like I said, depending on her age.


If she is in that 12-18 age bracket, I wouldn't rush it as the WHO have said clearly, kids in this age bracket don't necessarily need to be vaccinated as the latest is that they are in the low risk group.

You probably should have the booster after 5 or 6 months.

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8 minutes ago, crouchpeter said:

You probably should have the booster after 5 or 6 months.

Personally, I will see what has transpired till then, not a big fan of a 3rd shot without all of the data in, 12 months like the annual influenza vaccine, sure, why not.


The data is showing that Pfizer which is what I have had wanes as others do, but you are still protected.


I read somewhere that I believe the Israeli study showed Pfizer dropped to 42% after 6-8 months, but your still protected against severe infection and hospitalisation, and the Influenza vaccine has always been 50%-60% at best, albeit it Covid is a much more contagious disease, especially with Delta.


But if need be to get it in 6 months, then I will take the Moderna I paid for as it should arrive by then, or if Pfizer if available will probably stick with that and pay for it if I have too and transfer the Moderna to a family member or sell it to someone else.


Lots of options as time is on my side at the moment.

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