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Thai netizens fierily debate Pfizer vaccine for students as anti-vaxxers emerge


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Discussed ad nauseam for the benefit of those who ask questions but don't look for answers.


1) The ingredients of the current vaccines are very similar to the ingredients of vaccines used in the past.

Side effects in vaccines used in the past occurred within 2 to 4 months of vaccine administration.


2) The mRNA and spike proteins produce are only in the body briefly.

All proteins in the body are rapidly degraded into component parts in days or weeks at most.

mRNA is very fragile, witness the requirements for transportation at cold temps, degrades even faster at body temp.


3) The horrible side effects of some prescription drugs occurred with drugs that were taken daily or more frequently for weeks, months, years. They were in the body and maintained at high concentrations for long periods of time.

The vaccines are only in the body for a short period of time and only 1, 2 or possibly now 3 times, weeks apart.

Even flat out poisons have a minimum harmful dose below which they are not dangerous.


I have previously posted this arguments with references and anyone really concerned about long term effects would have fond this information in a few minutes of searching.


Now of course there is the "anything is possible" argument, if you choose to believe in magical thinking no argument can calm your hysterical fears.

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15 hours ago, Denim said:

Yes. Went for first pfizer jab today. Quite a few expats and a thousand or more school kids.

Took 4 hours start to finish.

I took our son for his first Pfizer jab yesterday at Siriraj hospital, in and out in less than an hour. 

I also had 2 Pfizer jabs at MedPark hospital early and late Sept, and again, in and out in less than an hour, looks like we were lucky with our timing. 

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26 minutes ago, cdemundo said:

In any event, doubts about the approval process are totally beside the point at this time as we have real world safety and efficacy data on hundreds of millions of vaccine doses that have been administered.



Billions of doses are not equal to billions of year...


Christ... this is basic arithmetics and logic.


Therefore to say "it's safe, because we used 3 billions of doses in 10 months" is totally absurd, and wrong.


It's a false reasoning.


Some molecules, chemicals... can take YEARS, or even decades to combine, potentialize with others, interact, and buildup effects within human body.


So the truth is : you don't know.




Therefore, stop trying to impose your beliefs -and potentially dangerous- and other people.


If you're willing to take the bet, take the risk on the long term for yourself, you are free. But do not say it's based on "science".


Because it's not.


We have exactly 10 months of history of mass injection with Pfizer (Israel started its campaign 19 december 2020). Nothing more.


In pharmacology... it's nothing.

Edited by cclub75
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US CDC Data showing Deaths by Age Group


Data from 575,523 deaths. Age group was available for 575,451 (99%) deaths.


There are deaths in the lower ages but for 0-17 it is rounded down to 0% in the graph.  18-29 is the next lowest share of death at .6%




You can also look at the Cases by Age Group and compare to the count of deaths in a given age group.




Can also be used to sort by age, date, death (y/n)



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4 minutes ago, onthedarkside said:


These are the actual COVID death numbers being reported by the CDC based on age group (the download link is there on the website you listed above), which in fact included hundreds of deaths among the very young age groups.






Also, those cited 575,000+ death numbers only reflect a portion of the total U.S. COVID death count which now exceeds 700,000, and likely don't tend to include the most recent cases because of time delays. Child COVID infection rates in the U.S. have been spiraling lately.


"As of October 6, 2021, a total of 707,065 COVID-19 deaths have been reported in the United States."




"For the first time during the pandemic, children now account for more than one quarter of new weekly US COVID-19 cases, according to the latest report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).


Nearly 252,000 child COVID-19 cases were reported for the week ending Sep 2, the largest number recorded for children during the pandemic, according to the report. Children accounted for 26.8% of reported weekly US cases.


The AAP said this was the largest number of child cases in a week since the pandemic began."



Also, those figures are cumulative since the andemic began. Delta has only been a factor in the USA since June. 

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10 minutes ago, onthedarkside said:


These are the actual COVID death numbers being reported by the CDC based on age group (the download link is there on the website you listed above), which in fact included hundreds of deaths among the very young age groups.






Also, those cited 575,000+ death numbers only reflect a portion of the total U.S. COVID death count which now exceeds 700,000, and likely don't tend to include the most recent cases because of time delays. Child COVID infection rates in the U.S. have been spiraling lately.


"As of October 6, 2021, a total of 707,065 COVID-19 deaths have been reported in the United States."




"For the first time during the pandemic, children now account for more than one quarter of new weekly US COVID-19 cases, according to the latest report from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).


Nearly 252,000 child COVID-19 cases were reported for the week ending Sep 2, the largest number recorded for children during the pandemic, according to the report. Children accounted for 26.8% of reported weekly US cases.


The AAP said this was the largest number of child cases in a week since the pandemic began."



I  know there were deaths but the point is they are very minimal.  Over 500k is a good enough sample size.  I expect to see no rise in the rates in the next 6 months.  I have actually used the data set link I posted and showed the death rates decreased in the later half of this year compared to 2020.  This is expected with optimizing treatment methods though.

Discussion of cases doesn't really matter since I am talking about the rate of dying if infected with covid.  I do not see that number increasing at all.  I can guarantee case count will continually increase as time passes.  That is obvious.


So children accounted for 26.8% of cases in the article but what percent will die?  Do you expect it to vastly differ form <.1%?



Taking the two tables and Death/Casegives you these death rates.



I think people should focus on the population with a higher death rate.  You know, the people actually dying.

Edited by TooMuchTime
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12 minutes ago, TooMuchTime said:

I think people should focus on the population with a higher death rate.  You know, the people actually dying.


Tell that to the parents of the hundreds of children listed above who have died of COVID in the U.S. I'm sure they'll appreciate the sentiment.


National percentages don't mean much, if it's your child that has died...


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36 minutes ago, TooMuchTime said:

Emotional arguments are useless.  Using that emotional argument we should do everything we can to save everyone no matter the cost or risk.  Ban cigarettes, alcohol, have everyone follow a prescribed govt meal, have everyone follow a prescribed life dictated by a small group of trustworthy politicians who have your best interest in mind.


Or we can have people make their own decisions and understand the risk factor of actions they may take in life.


Don't forget that people can still get a covid vaccine if they want.  The choice isn't force everyone or no one gets it at all.


Parents who feel their kid should get the covid vaccine should be able to allow them.  I have no issue with that.  My only issue is coercing or forcing people to take a vaccine, especially for a demographic with a near 0 risk of death.



And what about the risk unvaccinated children pose for educators? And health care workers?

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18 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Show me the medium term (5 year) and long term (10 year) data of the effects of these 5 billion vaccinations.


I'd even accept 3 year data.

Just wait a few years. If that will not be to late for you. ????????????

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2 hours ago, cclub75 said:


Billions of doses are not equal to billions of year...


Christ... this is basic arithmetics and logic.


Therefore to say "it's safe, because we used 3 billions of doses in 10 months" is totally absurd, and wrong.


It's a false reasoning.


Some molecules, chemicals... can take YEARS, or even decades to combine, potentialize with others, interact, and buildup effects within human body.


So the truth is : you don't know.




Therefore, stop trying to impose your beliefs -and potentially dangerous- and other people.


If you're willing to take the bet, take the risk on the long term for yourself, you are free. But do not say it's based on "science".


Because it's not.


We have exactly 10 months of history of mass injection with Pfizer (Israel started its campaign 19 december 2020). Nothing more.


In pharmacology... it's nothing.

The equal and opposite truth is this.


Quote from your post.


So the truth is : you don't know.


Therefore, stop trying to impose your beliefs -and potentially dangerous- and other people.

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3 hours ago, cdemundo said:

This is another example of the Big Lie propaganda technique, repeat your lie often and loud and soon people will believe it.

This is repeatedly claimed (the 10 to 15 year figure) but no examples are ever given.

Here's a few examples, maybe you missed them in your research.




https://www.ncirs.org.au/phases-clinical-trials   "COVID-19 vaccines are being rolled out for emergency use authorisation in several countries. However, as there are limited safety data, full registration of the vaccine will only be given after extended safety monitoring, which will take several years.


https://research.northeastern.edu/heres-what-it-takes-to-test-a-covid-19-vaccine-with-clinical-trials/ " a process that usually takes three to five years of rigorous testing for safety and effectiveness."



"On average, vaccine development can take 10-15 years.  "



"It can take up to a decade to go from vaccine discovery and development to approval"

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3 hours ago, cdemundo said:

In any event, doubts about the approval process are totally beside the point at this time as we have real world safety and efficacy data on hundreds of millions of vaccine doses that have been administered.

Do we?


Can you point me to a website where I can see this data?

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3 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Do we?


Can you point me to a website where I can see this data?

Yes I can, you can search for the number of vaccines administered in the US.

Then you can search for the number of reports of adverse events reported to VAERS.


Then you can divide the number of adverse events by the number of vaccinations and get a number something like 1/10 of 1%.

But like all antivax [deleted] you are always asking smart-a$$ questions instead of actually looking for information.


AS usual the thing you are asking for has been discussed repeatedly on TVF. 


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