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Pet Friendly ASQ Hotel

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I am planning to come to Thailand later this month (October) and looking to book an ASQ 10 day hotel stay in Bangkok.  The problem I have is I am bringing a pet with me.  The hotels that I have called so far are not allowing pets.  Even hotels that are normally pet friendly are not allowing pets for an ASQ stay.  Does anyone know of a pet friendly ASQ?


I have considered having a Bangkok kennel service take care of the pet for the duration.  However I see several problems with this scenario.  My pet is an elderly cat that needs regular medication and care.  I don't really trust a Thai kennel to do all that properly.  Also, the kennel service would have to pick up the pet at the airport upon our arrival.  I see timing as a problem as the flight could be late and/or the service could be late.  And the handoff of the pet to the service could be problematic as it might be viewed as a breach of quarantine.


For these reasons I much prefer to have the pet with me during the ASQ stay.  I can't be the first to have this issue.  Is there someone that has overcome this problem that can give advice?  Thank you in advance.

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26 minutes ago, Sup3rfarang said:

Does anyone know of a pet friendly ASQ?

There aren't any as far as I am aware (based on numerous reports from people in your predicament). I'd suggest asking the question in a FB ASQ group I somewhat follow: 



There was quite a few asking about it earlier; not been one for a while, but no doubt you'll get some good advice in there re catteries/kennels if you can't postpone. It's also monitored by ASQ hotel reps so if anything has changed I'm sure one of them will pipe up too.


If you can hold off until the first week in November you may have better luck if plans get solidified.


Edited by Salerno
Added FB info
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Before making a firm decisions have you contacted this agency yes?:


I believe they control the entry of pets into the Kingdom?  

I know of a couple who brought over two dogs to Thailand 6 months ago and the dogs were quarantined at BKK while they completed their 14 day quarantine at a hotel.  I am not sure if an ASQ allows quarantine guests to have pets.  I did two stints in quarantine this year and it would difficult for any hotel to allow pets.


Contact Information:
> Animal Quarantine Station at Suvarnnabhumi Airport’s Contact Information:

For those who travel with pets and seek to pass them through Thailand:
Please contact: Animal Quarantine Station (Port of Entry)
Tel+(662) 134-0636 Business Hours: 24 hrs daily

For those who wish to import/export pets to Thailand:
Please contact: Animal Quarantine Station (Cargo Terminal :Free Zone Area ,CE 1 Building )
Tel+(662) 134-7031 Business Hours 8:30am – 4:30pm

E-mail: [email protected]

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wait for November opening.

There would be sha+ hotels and possibly still sandbox set-up, but that is much different to quarantine, not any rules of braking isolation.

If you can cancel ASQ or wait for November, search now for phuket sha+ hotels. Even if they don't accept animals, do write to them individually and offer payment for bending their rules. Hotels at the low end would do it. If failing with it, you can book a kennel and visit your cat with daily medication.

In fact you can rent cheap room near you sha+ hotel for a few hundred baht and stay with your cat for the whole day.

If all those fail, send me message for one more idea

Edited by internationalism
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it's an elderly cat, can stay in a bathroom to convince hotel to accept it at all. But there also balconies, terraces at some rooms. At the beginning of ASQ doors to balconies were locked, but I think that is changing. They were afraid of suicide jumps, guests sneaking out and in, booze snitched in.

Cats, even small dogs, don't have to go out at all. It's just imprisonment for 10 days

Edited by internationalism
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If concerned about the level of care your cat would receive, be aware that many good animal hospitals in Bangkok will provide boarding at reasonable cost. However, the logistics of getting your pet into the hospital could, indeed, be very tricky.

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7 minutes ago, BritTim said:

However, the logistics of getting your pet into the hospital could, indeed, be very tricky.

Not as tricky as you may think. Numerous people have done it since this kicked off; met at the airport by staff - as you say, many good animal facilities in Bangkok. Although not sure what proportion have travelled as carry on. 

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I brought a dog in a few months ago. At the time, there was a specific rule saying ASQ hotels could not allow pets. I can't find the official document now, but it was on a gov website. The rules do change frequently though.

Personally, I would look at Phuket instead of Bangkok. That wasn't an option when I came, but there may be somewhere you can take a pet there. Otherwise, wait and see what happens in November if you can. 

I posted about the procedure for the airport pickup here. I'd imagine it would be the same for a cat. 



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6 hours ago, BritTim said:

If concerned about the level of care your cat would receive, be aware that many good animal hospitals in Bangkok will provide boarding at reasonable cost. However, the logistics of getting your pet into the hospital could, indeed, be very tricky.


What those criminal call boarding is keep animals in a cage 24 hours ! NO WAY !!!



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25 minutes ago, thepdru said:

What those criminal call boarding is keep animals in a cage 24 hours ! NO WAY !!!

I am only familiar first hand with one small animal hospital in Pattaya. They had the care of a rather aggressive cat while the owner was hospitalised. Within a short time, they were able to hold and pet the cat when they were not otherwise busy. The cat had gained weight and was attached to them by the time she was returned to her owner. I do not think that hospital was a unique case. Some vets, especially in the small hospitals, are strong animal lovers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you everyone for your input and assistance.  I decided to wait until Nov 1 in the hope of avoiding ASQ altogether.  Now I'm sitting around waiting for a final definition of what the one day wait looks like and are we supposed to do COE or this new app that no one's seen.  Can't even book a flight with this uncertainty.  Anyways, thanks again!


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