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Richard Burton, Richard Harris, and Peter O'Toole


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Here in Thailand, everybody, farangs, need to often listen to a good story, in order to just carry on.


Otherwise, being so far from home, one might ossify and die.


Richard Burton, from Wales, is/was a magnificent story teller.


O'Toole could also tell a good tale.


Richard Harris, less so.


Still, all three were magnificent in their own ways.


What would we not give to have Richard Burton alive today, during these days of quarantine?


Down in the mines, breathing coal dust.



As we all realize, being in Thailand for years, some of us, sometimes we starve for intellectual stimulation, after living in Pattaya for too long a long spell.


 Who is better among the three?


Richard Harris


Richard Burton


And, TRULY, as it is often said....The Irish and the Welsh are people of song and poetry built into their souls.





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I wouldnt say I had song or poetry, but I do share the birthplace.


I never really thought that much of O'Toole, but Burton was good, and Richard Harris played some good roles,  "A man called Horse" is what comes to mind.

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5 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Time for you to join my ignore list.

Was it the wordy posts or the casual racism?

I'm not really sure.

Perhaps it is my ignorance and naïveté about our world which is most off-putting to you.


Maybe it might be my traditional thinking which is most objectionable.


Or, maybe, just my wordy posts which ticked you off, more than anything else.


So solly.

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I have said it before, if the content of a Topic/Post is not to your liking, you can quite easy to just move on, it is not required to leave a snarky or insulting remark.


7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.





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You forgot Ollie Reed.


All of this – and the exploits of Oliver Reed, the only non- Celt among the four – is revealed in a new book called Hellraisers: The Life and Inebriated Times of Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole, Richard Harris and Oliver Reed.



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9 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Three boring drunks. Deeply unpleasant men whose 'outrageous' behavior was just anti social, disruptive bullying.

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?


Please do not look at this world with total PC.

Otherwise, your blinders will blind you to life.




Youtube does not allow embedding of this video, simply because this video is for "adults", even though there is nothing prurient about it.


Don't be Childish.


Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (1966): Killing Martha....

Was an amazing scene, and an amazing film.


Richard Burton was an amazing actor, and a wonderful storyteller.


The entire world was lucky to have had him.


JMHO...Just my humble opinion.


Each to his own.


Some guys don't like Macbeth.



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You know, sometimes people become so hot and bothered about PC (political correctness), and many of us become exceedingly righteous, morally speaking.


Some guys become all worked up about the fact that their mistaken belief that Burton, Harris, and O'Toole caused harm in some unsubstantiated way, when, in fact, they were just living their lives, lives which provided pleasure to so many people around the world.


But, OK, if you really want to examine a few lives of people who did not live their lives as well as These Three...


Then, please just watch this video.

And then, you will clearly see that Burton was not one of these.



Richard Burton did much to contribute to our existence, and provided us with good films which just keep on giving.


If you refuse to watch Richard Burton's films, and appreciate his films, for what they are....then...


Please just watch this film, in Philly...and try to tell the difference.


Richard Burton was a great actor.


And, please, if you are willing, watch this attached YouTube video in Kensington to find actors of a different sort.

Sometimes, I just wonder why we need to criticise guys who provided so much pleasure to so many.

Makes no sense to me.


Therefore...here is a video which you might prefer...




Maybe, this YouTube video is more up your alley.



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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I will never return to Philly.


Not unless I were to wish to shoot-up in unmentionable places.


Instead, I will remain in Asia, and enjoy reading Shakespeare, one who wrote about almost everything happening in Philly that you can see on the streets, today.


Such a tragedy, which was Shakespeare's specialty.

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2 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Please don't criticize Richard Burton for being a drunk and bully, because....


Each to his own poison.



Especially, these days, in Philly.

So sad.

Such a tragedy.



One worries if anyone cares.


At least, Burton, Harris, O'Toole were productive, in many amazing ways.


Fortunately, they did not get too strung out on crystal meth, or Smack.

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2 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

As we all realize, being in Thailand for years, some of us, sometimes we starve for intellectual stimulation,

I haven't been starved of intellectual stimulation at all. The very opposite. With the internet and e-books and the time to delve into them, I've learned about my world (and beyond) than I could ever have dreamed of just a few years ago.

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17 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

I haven't been starved of intellectual stimulation at all. The very opposite. With the internet and e-books and the time to delve into them, I've learned about my world (and beyond) than I could ever have dreamed of just a few years ago.

OK.  I agree with you.


And now, I really want to suggest a series of lectures from Robert Wyman, Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology at YALE.


Probably, this series of lectures is the most important series of lectures that you will ever pay attention to:




No JOKE, because, if you really want to learn something about the world, then here is a lecture series which you should watch, while you also read the suggested course materials, including recommended books.


No need for you to be so starved for intellectual stimulation, as you say.


I guarantee that this lecture series might change your perspective, slightly.


Good luck.




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2 hours ago, mahtin said:

You forgot Ollie Reed.


All of this – and the exploits of Oliver Reed, the only non- Celt among the four – is revealed in a new book called Hellraisers: The Life and Inebriated Times of Richard Burton, Peter O'Toole, Richard Harris and Oliver Reed.



Just thinking of the same association.

I'll take famous contemporary English drunkards for 500, Alex.....

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40 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

I haven't been starved of intellectual stimulation at all. The very opposite. With the internet and e-books and the time to delve into them, I've learned about my world (and beyond) than I could ever have dreamed of just a few years ago.

The Yale lecture series from Wyman, available on YouTube or from The Yale online course website, is really worthwhile. Not that it matters, but I have listened to most of these lectures twice.  These lectures speak about diverse topics of interest to you.


Please go to the Yale website, or to the link I provided, and then you will be hooked, and you will watch every video.  Riveting.


No need to thank me.


Just thank Robert Wyman 

Edited by GammaGlobulin
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2 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

You know, sometimes people become so hot and bothered about PC (political correctness), and many of us become exceedingly righteous, morally speaking.


Some guys become all worked up about the fact that their mistaken belief that Burton, Harris, and O'Toole caused harm in some unsubstantiated way, when, in fact, they were just living their lives, lives which provided pleasure to so many people around the world.


But, OK, if you really want to examine a few lives of people who did not live their lives as well as These Three...


Then, please just watch this video.

And then, you will clearly see that Burton was not one of these.



Richard Burton did much to contribute to our existence, and provided us with good films which just keep on giving.


If you refuse to watch Richard Burton's films, and appreciate his films, for what they are....then...


Please just watch this film, in Philly...and try to tell the difference.


Richard Burton was a great actor.


And, please, if you are willing, watch this attached YouTube video in Kensington to find actors of a different sort.

Sometimes, I just wonder why we need to criticise guys who provided so much pleasure to so many.

Makes no sense to me.


Therefore...here is a video which you might prefer...




Maybe, this YouTube video is more up your alley.



Just loud  drunken louts. Nobody could stand them..They were too unhip to smoke dope or take acid.

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40 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Just loud  drunken louts. Nobody could stand them..They were too unhip to smoke dope or take acid.

Truly, they let their Dionysian side run wild.


And, the world is the better for their having done so.


Are we not all uncouth louts, upon closer examination?


Perhaps, when one has the gift, then one should just let the inner beast run wild, for the enjoyment of others who are able, only, to watch men of talent, on stage.


Too many louts among us are only louts, with no talent, and not much to offer for being a lout, in return.

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1 minute ago, zzaa09 said:

......and what of Sir Keith Moon?

Not worthy of the distinguished company of men among men. 


After all, he was seemingly best mates with four outta five. 

Moon's antics killed him, far too soon.


Moon tried to jump over the Moon, literally, and he overdid it.

Still. right, Moon was even better.

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