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4 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

though one of them is reporting on conditions in Phuket when they don't even live here

Calling me a liar eh? 


Just because youre upset that people dont follow your dogma doesn't mean they are liars or that they are wrong. Just because youre scared of covid, doesn't mean everyone else needs to be.

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2 minutes ago, Bert got kinky said:

No fear of Covid is in line with being ignorant to the facts.


What "facts" am I being "ignorant" to? Far as i can tell you guys just get emotional when someone disagrees and then either hit the report button, make huge leaps and assumptions that are wrong, or a combination of both. 

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1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:

Do you live in Phuket? Actually, don't bother. Your observation has been disputed by the members on this forum who actually live here. It's so obvious that you don't live here, so you are making stuff up. So I feel justified in calling you dishonest.


The members of this forum represent a minuscule - almost immeasurable its so tiny and insignificant - microcosm of bored, lifeless expats with opinions bigger than their intelligence. 


So if you or others want to use the "members of this forum" as proof of your claims, go right ahead. Doesn't mean your right, it just means you only want to hear and see what you want, while denying and ridiculing everything else. 

Even now theres thousands and thousands of expats in Phuket, so the 2 or 3 elderly posters here mean nothing. 

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I'm in Patong now. Along the beach and on Bangla, max 50% have masks on. There's a big sign at the entrance to Bangka saying they will check your vaccination card. Right. No mask needed either. Few bar girls wearing masks. Only when entering 7/11 or Family Mart. That's about it.

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19 minutes ago, Leveraged said:


The members of this forum represent a minuscule - almost immeasurable its so tiny and insignificant - microcosm of bored, lifeless expats with opinions bigger than their intelligence. 


So if you or others want to use the "members of this forum" as proof of your claims, go right ahead. Doesn't mean your right, it just means you only want to hear and see what you want, while denying and ridiculing everything else. 

Even now theres thousands and thousands of expats in Phuket, so the 2 or 3 elderly posters here mean nothing. 

Do you live in Phuket. Yes, or no. If you say yes, you will open up questions about the place that you should know and that you can't look up on Google.

Your claim that only 45% of the population of Phuket wears masks is BS as has been confirmed by people that I know that do live here.

Edited by KarenBravo
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28 minutes ago, Bert got kinky said:


No fear of Covid is in line with being ignorant to the facts.


Looks like I'm being staked by the resident gimp again, he seems to get confused about nearly everything that I post.

How are you keeping TW, if you are constantly confused with my posts, why not ask about them, I will try me best to explain the posts to you.

I have a new box of crayons, so I might even be able to draw you a picture if you still don't understand.  ????


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1 minute ago, KarenBravo said:

If you say yes, you will open up questions about the place that you should know and that you can't look up on Google.

Im not going to expose myself to interrogation just because some random person on the worlds most annoying forum is unsatisfied with my posts. Take it or leave it but ive got nothing to prove to you or anyone else. 




11 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

I'm in Patong now. Along the beach and on Bangla, max 50% have masks on. There's a big sign at the entrance to Bangka saying they will check your vaccination card. Right. No mask needed either. Few bar girls wearing masks. Only when entering 7/11 or Family Mart. That's about it.


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1 minute ago, Leveraged said:

Im not going to expose myself to interrogation just because some random person on the worlds most annoying forum is unsatisfied with my posts. Take it or leave it but ive got nothing to prove to you or anyone else. 





Thankyou. You have just proved what I knew and yes, you're a liar.

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10 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

You have just proved what I knew and yes, you're a liar.

Feel better? Much like covid and masks and everything else, life is much easier when you don't care. Random angry dude on the internet called me a liar? 


Couldn't care less. 

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For many more years anywhere in Asia a maskless foreigner will be regarded with contempt.


The only people who will call on them on it will mostly be  other farangs however, or hopefully a Policeman. Maybe not?At the Sandbox this year an unmasked troll at a mask ONLY event was set upon by some men who called a  police patrol on him. As soon as the cops walked away the gormless clod pulled the mask off again dismissively.  


The cops are lazier the the busy body westerners who called the BiB over.

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43 minutes ago, Leveraged said:

Feel better? Much like covid and masks and everything else, life is much easier when you don't care. Random angry dude on the internet called me a liar? 


Couldn't care less. 

You are going on my ignore list which now has a population of one.

Your words have no value anymore and you know the reason why.

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18 hours ago, Leveraged said:

So much easier to get vaccinated and not give a damn what other people are doing. You know why? Ill tell you: No matter what you do, no matter how obsessed you are, and no matter how much you want to police people around you, you will eventually catch covid. Its not going away just because people put a piece of cloth over their mouth & nose. 


I would agree with that, when Thailand would be at a state of all who want to become the vaccine already got it. When this point is reached, then I am in for not have to wear the mask, but can if you want. 
But at the moment we live in a country who is not fast with vaccination, even the government promise a lot

Edited by HampiK
Cut Quote only the part which I respond to
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 "There is a 99.97% chance I WON"T <deleted> myself, but I think diapers are smart, so I'm gonna wear a diaper and I think you should wear a diaper because if you don't wear a diaper then my diaper won't work.  And I'll punch anyone I think is not wearing a diaper because that's how much I love people and I want to also remove any wet wipes for those who don't diaper.   Not diapering is just plain selfish to my butt."

Ahh, the world we live now.

I'm smart enough to know that my safety only depends on how I live my life, the precautions I take,  and not how or what others do.  There is no boogeyman lurking around every corner despite Chicken Little saying the sky is falling.

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On 10/17/2021 at 3:02 AM, XtraFly said:

I'm guessing you may actually be from a RED state like myself or at least you are one of the lions if you know what I mean. lol


I had the same question on mind but was planning to figure it out when I land there. glad to hear it's getting more relaxed with that non sense.

Red state? In Thailand? Or is this a yank thing? Americentrism?

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On 10/17/2021 at 4:18 AM, FritsSikkink said:

You have a change to get a smack in the face by people who don't like that you don't care about other peoples health.

so you are saying masks don’t work then? If you are wearing one you should be protected if they work ????

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18 hours ago, Chris.B said:

No, people who live in England say England! Expats, not the Soi Buakaow farang type, but real expats always say UK! It's like a rite of passing when you truly become a real expat. ????


Myself, I come from the UK ???? I suppose you are from England?? ????????


Just trying to point out that your earlier post doesn't reflect the reality on the ground within all nations of the UK hence why I pointed out that the issue lies solely in England.


Jump on a train, bus or into a taxi and I can guarantee that the vast vast majority of people will comply with the laws and regulations for Scotland and will be wearing a mask. Don't expect the taxi to move if your not. Go into a shopping centre, supermarket etc it will be the same. Compliance is high.


You may feel it is your rite of passage (I assume that is what you meant) and I would have no issue with you using UK when it is factually correct.


As I said, your post should say England not UK.



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