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Weather station temperature reading.

Golden Triangle

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The temperature here on the Darkside has plunged from a high yesterday of 34 degrees to a very low & somewhat chilly 24 degrees today, just wondered where in Pattaya you might be and the reading where you are, I thought it unusual for this time of year.

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Current temp @ 1000am on the Darkside 25°, not sure what the low was last night but our tile floor was cold enough for me to put a t-shirt on my cat 555, he hates cold tile floors.

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1 hour ago, bbko said:

Current temp @ 1000am on the Darkside 25°, not sure what the low was last night but our tile floor was cold enough for me to put a t-shirt on my cat 555, he hates cold tile floors.

Last time I checked before I went to bed at 23.30hrs it had dipped down to 23° C I was actually cold in bed, now at 11.50 am it's reading 27°C. I can see Mabprachan lake ( just ) from my front gate.

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In the ghetto, last night was as cool as it's been for a while. Waking up in the night I was cold, it was not the cold that woke me and it did not keep me awake, just an unusual feeling ????

Might wear a t-shirt tonight. 

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