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Bitkub are now asking for telephone interviews to satisfy KYC laws

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A mate of mine was asked by Bitkub crypto exchange to do a telephone interview to pass level 2 verification.


Im also a member of bitkub and only hold level 1. I found it odd that they would ask him.


If anyones had such a call with them what did they ask. Im intrigued to know...


I cant find the crypto forum. Please move it there


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I'm still trying to be approved for level 1. I've sent them every document known to man and still been refused verification. I buy Bitcoin from Coins Co TH, but I want a Thai exchange with a good selection of altcoins, which Bitkub has. Every year I use my docs to have my visa extension approved and I had no problem becoming a client of my local banks. I think the problem is that Bitkub's verification team aren't qualified to scrutinise documents printed in English, don't realise that the UK doesn't issue national ID cards and can't understand Thai Immigration visa stamps.

I'm still trying and will continue to badger them until I'm accepted, but the process is taking a lot of time and effort. 

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1 hour ago, jesimps said:

I'm still trying to be approved for level 1. I've sent them every document known to man and still been refused verification. I buy Bitcoin from Coins Co TH, but I want a Thai exchange with a good selection of altcoins, which Bitkub has. Every year I use my docs to have my visa extension approved and I had no problem becoming a client of my local banks. I think the problem is that Bitkub's verification team aren't qualified to scrutinise documents printed in English, don't realise that the UK doesn't issue national ID cards and can't understand Thai Immigration visa stamps.

I'm still trying and will continue to badger them until I'm accepted, but the process is taking a lot of time and effort. 

Try Satang Corp. I have been with them since January and even though they don't have as many coins as Bitkub, they do have many positives - support for promptpay direct from Thai bank accounts for funding being one of them.

I also tried to get verified many times with Bitkub and they kept delaying and rejecting me.

I also tried coins.co.th but their fees and bitcoin price spreads are a total ripoff.

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I had an interview about a year ago and it was very friendly, mainly they wanted to know where I got my funds. I didn't want to tell them but they insisted, and I had to tell them the name of my employer. Nothing but great service from Bitkub. 

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I use Binance only. Verified all the way to "Verified Plus" level. Smooth sailing all the way with crypto purchases, withdrawals, trades etc. Never been hassled. I also use Wirex and Cryptopay with full KYC verification. I have their debit cards.


Locked assets can cause unhealthy levels of stress and can be very debilitating financially. 

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56 minutes ago, mvdf said:

I use Binance only. Verified all the way to "Verified Plus" level. Smooth sailing all the way with crypto purchases, withdrawals, trades etc. Never been hassled. I also use Wirex and Cryptopay with full KYC verification. I have their debit cards.


Locked assets can cause unhealthy levels of stress and can be very debilitating financially. 

I use both but can't get withdrawals to my UK bank anymore from Binance.  I do like the P2P. 


I don't trust Binance as much as Bitkub. For example, I asked both about the Songbird token from an XRP air drop. Bitkub replied immediately saying I will get the tokens, Binance have yet to reply after days and looks like they are keeping it. 

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7 hours ago, mvdf said:

I use Binance only. Verified all the way to "Verified Plus" level. Smooth sailing all the way with crypto purchases, withdrawals, trades etc. Never been hassled. I also use Wirex and Cryptopay with full KYC verification. I have their debit cards.


Locked assets can cause unhealthy levels of stress and can be very debilitating financially. 

I've used Binance for a while now and Bitstamp, but I'd like to be with a good exchange in Thailand which has a large selection of alts. 

Actually, I use Binance quite seldom since my UK bank and visa credit card stopped me depositing cash to them. If there's an alt I particularly want, I have to use my Bitcoin and then top up my BTC at Bitstamp if I choose to.

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7 hours ago, calbts2 said:

Try Satang Corp. I have been with them since January and even though they don't have as many coins as Bitkub, they do have many positives - support for promptpay direct from Thai bank accounts for funding being one of them.

I also tried to get verified many times with Bitkub and they kept delaying and rejecting me.

I also tried coins.co.th but their fees and bitcoin price spreads are a total ripoff.

I've started using Bitmex who the wife is with. They have a fair few alts and seem to have a bit of "get up and go about them". I noticed when I visited Bangkok yesterday a lot of Bitmex advertising boards. You can also gain interest from their Z wallets.

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2 hours ago, jesimps said:

I've started using Bitmex who the wife is with. They have a fair few alts and seem to have a bit of "get up and go about them". I noticed when I visited Bangkok yesterday a lot of Bitmex advertising boards. You can also gain interest from their Z wallets.

Can one fund to and from a thai bank account using bitmex? Where is bitmex based?

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3 hours ago, Leveraged said:

I use crypto . com for everything nowadays. Staking, Debit Card, "Cash Back" rewards. 


But as a side note, for a 'currency' that claims to be 'decentralized' the exchanges sure do make it hard/costly/risky. 

I bought my wife a gold chain yesterday using my crypto. com  card. They charged me 3% but I get that back in CRO tokens. 

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2 hours ago, charliechoc said:

Can one fund to and from a thai bank account using bitmex? Where is bitmex based?

My wife has deposited funds from her bank, but I've yet to. I've been using Bitcoin which I transferred from Coins Co th. 

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I've just read my emails and discovered that my verification has been approved at last. It took many many attempts and a forest of documents, but I got there in the end. If i hadn't desperately wanted access to their alts I'd have given up long ago.

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

I bought my wife a gold chain yesterday using my crypto. com  card. They charged me 3% but I get that back in CRO tokens. 

Yeah Ive got the Jade/Indigo card as well, staked. Id like to upgrade but I dont have the nuts (risk tolerance). Coinbase screwed me around years ago quite badly and ive never quite gotten over it. Id like to go harder with crypto ($100k plus) but the exchanges themselves are just too risky. If you cold store your coins then you lose alot of earning potential from staking and if you stake coins or stable coins you risk alot of nonsense with all these websites. 


So I stay in ETF's and "gamble" with a small portion of my portfolio in crypto and stock options. 


So far to be honest i haven't really beaten simple long term ETF investments with neither crypto nor options. 

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Just now, Leveraged said:

Yeah Ive got the Jade/Indigo card as well, staked. Id like to upgrade but I dont have the nuts (risk tolerance). Coinbase screwed me around years ago quite badly and ive never quite gotten over it. Id like to go harder with crypto ($100k plus) but the exchanges themselves are just too risky. If you cold store your coins then you lose alot of earning potential from staking and if you stake coins or stable coins you risk alot of nonsense with all these websites. 


So I stay in ETF's and "gamble" with a small portion of my portfolio in crypto and stock options. 


So far to be honest i haven't really beaten simple long term ETF investments with neither crypto nor options. 

I wouldn't keep much on Crypto. com.

I used to keep most on a Nano Ledger but now I keep the majority of my portfolio on Kraken, as I get 12% for DOT, KSM, and 6% for SOL. Also a few others like Celcius/Elrond. 


Did Coinbase steal your money? I do worry a bit about how much I keep on some exchanges. 


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Just now, Neeranam said:

Did Coinbase steal your money?

No, but I 100% thought I was going to lose it.  They locked me out of around $75k worth of bitcoin for 8 months while giving me the run around the whole time with verifications and demands and questions then not answering emails. Couldn't exchange, couldn't withdraw, couldn't do anything, just locked my account and wouldnt ever tell me why or what happened because of their "security protocols". Finally out of the blue they decided I was allowed to have my money and I took it out. I still have the bitcoin in storage and thats the extent of my crypto holdings. Way to risky to have any serious amount of money with these people. 


At least with the stock market I can gamble with the same amount of risk and reward potential but on a platform thats insured and secure. 

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On 10/20/2021 at 11:45 PM, Leveraged said:

No, but I 100% thought I was going to lose it.  They locked me out of around $75k worth of bitcoin for 8 months while giving me the run around the whole time with verifications and demands and questions then not answering emails. Couldn't exchange, couldn't withdraw, couldn't do anything, just locked my account and wouldnt ever tell me why or what happened because of their "security protocols". Finally out of the blue they decided I was allowed to have my money and I took it out. I still have the bitcoin in storage and thats the extent of my crypto holdings. Way to risky to have any serious amount of money with these people. 


At least with the stock market I can gamble with the same amount of risk and reward potential but on a platform thats insured and secure. 

Actually, your advice applies to ALL exchanges. One would have to be barking mad to leave any crypto on an exchange.


Actually, on a related note, I cant believe all the investors staking their ethereum with various exchanges and companies. For such a small return with huge risk I think its really stupid. But personally Im glad that they have all done it as its causing a supply shock in the lead up to Ether 2 being released. Now because of this and the fact they are are burning ether on a daily basis (london hard fork) I think there will be a HUGE run up in price this yr up to feb next yr. Wait for all the investors to have access to their ethereum (unlocked) and see a huge sell off.

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2 hours ago, charliechoc said:

Actually, on a related note, I cant believe all the investors staking their ethereum with various exchanges and companies. For such a small return with huge risk I think its really stupid.

6.5% for ETH and 12% for Stablecoins is not a small return. Buying and holding or buying and selling coins is only a small part of how people make money with crypto, although its true you dont want to get caught holding the bag during a selloff. 


I would dump every asset I could find/liquidate/sell/scrape together and borrow and invest it in something that safely guarantees 12%, but thats totally impossible, so people take the gamble with crypto staking. 

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On 10/22/2021 at 9:06 PM, Leveraged said:

6.5% for ETH and 12% for Stablecoins is not a small return. Buying and holding or buying and selling coins is only a small part of how people make money with crypto, although its true you dont want to get caught holding the bag during a selloff. 


I would dump every asset I could find/liquidate/sell/scrape together and borrow and invest it in something that safely guarantees 12%, but thats totally impossible, so people take the gamble with crypto staking. 

Get real mate. 12% is nothing when you take into account the HUGE returns on just holding either bitcoin or ethereum, for example, in a hardware wallet and selling yrs down the track. eg 500% returns in 1 yr in pure gains from price appreciation. Its madness to lockaway ANY crypto for such piddly returns 6.5 to 12%. Just think about this.... You can lose your money when its locked away!!!!

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14 minutes ago, charliechoc said:

12% is nothing when you take into account the HUGE returns on just holding either bitcoin or ethereum, for example, in a hardware wallet and selling yrs down the track. eg 500% returns in 1 yr in pure gains from price appreciation. Its madness to lockaway ANY crypto for such piddly returns 6.5 to 12%. Just think about this.... You can lose your money when its locked away!!!!


12% is a massive return for people who already have money. Id sell my soul to the devil and retire tomorrow for a guaranteed 12% return on investment capital. $500k invested, generating 12% gives you an income of $60k per year with zero market volatility. Those kind of guaranteed rates are unheard of and the complete opposite of piddly. 

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On 10/22/2021 at 9:06 PM, Leveraged said:

6.5% for ETH and 12% for Stablecoins is not a small return. Buying and holding or buying and selling coins is only a small part of how people make money with crypto, although its true you dont want to get caught holding the bag during a selloff. 


I would dump every asset I could find/liquidate/sell/scrape together and borrow and invest it in something that safely guarantees 12%, but thats totally impossible, so people take the gamble with crypto staking. 

Some exchanges  feel very safe with. I get 12% on my DOT and Kusama on Kraken, a US bank. 


I get 15% on my Elrond, on their own site. 

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On 10/23/2021 at 11:20 PM, charliechoc said:

Get real mate. 12% is nothing when you take into account the HUGE returns on just holding either bitcoin or ethereum, for example, in a hardware wallet and selling yrs down the track. eg 500% returns in 1 yr in pure gains from price appreciation. Its madness to lockaway ANY crypto for such piddly returns 6.5 to 12%. Just think about this.... You can lose your money when its locked away!!!!

I see your point, but what is unsafe about Kraken, for example, which is as safe as keeping your money in the bank. Kraken is a registered US bank. 


Although my Polkadot has increased 1000% since last year, the extra 12% has been very nice. 

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10 hours ago, Neeranam said:

I see your point, but what is unsafe about Kraken, for example, which is as safe as keeping your money in the bank. Kraken is a registered US bank. 


Although my Polkadot has increased 1000% since last year, the extra 12% has been very nice. 

Im not here to win an argument or anything. But I thought I would let you know that I try out staking a small amount of ethereum on kraken. Getting to the end of the 'validation' they made me click ok to a message (disclaimer) that by staking with them there are no guarantees. The message actually says that I could lose the funds (if ether 2.0 doesnt proceed). I was shocked to read this. But I proceeded anyway as it was just a small amount.


I rate Kraken highly  and have used them for yrs. But it does support my theory that staking your tokens is a fools game for a pissy return. You are not in control of your private keys when its locked up with an unknown entity.



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10 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Some exchanges  feel very safe with. I get 12% on my DOT and Kusama on Kraken, a US bank. 


I get 15% on my Elrond, on their own site. 

Your not in control of your private keys and have no control over your tokens at all.


Its highly risky to do this for such a piddly return

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