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Think twice before you come to Vietnam to teach.


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Schools here are notorious for late payments of salaries, and often failing to pay at all. Here is an extreme example of the lack of respect by management for their staff.They are good at forgetting to pay, delaying and making excuses. And this guy, after having done all this for years, topped it off with a vanishing act. sold his house and cars, and did a runner with tuition fees for future, post Pandemic English courses, leaving teachers, staff and students high and dry. 





Edited by thecyclist
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In Southern Vietnam, the epicenter of the 4th wave, all schools are still shuttered, so, if there is any teaching it would be online. There might be some provinces in the north, that remained largely unaffected by the Delta wave, where teaching might have started already. Hanoi is debating whether to gradually open in November. Saigon the most likely opening date will be in Jan. But there has been a lot of hemming and hawing on the part of authorities. Nothing definitive yet. 

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3 hours ago, kellyk11 said:

Are teachers working in Vietnam at the moment? A while ago I saw a video which showed some foreign teachers basically destitute.


Is there anywhere where foreign teachers are actually able to work in the region?

Yeah, I saw that video too.Most of these destitute foreign teachers were in Saigon, where they had a super hard lockdown for 2 months. You couldn't even go out to buy groceries. Total insanity. 

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