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Curfew ends in Pattaya on a quiet Halloween day, police vow to crack down on public drinking especially overnight


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They are actively discouraging the type of tourists who want bars, clubs and a raucous nightlife.


They have visions of nuclear families, all tee-total, with a liberal sprinkling of multi-millionaires who don't like to do anything other than visit handicraft shops and temples.


Good luck with that.

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This government disapproves of drugs, fair enough, Alcohol makes many people act stupid, cause problems, crime, violence, road deaths all types of accidents etc etc etc .....

If the drug Alcohol was invented by me tomorrow, do you honestly think I'd be allowed to sell it ?

If I made it in tablet form I'd get life imprisonment for trying to sell such a dangerous drug, but because we are all brainwashed into believing it's not a drug, it's socially acceptable until people drink too much and become anti social, my friend was glassed in England years ago by some guy off his head, my Innocent friend was badly scarred for life, the guy who did it didn't remember a thing the next day.


Yeah, Alcohol is such fun !

Ban it forever !!


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3 hours ago, sapson said:

So sitting on the beach watching the sunset with a friend and sharing a beer will leave you open to arrest and or a donation to the RTP.


Welcome to Pattaya enjoy your holiday!

Thailand is being turned into a totalitarian police ran state, those (mainly Thais) who supported Prayuth and the current regime are in for a rude wake up call, yet this is only the beginning.


The Pattaya City we all once knew and cherished is gone, it's dead Jim.


Thanks to the goons in brown!

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4 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

That is exactly the point. Government is trying to turn it into a family friendly destination, rather than a seedy [deleted]hole it was, attracting the World's worst.

Implementing Neo-Prohibition is essentially throwing the baby out with the bathwater. 
The new estimates are 4 years to full tourism recovery.
That, imho, is optimistic.  As far as I'm concerned New Normal tourism will never reach the heights of pre-2019 tourism.  Their dreams of 'rich, well heeled' tourists and a family paradise of tea-toddlers is just that - a pipe dream.


Edited by ArcticFox
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