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Killed 55 years ago, Thailand’s Che Guevara finally honored by his university


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4 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

Nothing is more suppressive than a capitalist militaristic corpocracy - which seems to be the fashion of the ages. 

A truer Fascism [aka Corporatism].

Just look at the good ole US of A, where Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to prevent ordinary people having a decent income, affordable health care and day care for their children, things like that, while at the same time they (this includes quite a few Democrates, by the way) have no qualms whatsoever to hand over about 800 billion dollars a year to the military, without much in the way of accountability what they spend that ridiculous amount of money on.

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3 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

Just look at the good ole US of A, where Republicans are fighting tooth and nail to prevent ordinary people having a decent income, affordable health care and day care for their children, things like that, while at the same time they (this includes quite a few Democrates, by the way) have no qualms whatsoever to hand over about 800 billion dollars a year to the military, without much in the way of accountability what they spend that ridiculous amount of money on.

Way off topic and not interesting 

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On 11/10/2021 at 12:13 PM, The Hammer2021 said:

A middle class spoilt brat and rapist Che was an embarrassment to the Cuban revolutionary leadership and was cast out. Just by a chance


Just by chance a photograph, one image suitable for high contrast printing on textiles became a fashion statement and thus a myth was born.

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On 11/20/2021 at 9:39 PM, internationalism said:

the thing is - a communist state is a misnomer, as communism is anti state, internationalist and global. The next socio-economic system which will sometimes replace the present system. As a classless society there is no need for any form of coercion - so no police and no justice ministry (or any form of government) controlling people. Also no army - as there are no countries, no borders, no nations and no nationalism, no arms and nor armaments.

What was experienced in some poorer, underdeveloped countries from 1917 were state capitalist countries. Just another it's ugly face. Another development form of capitalism. 

Fascism was also very much capitalism product - it's another ugly face. 

Both those models of capitalism are discredited a long time ago, at their very beginning, although there are still people, political parties and even countries describing themselves as fascist after the 2nd ww and after the soviet empire collapsed.

They are all history and nothing to do with future.

After the present dinosaurs die out and new generations organise themselves in a completely different way, opposite what we are experiencing now.

It's all blended into controlled and dependent system[s] of Corporatism - appears that's what universally practiced for quite some time.....in varying forms.

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