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Renewal Of 5 Year Driver's License

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Hello Everybody .

I have to renew both my car & motorbike licenses at the end of this month .

I would greatly appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction as to where to download the relevant application forms for car/motorbike license so that I can print it off and fill in at my leisure before arriving .

I thank you in anticipation

Cheers and have a nice day :-)

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Hello Everybody .

I have to renew both my car & motorbike licenses at the end of this month .

I would greatly appreciate it if someone can point me in the right direction as to where to download the relevant application forms for car/motorbike license so that I can print it off and fill in at my leisure before arriving .

I thank you in anticipation

Cheers and have a nice day :-)

There aren't any application forms. Please view above recent posting showing what you need for renewal.

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Just to clarify,the only thing I wrote was my name at the top of a form, this form was then filled in and signed by the lady who carried out the eye tests and supervised the video presentation. NO forms are needed from the applicant, just turn up with correct paperwork.

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I will be going next week.

I don't have any utility bills in my name.

Only the tabien bahn with me as the father of my kids .

Hopefully this may be enough to get residence cert.

But the local kaet told me last time I done their I'D cards that I should make a yellow book.

It's free and would be better for me.

What's the best ? I'm here now and need my Driving licence .

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I will be going next week.

I don't have any utility bills in my name.

Only the tabien bahn with me as the father of my kids .

Hopefully this may be enough to get residence cert.

But the local kaet told me last time I done their I'D cards that I should make a yellow book.

It's free and would be better for me.

What's the best ? I'm here now and need my Driving licence .

There have been reports of yellow books not being accepted at the LTO as proof of address.
Your license should be enough to get a residence certificate at Jomtien immigration. It has your address on the back.
Of course the usual copies of Passport/departure card are also required.
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Thanks MTH.

By address on the back you mean in the black stripe ?

Also I have changed address since the last licence was issued.

Will try with yellow book and tabien bahn.

I will be doing it here in BKK near chatujak.

My pleasure Apiwan2.
The address is only written in Thai, and is about center backside of the license.
Either way, that was for getting a residence certificate at Jomtien immigration.
Since you posted here in the Pattaya forum, I assumed you were renewing here.
Haven’t heard about yellow book being rejected as proof of address anywhere in Bangkok, so think you should be fine there.
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Hi guys ...my 5 year licenses car & bike are due for renewal march...but i will not be going back to pattaya until june...question 1.. is that a problem for a renewal (without having to go thru the whole new application process ) and question 2 ....would i still have to get a 1 year non O visa...(i know you cannot renew with visa on arrival ) or is the new 6 month METV ok for driving license renewal......thanks for any info

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Hi guys ...my 5 year licenses car & bike are due for renewal march...but i will not be going back to pattaya until june...question 1.. is that a problem for a renewal (without having to go thru the whole new application process ) and question 2 ....would i still have to get a 1 year non O visa...(i know you cannot renew with visa on arrival ) or is the new 6 month METV ok for driving license renewal......thanks for any info

From what I have read time and time again for years on ThaiVisa...you MUST have some kind of 1-year visa to either get or renew a 5-year license. There is little to no chance a tourist visa will get you a renewal, but it will get you a 1-year temporary or I've read now it is a 2-year temporary.

As for actually renewing, again from my reading, you may not have to do anything more than I did...watch videos and color test.

From the Thai Land Transportation Department's website. Note what it says under "REMARKS" at the bottom.










2) PRINT THE APPLICATION FORM (At the Pattaya office there is no application form to fill out)

3) TAKE ONLY A PHYSICAL TEST (The eye color test in Pattaya...at least on the day I went)

  • -TAKE A TRAINING 1 HOURS (Actually more like 2 hours and 2 video and talking by employee)
  • -TAKE A PHYSICAL TEST (eye color test in Pattaya)
  • -TAKE A THEORY TEST (Only if license expired more than 1 year according to remark below)
  • -TAKE A PRACTICAL TEST (Only if license expired more than 3 year according to remark below)


    ADDITIONAL (CHANGE NAME OR ADDRESS CHARGE 50 BAHT) (As a falang I was charged 1060 baht total for both licenses...530 each in Pattaya)

    REMARK :





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This was my experience 2 weeks ago. renewing 5 years for another 5

I do have WP , so did not need residency cert

Anyhow arrived at 8:30, handed over the usual copies. (note: no medical is needed)

With WP, they wanted my employee tax number(this is new, never heard of read anything about that)

Anyhow, called accountant, and got the number, which is also puzzling,as they simply write it down, so you could give them any number.

Off to do some silly reaction test, one pedal to accelerate and next one to stop and color blind test(all at the same time, lol)

Off too freezing cold room(air con super cold)

Watch some silly video for about 25 mins, NO it was not stopped, it was actually a 25 min video.

Off to pay the money and get a ticket,

Ticket called up, make a photo and 5 mins later all done.

Less than 2 hours to do all.

This is in Pattaya.

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Also for the records, the yellow housebook is not accepted. Needed to go to the immigration to get this residence certificate. To get this, you can present the yellow housebook. Makes perfect sense once you live here for a while....

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Also for the records, the yellow housebook is not accepted. Needed to go to the immigration to get this residence certificate. To get this, you can present the yellow housebook. Makes perfect sense once you live here for a while....

When I renewed my license in December last year yellow book was accepted, but I needed copy of yellow and blue book, and they wanted to see the original books as well.

Edited by TheCruncher
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I don't have a blue book. I thought foreigners cannot get it?

I think he means his wifes blue book. i.e. two books both showing the same thing - one blue and one yellow. Take copies and the original books. I assume they think you could forge the yellow one but not the blue one. TIT.

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Back in July 2008 I renewed my yearly license, again.

In anticipation of its expiration, i recently dug it out and read it expires in November 2018. It was validated for 10 years five months and two days. Seems odd ~ ?!

I am not good with this stuff but what gives since everyone is talking about five years only. Did i get lucky and do it in a window of opp or has there been a mistake?

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Back in July 2008 I renewed my yearly license, again.

In anticipation of its expiration, i recently dug it out and read it expires in November 2018. It was validated for 10 years five months and two days. Seems odd ~ ?!

I am not good with this stuff but what gives since everyone is talking about five years only. Did i get lucky and do it in a window of opp or has there been a mistake?

Presuming your birthday is in November are you sure it does not say 2013 - ie a 3 at the end and not an 8 - mind you then it should have been 2012..........

Sounds like a mistake

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  • 2 weeks later...

New 5-year licenses renewal - my 7-hour ordeal!!

This was my third renewal of my 2 5-year licenses.
Renewal was quick and easy previously, but not today!

Arrived at 9:30am before the 10am time for renewing 5-year licenses.
There must have been at least 200 hundred people there; all moto
and car parking areas were filled to the brim.
I obtained my queue ticket; 20 numbers were ahead of my number. It took an
hour and a half before my number was called to go upstairs.

All of my documents were in order. BTW, they _do_ accept a photo copy
of the Residence certificate, which I used with my second license application.
The gal inspected my docs then asked something I've never been asked
for on my previous license renewals...she wanted to see my Passport!

I didn't have it with me, so moto back to South Pattaya and get my
passport and return to the DLT. It was now 11:15am. I gave the gal my
passport and she instructed me to return at 1pm. Ack!!

After loitering for nearly 2-hours until 1pm,, it was back upstairs to watch
a video of a few monks lecture in Thai, then a gal enters the room of
about 50- people awaiting licensing and she goes over the traffic laws, in Thai.

Finally, I'm called for testing. I've my new distance glasses with me, which I
now need and use only for driving. She administers the color test, which is
no problem, until she repeatedly points out the smallest of the color dots.
I can't distinguish which color she is pointing at! I fail and am told to
wait back in the room...more of the Thai monk video.
Later, I'm called back for color testing and have the same problem as she
repeatedly points out the smallest of the color dots. Another fail and back
into the room with more of the same Thai Monk video. Gee. I'm now wishing
I'd brought my reading glasses with me, as they'd have worked fine on
the short distance to the color chart.

I've no car (just the license) and travel only on one of my motorcycles.
I've amassed over 200K km traveling throughout SE Asia and over 1-million
miles when I lived back home in the USA, all without ever having an accident.

I'm worried now that I won't get a license, yet the gal returns to the room,
handing out papers to those previously tested. I, too, am given copies
and they are for me to my to pay the fees for my new licenses!
Damn, I was given a pass based only on the color test! I paid the fees:
car 505, motorcycle 255 and 100-Bt for each new license. 960-Bt total.
I arrived back home at 4:15pm...

I was never administered braking reaction nor depth perception tests
or had to take the driver's written exam. I would not have had any
problem with any of those tests, none of them have small colored dots ;-)

Go figure? I got my licenses renewed. TIT!
Ironically, while awaiting 1pm to arrive, I spent some time watching
Thais take their vehicle test on the DLT testng course. More than one
took over 5-minutes to complete the simple parallel parking test; similarly
some took 5-minutes, stopping and inspecting their vehicle's location,
to manage to get through a narrow 10-yard long course of pylons.

Of course they all passed....

Hopefully, your experiences will be less stressful and time consuming
than mine was!!

Edited by LukDod
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Few months ago same -same...arrived at 10 told to come back at 2,went to sauna up the road Belrano or whatever its called,having so much fun,never went back ,but at 3 30 i did to return ticket but they hurried me through procedure and few mins later walked out with 2 licences

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If you have a drivers licence with your passport no on it , and get a new passport ,do you have to change your licence ? anyone know .

I asked this some time ago at the DLT- answer - up to you. Asked is it a legal requirement to change it. Up to you.

TIT. I would not bother. edit- if you have years left on your license I would. .

Edited by pontious
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