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Converting .pdf format into .jpeg

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If using a Mac no need for additional software (though I had to research this first to find out how).


Just open the pdf in Preview rather than Adobe. then click export and choose jpeg.


With Windows PC I think additional software may be  needed.


That people have to do this at all is absurd, especially since the documents involved all come in pdf and they already had a well functioning application (COE) that took pdf.


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I have removed the link in the OP as we cannot verify that it is a valid source (no virus etc).


But I am keeping the thread open as it is a useful subject.


There are many software apps that do this conversion, some free, some not.


With any free software there are potential issues re privacy and viruses so  due diligence is needed.


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18 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

I have removed the link in the OP as we cannot verify that it is a valid source (no virus etc).


But I am keeping the thread open as it is a useful subject.


There are many software apps that do this conversion, some free, some not.


With any free software there are potential issues re privacy and viruses so  due diligence is needed.


Before I had Acrobat I used to Use Foxit PDF editor which was free and that could convert PDF to many formats including jpeg.

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17 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Before I had Acrobat I used to Use Foxit PDF editor which was free and that could convert PDF to many formats including jpeg.

It's clear that your savvy with IT.

Threads such as this one and the Thailand Pass (75 page thread)! and many others just show that this whole system for travel/entry to Thailand is ridiculous.

The average punter most likely not able to arrange a TP.

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People need to take into account that when using online converters the documents are first uploaded there, then converted. I absolutely won't upload my bank pdf statements to be converted by some random online site.

I use command line tools under Linux to do the conversion, it is very easy and flexible. The same tools can be installed under MacOS/IoS and Windows as well.




Google "imagemagick convert pdf"

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:

If using a Mac no need for additional software (though I had to research this first to find out how).


Just open the pdf in Preview rather than Adobe. then click export and choose jpeg.


With Windows PC I think additional software may be  needed.


That people have to do this at all is absurd, especially since the documents involved all come in pdf and they already had a well functioning application (COE) that took pdf.


This is one of the monumental design errors of the Thailand Pass. They wanted for some reason to use a common file format (png/jpeg) and decided to "outsource" the conversion to the common format to the end user. Big mistake! There are potentially millions of TP users with varying degrees of computer literacy, many struggling to figure out what to do or what they have done wrong.


Instead they should have allowed the users to upload files in variety of formats (at least pdf in addition to jpeg/png),  then the backend can detect the type of files uploaded, and convert in the background if conversion is needed without any user interaction. Easy peasy, done many times before.

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