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On dying in Thailand; and going from hero to zero 


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Thanks for another weeks worth of news.  I am just glad that Thailand did not panic and shut down

all arrivals for the incoming brave travelers who are planning to spend some , or  the rest of Winter in Thailand.

  With the restriction of no bars allowed to open, has shown me that my decision to wait until next Winter to travel to Thailand was

the right one.   Some of my friends have gone over, and they all say that this Winters stay will be different 

  as most of the other international tourists that they know from previous trips are not coming to

Thailand because of the rules and restrictions.  My Thai family will have a memorial ceremony for one

of the relatives when the family members who live in Canada can all travel over to attend it. Another reason to wait until next 


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I don't know why some reports - including this, keep claiming that the Frenchman was denied entry for mocking the government. He was refused entry for insulting the monarchy. Not only was he told that by Immigration, you can see his content online (which I won't link to) that shows him doing so. 

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5 hours ago, jobsworth said:

Please tell us more.


The quick version.

Flew from Samui to Istanbul (via BKK) and then on to Adrasan (?) to a friend's house. Wife and I were originally booked to fly there the day after she died (in her sleep). Friends bought a peach tree as a memorial to her and we were going to put some ashes underneath it.

Searched on arrival in Istanbul and bags checked. 'what is this grey powder sir?'

Strip searched at check in for Adrasan.

Searched again when departing Istanbul for Birmingham and when I got to Birmingham - pulled over by customs yet again.

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My memories of a Thai funeral was my wife's after leaving the hospital her granddaughter went in the house to get something for the hospital to do her death certificate after which I found things missing from her pocket book but I let it go. I agreed to a Thai funeral even though my wife really wasn't a practicing buddest it was more for the family for 3 days it was we need more money need more money I finally had enough and told them that was it if they needed more they could provide it. When they actually did the cremation envelopes were handed to her daughter in law I had already been told that people would donate money to help out she was just going to keep it for her self but I had had enough and called her out on it 

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15 hours ago, Mark mark said:



"Yes ... TP ..the Thai Pass !!! Only about a third year Uni level of Computer operation required and about 10 years on the job experience to do it !!! … Like re scan all of your documents as they have to be in .jpg format and not .pdf like most business people use ??? Like .jpg's take up a LOT less room I guess !!!

So maybe see you all soon some times !!! though !!! ??? Still Fingers crossed and may Be ??? as it always seems to go in TIT."


Mark mark !!!

Yes, the Thais have ? I think, ? also made it OK, in this TP website also I think ? ... (If it works for ME ! any way, as I am still waiting) ... but to specify the Documentation to be in simple .jpg format, not only saves space, but also lets people who do not have any larger computing and scanning / Printing facilities, just to photograph their documents with their Phone ? ... and then submit them on that ??? I guess???  ... Like making it more accessible to people who have limited Computing facilities and those who are traveling also ??? I guess ???

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