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Thai Sriwilai political party prepare to establish extraordinary committee to consider legalizing sex workers in Thailand


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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The Thai Sriwilai political party is planning to establish a committee to study and organize brothels, massage parlors, and lounges, and the legalization of sex workers in order to attract foreign visitors and generate income for the country.

I thought they wanted trillionairs?

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"Thai Sriwilai political party prepare to establish extraordinary committee to consider legalizing sex workers in Thailand"


Gosh.....just think how much things would change in Thailand if it became legal to pay a girl for sex................:w00t:

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7 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

Gosh.....just think how much things would change in Thailand if it became legal to pay a girl for sex..

Then if after she left your room you noticed your watch was gone you could make a report...lol

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Bangkok – The Thai Sriwilai political party is planning to establish a committee to study and organize brothels, massage parlors, and lounges, and the legalization of sex workers in order to attract foreign visitors and generate income for the country.

Wow, so quality tourists are not that different...????

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2 minutes ago, rovinman said:

Just think, Tourists would be able to claim back the tax on leaving the country !

Costs will rise though as VAT is added to your bill  !

Isn't it so, that what you claim vat back for shall be proven to be brought out of the country, i.e. you need to bring something out with you after a close encounter, which however is be possible, been heard about before...:whistling:

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Sex...been going on since the beginning of time and it is not going to stop anytime soon.  Why not legitimize it?

Require medical checkups, collect taxes from it.  Brothels not need to be a seedy establishment, but rather a classy joint.  License the ladies...or guys and in-betweens if that's your preference. 

Many guys have a driving urge for a roll in the clover well into their eighties..maybe more.  If their significant other doesn't fancy the clover anymore, let them see a pro for a quickie.   Politicians and Preachers have been trying to ban the working girls for years because they haven't found a way to profit from individually.  Except the rouge ones that use religion as a fake cover.  Ban the Preachers, not the working girls.

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5 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Nice.... keeping Thailands daughters on their backs to bail out the country.

Why not find a way to generate real employment and get Thailand out of the gutter?

On their knees is more apt.......

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