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Never say Never: Yet, I very much fear that.... I will Never enjoy Pillowtalk, Ever Again. So sad, really.......


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1.  No I will not share your bed.


2.  Regarding your thread title of whether or not you will ever enjoy pillow talk again, even a "no" answer doesn't necessarily mean that you won't ever engage in pillow talk again.  Enjoying it is a matter of picking/getting a good pillow partner,  Engaging in it is just a matter of lowering your standards to the point where you have one.


So, you certainly have choices.  I hope this reply cheers you up! 

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For example:


Do you recall, so many years ago, when you read the great book, Great Expectations?


Probably, while reading this book, you worried that Pip and Estella would never, ever hookup.

But, in spite of the impossible situation, they were united happily, in the end.


This is what I mean.


After so many years of sleeping alone, who is to say that I, or someone like me, someone like you, will not again find solace in having a good woman to share your bed, before it is really too late.

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2 minutes ago, ChrisP24 said:

1.  No I will not share your bed.


2.  Regarding your thread title of whether or not you will ever enjoy pillow talk again, even a "no" answer doesn't necessarily mean that you won't ever engage in pillow talk again.  Enjoying it is a matter of picking/getting a good pillow partner,  Engaging in it is just a matter of lowering your standards to the point where you have one.


So, you certainly have choices.  I hope this reply cheers you up! 

Yes.  It did.


Thank you!!!!!!!!!

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This evening, beginning at about 10PM, I began noticing a resurgence of fireflies swarming, about 100 or more in my area.


For me, the Lampyridae, the Lightning Bug, has always been a source of amazement, as it is for all children.


Last year, I did not see them.

Now, they are back, again.


Maybe this is a sign of hope on many fronts.


Maybe, seeing this bug means that I will, in the relatively near future, find a woman to share my pillow, off and on, like this flickering fly.


Anytime I see fire flies, I always feel comforted.



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1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:

This evening, beginning at about 10PM, I began noticing a resurgence of fireflies swarming, about 100 or more in my area.


For me, the Lampyridae, the Lightning Bug, has always been a source of amazement, as it is for all children.


Last year, I did not see them.

Now, they are back, again.


Maybe this is a sign of hope on many fronts.


Maybe, seeing this bug means that I will, in the relatively near future, find a woman to share my pillow, off and on, like this flickering fly.


Anytime I see fire flies, I always feel comforted.



Where I live we don't have fire flies we just have fire bugs and now be a good boy and go to bed

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19 minutes ago, Meat Pie 47 said:

Where I live we don't have fire flies we just have fire bugs and now be a good boy and go to bed

Fire bugs are a bane on society.

Hanging is too good for them, as you know.


So much misery can be caused by just one fire bug.


And, so much pleasure can be gained, just from being kind.


Human behavior is irrational, in so many cases.


However, on TV, at least, I find that most posters are better than on other sites.


At least, we have several commonalities, and core interests, and this is the way it has always been, even from the establishment of this wonderful forum.


Wishing you and your family a better year, after this New Year Holiday.





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Thankfully in Thailand the only thing that separates you from this cherished experience, is the desire, the means, the volition and the willingness to be assertive and find it! That is all. There are countless women here looking for a good foreign man. Countless. 

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7 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Thankfully in Thailand the only thing that separates you from this cherished experience, is the desire, the means, the volition and the willingness to be assertive and find it! That is all. There are countless women here looking for a good foreign man. Countless. 

So far, I have not found one.


Maybe this is just a matter of my own form of confirmation bias causing me to never find even one.


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8 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

So far, I have not found one.


Maybe this is just a matter of my own form of confirmation bias causing me to never find even one.


I wish you good fortune in your hunt. There are alot of good women in Thailand. I found one. Many more on this forum have too.


However, it is all about taking your time. If it is good, it will only get better. If there are issues they will reveal themselves over time. Also, if she is a pathological super freak, you will find that out over time. So, better to hold back, and let it evolve. Many women like to push the timetable. It suits their agenda. Push back. Man up. Thailand does not insist that we be emasculated wallflower. Masculinity is appreciated here. As is femininity too. 


So, best to not commit much heart, soul or money until she proves herself worthy of you. 

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The Australian band TISM, or This is Serious Mum, caught the feeling. This is sung by a younger person back in the 80's but the idea is there. I changed one lyric as it could be taken the wrong way. 
All that's good, all that's right;
Everything hot, all that's tight;
Young beautiful girls,
Never again to finger their curls
On their heads so exquisite -
Never again to visit
The palace, the palace of love.
Forty years of livin' - then death,
That's all that's left;
Forty years - then death.
Forty years - all that's left.
The work, it is just beginin'
As my hair, it begins thinin';
Pleasure is past, the end
Of all that's dear, as friend
And foe alike disappear -
Never again to visit
The palace, the palace of love.
Perfume! The smell of perfume
Is forgotten, and the shape of the room
And the sheets on her bed
Disappear forever from my head.
No more the sudden thrill
As I dip into the swill -
Never again to visit
The palace, the palace of love.
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Here is lyrics from a different song from the 80's called Out of the Blue Into the Fire. The band is The The. It is about going with a lady of the night. I don't think the poster is after this. 


I'm a man without a soul...Honey
Who lost it while parading it, in a town full of thieves
Why see I didn't want to be with any people I know.
But god knows, I didn't want to be alone
So I showered down--left my little room
And jumped in my car for protection from hostility
Well it ain't easy to be bold--in an unknown city
I was feeling strong mouthed, but weak willed.
When I ran into the cure...for my ills
Don't tell me what your name is
I want your body, not your mind,
I want a feeling, worth paying for before I say goodbye
But as I was talking, I couldn't look her in the eyes,
I just kept wondering,
How many men unleashed their frustration between her thighs?
Well my adrenalin, was curdling like cream,
As I was being led by the hand.
Through the sound of sirens
And the distant noise of some drunken jazz band,
Through the stench of disinfectant
That "Infected" my head,
Through the darkness of a corridor
And into a strangers bed.
Well I didn't want to hurt your feelings, honey
But I couldn't suppress my own,
I had to pull myself outta this nosedive
By proving something to myself.
She was lying on her back
With her lips parted.
Squealing like a stuffed pig
I was going through the motions
Faking the emotions,
And wriggling around like lizard in a tin.
Trying so hard to cleanse myself,
I was turning into somebody else.
I was trying so hard to please myself,
I was turning into somebody else.
I was trying so hard to be myself
I was turning into somebody else.
Come my love--with your desire
Out of the blue...and into the fire!!

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14 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

Never mind the above songs . I like the one from Straw Dogs.  ' Some men like women , some men like boys but I like big fluffy things that make a Baa noise '.

Speaking of Straw Dogs....


Once you find your perfect girl....


Then you gotta protect her from others who might also want her.


Very stressful:



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Although it was not I that first broached the Straw Dogs tangent here, I cannot but feel thankful that somebody did.


This film is sort of on topic.


This film was, in 1971, a first of its kind.

A first of the home break-in films which are now so popular.

And, a first for extreme violence in a non-gratuitous way,


Maybe, even the precursor to Kubrick's violence in A Clockwork Orange.


But the most interesting for some viewers is the filming location, as done over 50 years ago.


And one more thing, of course is this woman:





This actress was perfectly cast alongside of Hoffman.


There can be no remake of this film which could measure up to the 1971 production.


Good things never come round again.


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