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Anutin: Latest covid-19 surge won't be like 2021 - because enough Thais are vaccinated


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17 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

I know about 20 people who are double vaccinated and in isolation due to Omicron, in Pattaya.


Its going to get very bad very quickly.



UK is now 5 weeks into their Omicron wave and is surviving OK. Case numbers are astronomical, hospitalisations are on the up but deaths remain static with the previous 6 months.

There is already large amount of peer-reviewed lab work indicating that Omicron is significantly less severe than Delta and vaccinations (via T cells, rather than antibodies) work reasonably effectively. 


Thailand will be similar. 


Keep calm & carry on. image.png.b868b335916f4bb11faaa8c1e05c210f.png



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8 hours ago, Dumbfounded said:

The vaccines aren't designed to stop the infection, just the severity of the symptoms, so why panic when infections go up. I don't understand the point of getting double vaxed, booster jabbed every other month, and still be <deleted>ting yourselves if you test positive. If you don't trust the vax why are you taking it?

Because vaccination reduces the chance of infection. Much as birth control pills reduce the chance of conception, but are not 100% effective. Or, bulletproof vests are not 100% effective.


yes, I know you read your meme on the internet, but you need to think, not just parrot mindless drivel

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9 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Because vaccination reduces the chance of infection. Much as birth control pills reduce the chance of conception, but are not 100% effective. Or, bulletproof vests are not 100% effective.


yes, I know you read your meme on the internet, but you need to think, not just parrot mindless drivel

The vaccines help with severe illness but, especially with this new variant, doesn’t do diddly squat to help with infections as we can see from the evidence from highly vaccinated countries such as the UK.  Italy have implicitly admitted this by banning unvaccinated over 50 year olds from going to work(!).  One would presume that this is because those unvaccinated and over 50 are the most likely to consume hospital beds and not the unvaccinated under 50s should they contract covid.  


In fact, since they have now managed to successfully discriminate based on someones possibility to consume hospital resources (and is not related to controlling infections otherwise the youngsters would also be included), the door has now been opened to do the same to obese people.   This is where we are heading.  So well done everyone that has supported every dystopian measure so far - it would never have been able to happen without your support.   

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20 minutes ago, James105 said:

The vaccines help with severe illness but, especially with this new variant, doesn’t do diddly squat to help with infections as we can see from the evidence from highly vaccinated countries such as the UK.  Italy have implicitly admitted this by banning unvaccinated over 50 year olds from going to work(!).  One would presume that this is because those unvaccinated and over 50 are the most likely to consume hospital beds and not the unvaccinated under 50s should they contract covid.  


In fact, since they have now managed to successfully discriminate based on someones possibility to consume hospital resources (and is not related to controlling infections otherwise the youngsters would also be included), the door has now been opened to do the same to obese people.   This is where we are heading.  So well done everyone that has supported every dystopian measure so far - it would never have been able to happen without your support.   

Vaccination helps to reduce infections, just to a lesser degree for Omicron. Those with boosters are well protected. 


You are confusing a lesser degree of protection with 0% protection. That's a rookie mistake. 


I am sure you agree that people should vaccinate to reduce the chance of symptomatic infection, right? 

Edited by Danderman123
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On 1/6/2022 at 3:48 PM, ThailandGuy said:

Look at Denmark, Look at the UK, Belgium, France, Germany, Israël, etc etc. Countries with high vaccination rates and booster vaccines. How does he get to this conclusion? Based on what? Thailand was using sinovac combined with Astrazeneca. That will not help at all. This is a joke right?

Agree, these Thais are so incompetent there pre-teen children could have came up with their ideas ????????????

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On 1/6/2022 at 9:16 AM, Danderman123 said:

You don't seem to understand that vaccination helps protect against infection. 

Of course I  understand that. As you say it helps, it doesn't stop.

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A few locals I know were vaccinated way back in September, which was an AZ dose, that followed a prior Sino one. From what I have seen that will have a much reduced resistance for omicron by now. No mention of the boosters the UK is administering  yet. 

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On 1/7/2022 at 3:52 AM, Jack West Jr said:

In my country of birth , Belgium , the genuine experts have just claimed that in the coming fortnight cases may rise up to 125,000 /day . 

The same is true for all countries where Omicron holds sway . Is there any way to shut up this stupid git ? 

It looks like anti-Vaxxers in Belgium are going to have some protection, if they survive Omicron. 

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He really doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about, does he? Omicron is even hitting countries hard where 80-90% of the people are fully vaccinated and more than half have had their booster shot. Thailand doesn’t come close to these figures. And this guy is running the health department and is in charge of the COVID response. The only glimmer of hope is that Omicron is apparently not as potent as Delta. Fingers crossed.

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