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When I have this as a Covid-19 result what should I do?


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Good morning, 


My girlfriend and I just tested for Covid-19 with a test kit.


did it 2 times on both of us, both result is the same.


We don’t feel anything wrong, we both vaccinated with 3 vaccinations (Astra/Astra/ Moderna). 

i feel quite fine….. maybe a bit tired (I think it’s from work)


what should I and my girlfriend do now?


sure we won’t go out and can work from home. 

but do we have to something and call any government center for Covid-19?



thanks for any help


we live on bangkok area



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22 minutes ago, luckywooman said:

sure we won’t go out and can work from home. 

As long as you don't feel serious symptoms like high fever, sweats, serious pain etc., just stay isolated. Repeat test once daily.

Your case seems to be in line with the news about triple vaxxed having mild or no symptoms. Your vaccinations are about the best recommended (cross vax with Moderna).

I was in a similar situation but had a sore throat and some cough, none of the other symptoms.

Can take a few (like five) days to come back negative.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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25 minutes ago, grain said:

Self isolate for a week and do RAT tests again until neg. Do not contact any Thai covid center or they come and take you away and charge you 5000 Bt per day for 2 weeks. Tell your GF to shut up and not tell everybody. Hope you have plenty of food at home. 

Thank you for the advise.


will do this then.


thanks a lot for the help.


after I get negative test I should be able to go out right? No need to vaccine again? 

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38 minutes ago, luckywooman said:

Thank you for the advise.


will do this then.


thanks a lot for the help.


after I get negative test I should be able to go out right? No need to vaccine again? 

Sure, when you test neg again go out. Many friends of mine in Pattaya have reported testing positive for Omi, they are all vaxed and report they have mild cold symptoms for 3-5 days then they're good to go again.

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1 hour ago, luckywooman said:

I do that every 2-3 days because I work with people. The test you can do it yourself


why shouldn’t you do it? Test kid is not expensive 

Well done the responsible action, to protect not just you and yours but your colleagues, thinking of others not just yourself, needs to be encouraged or we end up with hospitals full, economy in even worse tatters as anyone witnessing street life self discipline and restraint needs "guidance" encouragement, To be fair the regime here as fared no worse than many richer states in both rules, closure, vax and education.


I still see people nearly all young males daily with a mask but no crash helmet overtaking dangerously. I regularly see BiB do same and other things that would get you a ticket/ban anywhere than the land of the .Remember the flipside of liberty is licence.


John had the lock on it a while back



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3 hours ago, luckywooman said:

after I get negative test I should be able to go out right? No need to vaccine again? 

You can go out. Wear a proper mask as always when in the crowds.

Another vaccine seems useless from what I read.

The multi vaxxers in Israel (4 times) still seem to catch it.


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