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Thailand saved my life.

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6 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

Even 20 years ago LA girls were the most vapid and opportunistic ever.

I had a cool looking chick in a bar ask me "What do you drive?" withing two minutes of chat

Now I live an international lifestyle but I have not had sex on the US mainland in at least 16 years.

Good on you. When I moved from NYC to Los Angeles, I realized very quickly, that I had encountered my sexual and romantic nemesis. NYC was great, back in the 1980's. 7 straight available women, to every straight male. It was a crazy, nonstop, hedonistic, you can have anything you want, kind of environment. LA was, and is the opposite. It is brutal. Nearly all my friends there really, really suffer. The women are some of the least interesting, most demanding, most fearful and paranoid, least trusting, and challenging in the world. Unless you are going for an old and ugly one! 


In reality, unless you are quite wealthy, LA really stinks as a place to live.

Edited by spidermike007
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21 hours ago, Don Chance said:

It is not surprising so many farangs commit suicide in Thailand. It can be a depression country. People are bigoted and microaggressions are a daily event.

If you are depressed go to India or Nepal, the people their have genuine smiles and understand life, there you will find real spirituality. Thailand is a military country, where most people care only about money.

If you have no money you could join an ashram in India and live for free. Hare Kirshna, Mother Ashram, Tibetans communities etc.

Spirituality vs sex, hmmmmmmmm.

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On 2/1/2022 at 6:41 AM, spidermike007 said:

Good on you. When I moved from NYC to Los Angeles, I realized very quickly, that I had encountered my sexual and romantic nemesis. NYC was great, back in the 1980's. 7 straight available women, to every straight male. It was a crazy, nonstop, hedonistic, you can have anything you want, kind of environment. LA was, and is the opposite. It is brutal. Nearly all my friends there really, really suffer. The women are some of the least interesting, most demanding, most fearful and paranoid, least trusting, and challenging in the world. Unless you are going for an old and ugly one! 


In reality, unless you are quite wealthy, LA really stinks as a place to live.

Yikes, so vividly described and true. I grew up in that environment, imagine that (not LA itself, but the beach cities about 15 miles south). I finally got out in 1998 but moved up north where I thought it would be better (it wasn't). Now after about 24 years in Northern California I'm ready to go to Thailand, where women actually talk to men.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

You write as if you have never even been with a Thai bar girl. No clue!


Why bother with a real woman- just use one of those love dolls and save your $.

That's rather confusing "real woman" are free and "love dolls" cost money .

Save your money spent on prostitutes and find a real free Woman

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I'd like to say a few words on this. For me Thailand is primarily a place I come to for my good health.

I'm sure for many others it is the same. Simple life in a bungalow by the sea when I arrived set the scene for many.. No need for too much money. Locals happy for some help and if the visitors are not too stressful, there is relative harmony and even genuine friendship. Nothing about which to complain.


Some, instead of keeping to a harmonious way of living, get involved in things that may be injurious to their health and become bitter.


I don't know if I am allowed to mention the late King here; but his words that he wanted to do good resonate with me. 

In the same way; I want to do good in my time on this earth. In this way I love Thailand. It's not about expecting a place to be perfect; it's about you learning to love the one you are with....yourself, Thailand, everyone. You don't make the one you love happy by complaining at them. You do so with warmth and positive encouragement.


It's a little bit rude to go to someone's home and complain about everything. I am sure that many are caught in a trap and the stress is affecting them.

But perhaps learning to return to a simple life was always the answer. Return yourself to a calm state and learn to love again. 


Rather than just talk about it, I just do it. If I fail, I try to do it better the next time. Being in Thailand has helped me with this. But not only Thailand, but everyone I have ever met  and everywhere I have ever been. 


So thank you Thailand and thank you to one and all.






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7 hours ago, PadPrikKhing said:

Yikes, so vividly described and true. I grew up in that environment, imagine that (not LA itself, but the beach cities about 15 miles south). I finally got out in 1998 but moved up north where I thought it would be better (it wasn't). Now after about 24 years in Northern California I'm ready to go to Thailand, where women actually talk to men.

And without fear! You can walk up to any woman in Thailand, and the worse you will get is "I don't speak english", or "sorry, not interested". Most will engage on some level. An utter lack of fear.


The women in the US seem to be so afraid. Some are utterly petrified. Many will not even reply. It is a very abnormal environment. Not healthy for any of the parties. And these days with "me too" and "uber feminism", things have gotten completely out of control. I know nice guys, who are good looking, successful and have a good rap, and they have not seen any action in two years or more. Now, that is a sad statement on America. 

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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The women in the US seem to be so afraid. Some are utterly petrified. Many will not even reply. It is a very abnormal environment. Not healthy for any of the parties. And these days with "me too" and "uber feminism", things have gotten completely out of control. I know nice guys, who are good looking, successful and have a good rap, and they have not seen any action in two years or more. Now, that is a sad statement on America. 

Same in the UK,

My Brit son asked me when he was 20 .........

"Dad, if I've been dating a girl a couple of months she'll sometimes let me have sex with her but doesn't appear to like it much, why is that"

I replied,

"Best ask your mom, she's been like that for the last 30 years, and I haven't a clue why"


That was before I encountered Thailand, where the girls appear to want to do it even when you've already paid and just want to fall asleep. I'd never encountered women who wanted to have sex before.


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12 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Same in the UK,

My Brit son asked me when he was 20 .........

"Dad, if I've been dating a girl a couple of months she'll sometimes let me have sex with her but doesn't appear to like it much, why is that"

I replied,

"Best ask your mom, she's been like that for the last 30 years, and I haven't a clue why"


That was before I encountered Thailand, where the girls appear to want to do it even when you've already paid and just want to fall asleep. I'd never encountered women who wanted to have sex before.



TBH it's always been the other way around for me. It's the girls who want to have sex with me. Not because I'm something special, but because of my particular approach in separating the wheat from the chaff.

So I don't ever get to the point of having sex with someone who doesn't really want to have sex with me. 

Probably the reason why I didn't ever get into the night entertainment scene. I'd rather just give them the money for nothing if they need it that badly, to have to sleep with someone if they didn't really want to do it.

For me it's either a mutual attraction or forget it.

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38 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Same in the UK,

My Brit son asked me when he was 20 .........

"Dad, if I've been dating a girl a couple of months she'll sometimes let me have sex with her but doesn't appear to like it much, why is that"

I replied,

"Best ask your mom, she's been like that for the last 30 years, and I haven't a clue why"


That was before I encountered Thailand, where the girls appear to want to do it even when you've already paid and just want to fall asleep. I'd never encountered women who wanted to have sex before.


I think it can be described as the ability to manifest the dignity within femininity.


Or, a woman who is not trying to be a man, having lost her sense of womanhood, along the way. 


Or a woman who is in touch with her body, and not plagued with feelings of shame and a fake sense of purity. Also, some Thai girlfriends, lovers and wives realize that a man enjoys sex, and allowing them that enjoyment, freedom and pleasure is just not a big deal. 


Lastly, there is a comfort level in the playing of roles here. It is an amazing quality many Thai women have. Allowing a man to be a man, and enjoying being a woman and acting like one. What is more appealing than that? 


Lastly, who wants to be with a woman who is more masculine than we are? There is nothing interesting about that. 

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On 1/30/2022 at 8:47 PM, Top man said:

I really wish I could write properly but to the expats who live back in Thailand I will say this....come back to the west for even a holiday and trust me, you will never complain about Thailand again, as for me I really think its over. 

I forget how lucky I am here. I am due a trip back. My cousin is also a London cabbie and session musician. 

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4 hours ago, GarryP said:

Not me. But I'd still be covered if I returned to the UK. Not on my to-do list though.

I know you get Thai social security, did you keep up your UK pension payments? 

I bever for 20 years but then paid back 10 years at once(66,000 baht( and pay yearly now. 

I'll get a full pension, which ain't bad for only working in the UK for 4 years or so. 

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37 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

I know you get Thai social security, did you keep up your UK pension payments? 

I bever for 20 years but then paid back 10 years at once(66,000 baht( and pay yearly now. 

I'll get a full pension, which ain't bad for only working in the UK for 4 years or so. 

No. I left the UK when I was 19. My mum paid a few years apparently, at least that is what I was told, but when I last checked I would have had to pay so much it really was not worth my while. Apart from the paltry Thai pension, I'll be living off savings starting in January 2023. 

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On 1/30/2022 at 6:47 AM, Top man said:

as for me I really think its over. 

My body is now in London but my heart and soul is back in Thailand and you can't live a life like that. 

Best for you to call the suicide prevention hotline before you pull the plug. Maybe they can send you to someone that can medicate you so it's no longer so bad. Kind of like that Rolling Stones song, what was it called, mother's little helper?

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