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I just bought $200,000 of Bitcoin

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On 11/10/2022 at 11:01 AM, Neeranam said:

It's 'football' and the most popular game in the world, by a long way. Billions will watch the next World Cup, which is open to all countries, even the ones who are <deleted>, like the US, unlike them who have a World Series that only Yank teams play in lol.


BTC will continue to go up. 


I've no idea why people post on thread about BTC when they don't like it. I would never buy stocks and certainly wouldn't go on a thread about them when they go down and try to tell people they are foolish buying them, insane. 


What price was BTC when you first heard about it?


Dude they're just a bunch of haters with nothing better to do than try and rub someone's face in a downtrending economic situation.  


Long time Btc adopter.  Mined it in 2014 with an ASIC  Jalapeno miner.  It was between 100 and 200 dollars at that time.  Cashed out in 2017 when I started traveling professionally.  Reentered in 2019 when I had the ability.  Been dollar cost averaging along the way.  I'm a firm believer in it.  These shakeouts will determine the true players

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11 hours ago, Neeranam said:

You don't understand btc. 


No one loses their money unless they buy and sell immediately the price drops. 

Everyone, except a few understand this. 

Why would someone buy at 48k and sell at 16k, 10 months later?

There's a well known saying in  btc, HODL, no one that HODLs has lost money in BTC 


What is the point in buying Bitcoin, if you aren't going to sell it ?

Isn't the idea to sell it and make a profit ?

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3 hours ago, aldriglikvid said:

Let's assume....


- I learned about Bitcoin yesterday

- I learned about Bitcoin last year

- I learned about Bitcoin 2 years ago


It's down, heavily, in all three periods.


Wait, what - should I change my opinion on anything based on how long I've known about it; not actual facts? 

2 years ago great time to buy.

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2 minutes ago, Sparktrader said:

Maybe when he is old he will. 

I recall when Bitcoin holders were planning their retirement a few years ago when Bitcoin was continually rising and they were going to millionaires soon  by 2023 .

   Sell their bitcoin and buy a Lamborghini , a penthouse in Monaco and a super model wife   and retire at aged 35 years old .

   Still might happen 

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5 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Do you believe your codswallop?


Those of us who have been in for many years buy low, take profits then rinse and repeat, it isn't rocket science. 

Amateur not.  Not sure why you are so resentful towards crypto traders. 


When did you first hear about BTC and take a disliking to it?

You have to start a topic when you invested 50 usd in something, real pro trader.

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10 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I recall when Bitcoin holders were planning their retirement a few years ago when Bitcoin was continually rising and they were going to millionaires soon  by 2023 .

   Sell their bitcoin and buy a Lamborghini , a penthouse in Monaco and a super model wife   and retire at aged 35 years old .

   Still might happen 

Thats just silly goals. Normal people dont think like that. If btc falls to 12k, rises to 100k thats great.  Cash out 90%.

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5 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Do you believe your codswallop?


Those of us who have been in for many years buy low, take profits then rinse and repeat, it isn't rocket science. 

Amateur not.  Not sure why you are so resentful towards crypto traders. 


When did you first hear about BTC and take a disliking to it?

Yes ,easy to do when the price fluctuates and rebounds after a fall and there's always new people putting their money in and causing the price to rise  .

   The B/C price has been declining for over a year now and it may not rise again .

   The "bitter" people will not be the ones who didn't buy B/C , the bitter ones will be the ones who didn't sell at 48 000 K and who are watching their investment decline by the day 

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11 minutes ago, Adumbration said:

Yes.  Please show me these stocks.

You're kidding, right? They are staring you in the face.


Apple, for one (with 250% over last 5 years vs Bitcoin's 90%, lol)


And plenty others too. But I am not gonna give you all my good stock tips, haha.




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9 of the 10 largest exchanges and wallets has either been hacked at least once, complete frauds or straight up ponzi's. 


The third largest exchange in the world, blew up this Thursday. After they reported a -10$ billion dollar deficit compared to their assets, users lost it all. Management not only this week, but for years, has claimed "bank security level" on their exchange/app (just as @Sparktraderabove). 

As a matter of detail, all 9 of the largest wallets/exchanges that has either been hacked or defrauded did always claim top security/bank security before hand. Of course they won't state otherwise. 





Edited by aldriglikvid
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On 2/15/2022 at 4:11 AM, DezLez said:

Are you posting to boast you can afford to write off the money or to tell us about your mental health?

Anyone who claims to have invested $200k in crypto would need at least 10 times that amount in net worth unless they are a massive fool. Anyone with a $2mil net worth would not be found on a Thai msg board bragging about things. He's a fraud and not an honest guy.  

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28 minutes ago, HuskerDo2 said:

Anyone who claims to have invested $200k in crypto would need at least 10 times that amount in net worth unless they are a massive fool. Anyone with a $2mil net worth would not be found on a Thai msg board bragging about things. He's a fraud and not an honest guy.  

I believe that he is telling the truth and you really shouldn't accuse others of lying based solely on your assumptions 

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15 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Some people fall back on the amateur excuses;


One is: "You haven't lost if you haven't sold"  (which is relevant ONLY to the amateur and the tax man; the market is under no obligation to ever go back to where they bought)


Another is: "But I'm still ahead" (which is silly, because even if they bought at 1 penny, at current prices they have left roughly $52000 per coin on the table, or 225% more than it's now worth)


Let it be. That is how amateurs salve their wounds.

Any professional trader who tries to salve his ego by saying "I'm still ahead", when he's left on the table upwards of $52000, would be sent packing in an instant. That's a pure amateur rationalization.


Besides, this crash is different, because it has exposed the entire fraud that was suggested (or readily apparent) to traders for a long time:  Large holders both ramped, and now try to support, their own position. There's no new money helping them anymore, because the buzz is gone and retail has been burnt enough. Large holders like SBF, Three Arrows, Celsius and Saylor had had to rely on debt, and often from loans from an 'exchange' they created. They've doubled the danger by pledging their coins as collateral (to themselves or their own exchange or company or a foolish bank).


As each exchange collapses, the collateral backing the loans tumbles, as it's forced liquidation.  The list of zero'd out coins and bankrupt exchanges increases by the day, and there is no sign of let up. Binance, who was going to buy FTX, quickly realized FTX had done what Binance itself has done, which is loan to itself to buy coins, which they pledge as collateral for more loans.


Odds are there are many more failures to come. Many more.


You explained this very well.


But when you question a crypto guy their answer is ususally.... "you don't understand cryto".


or.... "it would take too long to explain".


Case closed.

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Interesting times in crypto. All we can do is guess what is going to happen. Those that control crypto also control the media so the news gives us a clue as to what their intentions might be.


I've been around a while but have never experienced FUD at this level - it's extreme. They created panic which has lead to fear and the news is hinting that now might be a good time to take what you can and cash out.


I am asking myself - why would they want me to do that? I am confident I know the answer and will be making decisions accordingly.


Good luck to everyone in crypto at this time - you'll need it ????

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12 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Do you know what a bull market and bear market are?

I do. They are terms used within the crypto PsyOp to trick the herd into believing that either the buyers or the sellers are in control of the market.


If I am not mistaken, their puppet CZ has control of the market at the moment doesn't he?

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32 minutes ago, DumbFalang said:

I do. They are terms used within the crypto PsyOp to trick the herd into believing that either the buyers or the sellers are in control of the market.


If I am not mistaken, their puppet CZ has control of the market at the moment doesn't he?



I hope so, I bought many of his coin, BNB,  at $5/6 and continue to buy it at $250+

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14 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

The "bitter" people will not be the ones who didn't buy B/C , the bitter ones will be the ones who didn't sell at 48 000 K and who are watching their investment decline by the day 

The best plan is to buy, wait a bit until it doubles, sell your initial investment and then you are using house money. This is what Jim Cramer did; he is seemingly famous in the US. 

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