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People advised to be aware of Long COVID’s effects on mental health


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I'm sure that if the Doctor had a credible reason to support the medical findings that were cited in the British Journal then that Doctor should find a better forum for delivering important medical advice to Thai's rather than via facebook, e.g. via a media release. The Doctor should have presented his findings that support or corroborate the earlier findings from the British Journal with supporting scientific evidence for peer review. At this stage the Doctor is merely a parrot, repeating the work of others.

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12 hours ago, ChaiyaTH said:

The lockdown due to covid indeed causes long term mental health issues. Not covid itself.

No it doesn't!


People with Long Covid are not treated -- no one knows how to treat it. My son has it and he's now been too ill to work now for over 5 months.


He has had an MRI scan which tells him the muscles on his heart are damaged due to the virus. He has difficulty in walking distances, his breathing is affected, his hearing is affected. His doctor doesn't know how to treat it and when he went for his MRI scan the radiologist said he didn't know what he was looking for! He was a big, strong, 6ft2in, healthy 45-year-old who now thinks he's likely to lose his job and if not whether he will ever be able to do the same job again!


There are quite a number of Long Covid sufferers now.


That's Long Covid mental health -- not the Lockdown!

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7 hours ago, TKDfella said:

I think in a way all this was thought of on the forum Moons ago. Instead of TAT and the gov. spreading false hopes that tourism crowds were returning where people hung on, got more in debt. From there on their lives were slipping down hill. Covid may very infectious but living in situations where tourism workers don't know where the 'next penny is coming' opens them to all the other diseases that are prevalent in Thailand. TAT should have been 'shelved' and those in charge, helped to take of the tourism industry's dilemma by trying to develop alternatives. No, to much like hard work and much better to sit in their 'easy chairs' making up figures of how crowds of tourists are going to return. Of course there will be mental health issues in such circumstances.

It would be better if TAT and the Government worked together, instead of one trying to attract tourists and the other actively "disencouraging" them!!

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14 hours ago, webfact said:

A senior doctor at Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University said, today (Friday), that the coronavirus should not be considered as being similar to the common cold or influenza, due to its potentially long-term effects on mental health.

Yet they never address "Long-Dengue" and other viral infections that tend to hang on long-term. 

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14 hours ago, webfact said:

A senior doctor at Thailand’s Chulalongkorn University said, today (Friday), that the coronavirus should not be considered as being similar to the common cold or influenza, due to its potentially long-term effects on mental health.

Every time a 'senior doctor' chimes in, they should be required to make a 'conflict of interest statement' and divulge their funding sources.

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I first tested positive for Covid on Monday 7th Feb 2022.


I lost all sense of taste and smell for about 5 days, but they are slowly coming back.


I also lost 5Kg! .....So not all bad! :cheesy:


The other weird thing with this virus is that when I first caught it I slept for 14 hours straight!.....Now even though I feel knackered all the time I can hardly sleep!   



I also have a bad cough which has shown no signs of going away anytime soon!


I had 2 AZ jabs followed by 1 Pfizer Booster before I got ill..... (last one Xmas Day)....


But, joking apart I think I may have been in SERIOUS trouble if I had not had the jabs!....Having said that I got an allergic reaction after the second AZ jab!


Stay safe!!.....This is not a Bug to be messed about with!.....


My brother's GF in the UK has had "Long Covid" for over 12 months!.....She had a Double Mastectomy a couple of years ago due to Breast Cancer!....She is Immuno-Compromised because of all the meds she has to take!....She has been in and out of hospital for weeks at a time since she first caught Covid.


People who have never experienced it and say..."Let it run its' course....It's just like a Heavy Cold" have got no idea!


Good luck everyone and please "Stay Safe"!




Edited by Troy Tempest
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Mental illness post-viral infection is common and happens with other viruses too such as influenza. It always has a neurological cause except in cases of chronic infection (3mon+).


Trying to dismiss mental illness of neurological cause just because it shares symptoms with someone who is depressed for being locked down too long is ridiculous. Acute mental illness can often be treated preventing a chronic condition but it requires early treatment. Early treatment requires people be aware of it. That's what this doctor is trying to achieve.

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I have had friends and relatives who have contracted COVID and have had long term physical effects as well. Those who have gotten COVID and only had mild symptoms should consider themselves to be very lucky.  Of course I have read from some posters

who have only had the mild symptoms, to spout off that COVID is just like a regular cold, or flu.

They are the self centered, self absorbed types, though.

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