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Assault on Kiev: Russian helicopters swoop above Ukraine's capital


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British Defense Secretary George Wallace said Monday about 15,000 Russian troops have been killed since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, adding to mounting evidence of the Russian death toll—NATO estimated last month 7,000 to 15,000 Russian troops have died in the invasion and Ukraine said Monday 21,900 Russian troops have been killed, all far outpacing the 1,351 dead Russia reported March 25 in its last casualty update.



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11 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Russia has cut gas supplies to Poland and Bulgaria ( on Al Jazeera it was said because they wouldn't pay in roubles ). It might be a tad more urgent to find alternate sources of supply for Europe if they continue to supply weapons to Ukraine.

Am I the only one that thinks aiding an enemy of the country that is providing something of major importance is not going to have consequences?


BTW, so much for the posters a while back that were saying Russia would not cut gas supply to Europe if they didn't pay in roubles.

Heard a report today on France 24 the some countries are opening Rubles accounts in Switzerland.

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Energy companies in Germany, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia are preparing to open ruble accounts at Gazprombank in Switzerland, it said. The move is described as precautionary as Eni seeks more guidance from the Italian government and European authorities. Earlier on Wednesday, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen warned companies not to bend to Russia’s demands to pay for gas in rubles, saying that doing so would go against sanctions.



Edited by ozimoron
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27 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

sanctions against a country which unilaterally invaded a sovereign nation and committed massive war crimes is blackmail now?

I guess so, if you don't do what we want we will put sanctions on you, what else is it seen as. 

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36 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

It’s not a matter of not doing ‘what we want’. It’s a matter of international agreed upon conventions (signed by Russia as well, by the way), among other things that you don’t invade a sovereign country and commit the most atrocious war crimes there. When you do that, you can expect sanctions as punishment. 

So why wasn't Ukraine's problems that went on for 8 years important to the US,  UK and EU.

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14 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

If sanctioning is misplaced then for sure that is a crime in a manner of speaking. 

This is why sanctions have been applied.


The U.S. has reliable information that Russian military forces executed Ukrainians who were trying to surrender near Donetsk, a U.S. official said Wednesday.

According to Ambassador-at-Large for Global Criminal Justice Beth Van Schaack, the U.S. has credible reports and photos of individuals killed "execution-style" with their hands bound, including bodies showing signs of torture and accounts of sexual violence against women and girls.



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1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

So why wasn't Ukraine's problems that went on for 8 years important to the US,  UK and EU.

I can answer that! Boris wasn't in power then to stir everyone up. Before we had wet & woke Cameron, whose claim to fame was civil partnerships, and then the wicked Euro witch Theresa May. Both of whom would have done a Neville Chamberlain with Russia, "Peace in our Time except for Ukraine".


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On 4/25/2022 at 9:38 PM, ozimoron said:

Could you please try to use shorter words? I didn't realise that my English was so poor. I am however, fairly interested in myself.

I wold not opt to comment on your  English  but  your self interest is  vary apparent !

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not too early:

Ukraine: German lawmakers overwhelmingly approve heavy weapons deliveries




many countries are delivering artillery to Ukraine now, I think these can make a difference.


average deviation at 48 Km distance: 1m and they can hit moving targets.

welcome to Ukraine !


Edited by tgw
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2 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

No one believes anything the Russians say

Hmmm, I wonder why that is. Maybe because the Kremlin has muzzled or eliminated every credible news source in Russia and the ‘official’ news media spout nothing but outrageous lies and hysteria?

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On 4/25/2022 at 10:26 PM, placeholder said:

I almost suspect that the author of this is composing a parody of a certain kind of academic argle-bargle. This sentence alone "The massive percentage of Nations have expressed sympathy and horror at the rising evidence of humanitarian abuses in the Russia/Ukraine situation while for many that echoes the same same but  marginally different demonstration of mafioso geopolitical attempt in domination that has disrupted any reasonable concept of a normal and peaceful life!" is almost brilliant in its ridiculousness. I particularly enjoyed "the same but marginally different demonstration of mafioso geopolitical attempt at domination..." 


Or maybe it's just the work of a bot created by a mad leftwing professor. It is, in its own dismal way, a remarkable achievement. So many words to say so little.


I think  it can be boiled down to this.: "Crimes against humanity are happening in the Ukraine. The countries that are condemning these crimes are guilty of committing them too. If other countries don't want to go along and condemn Russia, that's their right."


It is to be noted in nojohndoe's version, no responsibility is assigned to who is committing these horrendous abuses in what he calls, not The Russian Invasion, but rather the "Russia/Ukraine situation". Maybe we can coin a slogan for Russia out of this "Not an invasion Just a situation"

I agree that  "simplification"  is probably the  singular "forte" of the vociferous clique that expound in massive  volumes of  verbage opinions of collective appeal to and for "virtual" high fives while  ignoring the actuality of geopolitical complexity.

Puerile attempts at deflection in support of simplistic opinion do nothing to offer content worthy of  consideration.  No more so than the equally puerile expressed opinions of fellows to the  "ever so righteously politically  correct club" who automatically and in virtual unison deign anyone who fails or questions their collective opinion to be sympathetic to Putin et al ! Defined ignorants !

There is no geopolitical  simplification  in the "situation" when and where the majority of Nations object to a minority assuming a mandate which in terms of global ramifications that minority has no right to inflict, never has, and now due to potential global armageddon continues to pursue .

In reality is there one side in this conflict that can honestly claim innocence ? 

There is undeniably one side that unreserved in demonstrating inhumane acts .

A remote  faction of the "Other "side seems  quite content to  assist  a prolonged contest .



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1 hour ago, tgw said:

not too early:

Ukraine: German lawmakers overwhelmingly approve heavy weapons deliveries




many countries are delivering artillery to Ukraine now, I think these can make a difference.


average deviation at 48 Km distance: 1m and they can hit moving targets.

welcome to Ukraine !


This link may have more relevance than the Gepards for your commentary !


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27 minutes ago, Nojohndoe said:

I agree that  "simplification"  is probably the  singular "forte" of the vociferous clique that expound in massive  volumes of  verbage opinions of collective appeal to and for "virtual" high fives while  ignoring the actuality of geopolitical complexity.

Puerile attempts at deflection in support of simplistic opinion do nothing to offer content worthy of  consideration.  No more so than the equally puerile expressed opinions of fellows to the  "ever so righteously politically  correct club" who automatically and in virtual unison deign anyone who fails or questions their collective opinion to be sympathetic to Putin et al ! Defined ignorants !

There is no geopolitical  simplification  in the "situation" when and where the majority of Nations object to a minority assuming a mandate which in terms of global ramifications that minority has no right to inflict, never has, and now due to potential global armageddon continues to pursue .

In reality is there one side in this conflict that can honestly claim innocence ? 

There is undeniably one side that unreserved in demonstrating inhumane acts .

A remote  faction of the "Other "side seems  quite content to  assist  a prolonged contest .



I'll tell you one thing. There is one side which has committed way more atrocities than the other.

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6 minutes ago, placeholder said:

What is unclear to you about these sentences of mine?

"What does Russia's silence tell you? That the news on that score is good? Or that Russia is hiding some really grim figures.?"

Actually the Russian Ministry of Defense did publish official figures a week ago, but a few hours later deleted them, another one of their slip ups


Russian Defense Min starts admitting really casualties numbers. Estimates around 20,400. (7000 MIA + 13400 Verified Dead) And the real fighting is about to begin.

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4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Going well into the weeds now. My comments were addressed to a specific post that I quoted and had nothing to do with Russian State tv, political pundits and Dumas. If you want to comment on them perhaps you should post something about that yourself.


I also gather that satire is a foreign concept to certain posters.

Probably better for you to re read the post you responded to as it’s relevance was in the link that was posted to the state TV pundits and how that can then transfer directly to an official line.

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Moscow Has Deported 500,000 People to Russia, Ukraine Lawmaker Says


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Moscow has deported 500,000 people from Ukraine to Russia, a leading member of the parliament in Kyiv told European lawmakers on Wednesday, calling on the Red Cross to establish contact with those missing.

"Half a million of Ukrainian citizens were deported from Ukraine to the Russian Federation without agreement from their side," said Mykyta Poturayev, the head of the Ukrainian parliament's humanitarian committee.


War in Ukraine: Ukrainians deported to Russia beaten and mistreated


The BBC has spoken to the families of more than a dozen people who have been taken hostage by Russian troops.

Only a few have returned. The majority are still missing, like Yuliia Payevska. Her husband Vadym told us she was captured by Russian forces on 14 March when she was working as a paramedic in Mariupol, helping evacuate injured soldiers and civilians.


Canada Lawmakers Vote Unanimously to Label Russia's Acts in Ukraine as 'Genocide'


(Reuters) -Canadian lawmakers voted unanimously on Wednesday to call Russia's attacks in Ukraine a "genocide", with members of parliament saying there was "ample evidence of systemic and massive war crimes against humanity" being committed by Moscow.

The Canadian House of Commons' motion said war crimes by Russia include mass atrocities, systematic instances of willful killing of Ukrainian civilians, the desecration of corpses, forcible transfer of Ukrainian children, torture, physical harm, mental harm, and rape.

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