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Thai government maintains “neutral” position in Ukraine-Russia conflict


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4 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

As unjust and cruel Russia's malicious attack on Ukraine is and as much as the world community is entirely right in condemning Russia for its despicable action, please let's not forget to also apply the same yardstick next time the United States of America unilaterally decide that they must "liberate" some foreign nation.


Remember Haiti, Grenada, Somalia, Iraq.


What's good for the goose should also be good for the gander. 


Yeah right - As long as USA together with their dependent allies bankrupt Russia first then all is peachy and splendidly perfect.

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5 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

There’s no such thing as neutrality. If you don’t condemn you condone.

No, its quite possible to neither condemn or Condone . 

Its the Western mentality these days where you have to be on  either side and there's no middle ground .

   Like, you're either far right or far left and there's nothing in the middle 

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4 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Liberating and helping out a country under a brutal regime is not the same as a full scale out and out invasion with indiscriminate killings of citizens just because you feel threatened and want what they have.  This is akin to the school yard bully beating up on the other kids just to take their money, clothes etc... because he is feeling the pinch himself....try again sir.

In the same way you think America "liberates" countries under brutal regimes, Putin is liberating Ukraine from the Ultra Right neo Nazis of the National Guard of Ukraine who have been battling pro Russian forces in Donbass and killing and terrorizing ethnic Russian citizens of Donetsk and Lugansk for the past eight years because they wanted autonomy from the corrupt government that was installed after the American government fomented an uprising in 2014. (Regime change)


The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights {OHCHR} has connected the Azov Battalion to war crimes such as mass looting, unlawful detention, rape, torture and other atrocities.

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2 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No, its quite possible to neither condemn or Condone . 

Its the Western mentality these days where you have to be on  either side and there's no middle ground .

   Like, you're either far right or far left and there's nothing in the middle 

Oh right, so the Swiss were neutral in WW2 then?

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1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Yes, they didn't join either side of the war , hence remaining neutral 

In theory. In practise not at all. You could start with Nazi gold and ho from there. However it’s not a relevant discussion here.

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10 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

The truly despicably pathetic thing is:


If Russia wins and assimilates Ukraine, Thailand will proudly proclaim that it has "always been with Russia".


Yet if Ukraine against all odds should survive this and Russia is being shunned by the world community, Thailand will proclaim that "in principle we always supported the cause of Ukraine's independence".


Well now the voted against Russia at the UN General Assembly. Couldn't look bad in public... GRRR...

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On 3/3/2022 at 2:40 AM, Banana7 said:

There we see it, Thailand will not do or say anything when they see horrendous international law violations, outrageous immoral actions and behaviour and unspeakable international political actions.


Just nothing from Thailand because they can't see how to make money from supporting the legal, moral and proper political position.


Good on you Thailand, there have been thousands killed by neo Nazis for years in Belarus, there are mass graves sites of atrocities, now the Ukraine is letting all the hardened criminals out of Jail and giving them guns supplied by the USA to shoot at Russians, Ukraine has made all males from 18 to 60 stay and let everyone else flee, Russia does not want Nato on its doorstep with Nuclear capability, just as the USA did not want Cuba, and it had to stop the Neo Nazi murder that has been going on for the last 14 years of its people, people that do not listen to both sides are puppets of CNN and stumbling Joe Biden and the CIA, who are training mercenaries to help the Neo Nazi maniacs that run the Ukraine, Putin will succeed , just remember he controls most of the worlds fertilizer amongst other things that are going to hurt the whole world, at least Prayut can grow his rice without fear of Thais starving because of the USA and its mad NATO <deleted>, just remember how many wars they started in the middle east for weapons of mass destruction, of which there turned out to be none.  Just look up the documentary on the genocide murders that have been going on by Neo Nazis against Russian citizens in Belarus, before you spout off about CNN and its rubbish.

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On 3/2/2022 at 8:04 PM, Will B Good said:

Will Thailand be expecting support from the UN, the EU et al when China finally takes over?

Exactly what I was thinking last night when I read the headline to this article, Will B Good. When China walks in to Thailand ......... and China probably will eventually if Putin's agenda plays out as Putin wants, then Thailand will be quite understanding when the rest of the world takes a similar neutral stance. Cowardly and self-serving attitude by this 'leadership'.

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